I think something relevant to keep in mind here is just how W10M is being employed. Typically, with a new Android or Apple next generation phone release a newer or more refined mobile OS comes with it...or immediately follows, with little or no backwards compatibility (Apple in particular sticks to this mantra). Further more, when the newer OS's release they often times don't support the older devices (Again, Apple in particular). More often than not, the newer OS's simply don't support the dated hardware on the older devices, does't make sense to carry over what is obsolete or to bloat the OS with unneeded software and drivers.
Microsoft has decided against this practice and has done their best to release W10M to support as many Windows phones as is conceivable. Their approach is highly unorthodox in the tech world as it shows their stance to embrace older tech with the new OS, to keep the obsolete 'current'. But there is another thing to note; It's a brilliant move. How many still use W8.xM, or Windows XP, Windows 7, 8, 8.1? Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile is the ultimate compromise for Microsoft, it's an effort to produce a uniform OS on as many PC's and Mobile Devices as possible in an effort to cut support for older software and simplify trouble shooting and PR by getting everyone on the same OS.
All of that considered, it's no wonder that there are the rash of issues that they currently face. Trying to optimize the platform to perform better than previous iterations AND be lighter than those prior has got to be a challenge, maybe even one they cannot beat. Fortunately the releases are there to keep things progressing forward. As an insider, I'm still running the .29 update, which was a MASSIVE step up from the prior, but still have to wait for the .36 to be provided to the insider server. If anyone has release info on that I would be much obliged!