Nokia's first device after Microsoft is an iPad mini clone that runs Android | The Verge Nokia has came back into the device game with a Tablet. But not with Windows, with Android. (Larry Page is having a party because Nokia just put another nail into the Coffin of Microsoft). What the hell is going on up there in Redmond? Satya Nadella seems to be sleeping on the job. No way in heck would Steve Ballmer let Nokia do this To Microsoft. He would sue Nokia for Violating there deal they had in place. Keep the Nokia name on the phones and try to buy out the whole company. People ask why Microsoft is having problems in the mobile realm? This is one of many examples. Ballmer should have sued Google directly to the point that they could not run android anymore, and Microsoft could have took over and improved Android to the point that it ran smooth. But because of Paul Allen and others who wanted no more windows, but more programs for IOS, and Android. We are going to see the untimely death of a great software company and Larry Page and Sergei Brin are going to cheer Microsoft's down fall. And it is all because Satya allowed Nokia to Make a google based Android tablet.