W10M release dates? Answers inside...

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Si.Mobil carrier
Lumia 640 LTE

Already downloaded, currently installing. You have to use the upgradeadvisor and it Will trigger the update in the settings menu.
innocent users remember only important thing that you will be repeatedly asked to show about your device in any of the forums here on windows central will be your OS build/version and your firmware number. do make it clear you have either edited or shaded the IMEI and mac addresses before posting as these could be used against you in various ways. PLAY SAFE.
installed...now going from .107 to .164 unfortunately didnt take notes on screen apps what i had how i had it and now there are some spaces empty
@Alacorn : Same happens to me too. Can't find Upgrade Advisor in Store and links on site don't work. :(

Update: make Website preference to mobile version in the browser to download it!
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OK.. just finished updating to 10 mobile which was version .107 However I have just tried phone update and it seems there is an update to version 10586.164 available.
So my understanding is there's no way forward for the L1320. Is that correct? If so, no harm no foul. I bought it cheap just to try out W10 via the Insider Program. If not for the freezing issue (and showing SD card errors after reboots), I would have used it as a daily driver. Quite liked the look of W10M.
US. Cricket. 1520. RM-938_lta_lta_905. Mobile Operator 000-22.

I seem to have stalled on Migrating Data step 20 of 22.

Waited awhile... If progress remains 0% Imma Soft Reset this thang.

Might have been close to 20 minutes I was stuck at 0% step 20 of 22.

Soft Reset.

Almost immediately I'm done upgrading.

10586.107 installed.

Checking for updates. .164 found. Updating.
Getting the update for my unlocked Vodafone 930, in previous months I tried out Update Adviser app and then removed it. Right now I can't find it in store or download trough QR link. But my phone remembered it in download history and I was able to get to the store page there and use it to initiate the upgrade... There just had to sell my soul to the devil, nothing more.
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