W10M release dates? Answers inside...

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Such a Soon? we here from October,December 2015 and now early January again February 2016.

May be next is march,may December 2016.

Soon? has different meaning in Microsoft's dictionary.

Early 2016 means the Q1 of 2016 that extends from January to march. By the end of this month we will definitely get the some information.

....... Because Microsoft won't release without fixing all the minor bugs that are still there and REMEMBER THAT MICROSOFT is now focusing on just bug fixes rather than new features which means that they are also desperate to release wm10 as soon as possible.
Maybe they're just chugging along so it aligns with redstones release... Like how 8.1 came out like a month or two after 8.1 desktop?
Maybe they're just chugging along so it aligns with redstones release... Like how 8.1 came out like a month or two after 8.1 desktop?

Don't think so. I mean, that would be the ideal way to do it, but Microsoft delayed twice already. This whole thing wasn't planned.

Official Soon Logo . Enjoy!!!
Nokiapoweruser reported that a update is rolling out to 535 users in middle east....yet official confirmation from MS not available
While Microsoft has not said anything on the official roll out of Windows 10 Mobile for Windows Phone 8.1 devices, one thing is getting clear now, Build 10586 is coming to Non-Insiders i.e. consumers on 8.1. I wrote a post about this particular build sometime back, saying that this is the best build to try, as it is the most stable one.

Post that, Microsoft has rolled out cumulative updates to Windows 10 Mobile preparing them for next major release which now looks like 10586. Microsoft Insiders Chief, Gabriel Aul, shared that this particular build is getting tuned for non-insiders, and cumulative update are way to go ahead.

@oggy1995 we're tuning 10586 to release to non-Insiders. Cumulative Updates are key improvements to allow smooth upgrades.

? Gabriel Aul (@GabeAul) February 12, 2016

Microsoft recently made changes to insiders program which allows anyone to stay on a current build, they think are stable, and keep getting cumulative updates, and bug fixes. I think this will make sure the Insiders get to upgrade path in much more stable pattern. So what about those who had been waiting for 10 from a very long time, I am sure you wont have to go through lot of pain as the insiders.

That said, there is one major promise that will get tested with 10586?Carrier Bypass?for which Microsoft has promised that they will by pass the carrier to roll out Windows 1o Mobile upgrade.
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