W10M release dates? Answers inside...

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I'm sick of waiting for official release for my 640xl. Bought it as with perspective that win10m will be shiped out in the end of 2015. No official date, no mentioning how long it will take. If my phone wont have update until begining of march, then this phone will go to the bin.
I'm sick of waiting for official release for my 640xl. Bought it as with perspective that win10m will be shiped out in the end of 2015. No official date, no mentioning how long it will take. If my phone wont have update until begining of march, then this phone will go to the bin.

Same feelings bro. Win10 was the only reason for myself getting 640XL
So are they sticking with the end of February timeframe or is it pushed back again

Sent from mTalk

Sticking with 1st quarter 2016..but that doesn't mean it won't start end of Feb. Noone knows which version will be more stable for official release although its a good sign the latest versions were pushed to non insiders 950 550. Now with that comment we have the same as before whenever a rumor date is coming out.people will be eager to that date and if it doesnt get released will have a repeat of the comments ms failing to deliver etc...
Only a fraction of the 'failing to deliver' comments that will arrive when it does come out. W10 on touch devices sounds far better than it actually is, and it doesn't even sound very good.
installating a good build is better than an error one...if I correct 950 was released with a half backed one...usually majority of people only update the major update so its good to have a polished one...no problem happen by waiting so let's wait...
Development is infinity, never ending. But something comes in between which makes somebody happy, better is that I guess!
Ms is currently working on Redstone mobile builds, so surely 10586 is being prepped for deployment to 8.1 users 😒
It must be deliver with bug fixed. But i dont know, because theres no spesific changelog when build deliver from fast ring to slow ring. I just feel, it was same. If they release it public same as deliver to insider, i think it will be big risk.
e. The cycle can happen more than once.

Bro, he may basically be a consumer who may also be a MS fan and may be looking for windows 10. So to a consumer if u explain him cycles and bicycles, rickshaw and autos that MS may or may not have, that matters u since u may be windows fan in always. The consumer would just break the phone and move to other platform. He needs better service and not better reasons about
1. Why he has to pay for third party basic apps in windows
2. Why cCortana is forever beta and alpha.
3. Why MS is delaying windows 10.

Reasons though valid or not definitely not acceptable in a competitive market having a OS in preview for more than a year and voice assistant being alpha for a decade in the mere excuse of saying its learning
Emjey, you completely misunderstood my post, and Venki's I think.

Please see definition #1 of "cycle" here

Cycle | Define Cycle at Dictionary.com

Dude, if you can understand that I was being sarcastic about the cycle thing. I know what is a software development or testing cycle, FYI

I had mentioned that a CONSUMER Is no way interested about your information. He needs results and better product with updates. And for MS, reasons cannot give them market share
Sigh. The internet would be a whole lot better if people just said what they mean.
They sold a bunch of phone with upgradable to W10 a long time ago, then they release beta OS devices without the beta tag which made consumers who bought WP8.1 first wave devices angry thinking that the OS might be ready
Bro, he may basically be a consumer who may also be a MS fan and may be looking for windows 10. So to a consumer if u explain him cycles and bicycles, rickshaw and autos that MS may or may not have, that matters u since u may be windows fan in always. The consumer would just break the phone and move to other platform. He needs better service and not better reasons about
1. Why he has to pay for third party basic apps in windows
2. Why cCortana is forever beta and alpha.
3. Why MS is delaying windows 10.

Reasons though valid or not definitely not acceptable in a competitive market having a OS in preview for more than a year and voice assistant being alpha for a decade in the mere excuse of saying its learning

So ...
Do you really expect that someone here can "answer" these questions?
And even if someone can "answer" them, do you really think that this person also can make it happen?
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