Wake up Microsoft you just lost Nokia to Android.

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Honestly, I am still routing for Nokia regardless of what OS they use. IMO, I still think they were better off with WP at the time. With the backing from Microsoft they helped bring more attention to their smartphone products in the US which was non-existent. If they did android 3 years back, they would have been drowned out by Samsung who was a total juggernaut at the time. HTC and LG had some good phones but still couldn't compete. It also gave Android people time to salivate at something they couldn't have and build up demand. Microsoft also benefited since Nokia had products that were unique enough to pick off people that just wanted the Nokia design and tech and were willing to take a chance on WP. Microsoft definitely wouldn't have gotten even the 4% marketshare without Nokia products. Yes, I know it feels like a double cross but to be honest, we are just sad that our star player is no longer on our team.
IMO, I still think they were better off with WP at the time.

I tend to lean the other way. I believe Nokia could have made a go of it with Android. They took WP and improved it quite a bit from what Microsoft gave them to work with. They put WP on good hardware. Android is much easier to work with, and with Nokia good engineers I think they could have come up with a solid product. And I'm not sure what the market shares looked like in 2010, but was Samsung the force in Android back then that they are now? Nokia could be that force today along with, or instead of, Samsung.

It's true that the Android market is a tough one with Samsung in the mix, but even if Nokia would have taken 5% of the Android market, it would have been more devices than they sold with WP. And other manufacturers such as LG and Huawei have been doing better lately against Samsung. It wouldn't have been easy for Nokia in the Android world, that's for sure. But, going with WP didn't work out so well for them either, and that's even with Microsoft's subsidies.
It's true that the Android market is a tough one with Samsung in the mix, but even if Nokia would have taken 5% of the Android market, it would have been more devices than they sold with WP.
It might have been around the same. 5% of 80% of the world marketshare is about 4% global market share which is about what they have with Windows. Of course now that you mention it, they might have done better in Europe since their brand was still strong over there and Android was popular. All in all, they still would have been in the red and had to sell to someone or get bailed out. The Microsoft way was just a softer landing since they were being subsidized.
Chill.. The Nokia name was given to a Chinese company for branding.. This tablet is NOT made by Nokia.. I guess if Nokia give their branding to cheap companies it will degrade their brands value..

It's A NOKIA tablet. Nokia allows their name to go on it, it's a NOKIA. Ford had a car called the FESTIVA -(not to be confused with the current Fiesta) That FESTIVA was made by MAZDA. It's still a FORD, if anything goes wrong or it's if it's panned then FORD gets bad press not Mazda. It's NOKIA Tablet end of story.
It might have been around the same. 5% of 80% of the world marketshare is about 4% global market share which is about what they have with Windows. Of course now that you mention it, they might have done better in Europe since their brand was still strong over there and Android was popular. All in all, they still would have been in the red and had to sell to someone or get bailed out. The Microsoft way was just a softer landing since they were being subsidized.

I was generalizing. WP's worldwide market share in sales has been from 2.5 - 3.5% the last couple years, with around 90 - 95% or so being Nokia. 4% of the worldwide market would still be somewhat higher. I used 5% as a very conservative number, but Nokia would have had the potential to do much better. Imagine if they had gotten into the Android realm back in 2010 when Android was still somewhat young and immature. I honestly believe Nokia could be similar to what Samsung is today, replacing them or at least equaling.

You are certainly correct that Microsoft's subsidies softened the blows.
Android 5.0 runs fine on nexus 9, there are known issues with nexus7, m sure nxt update would fix that, W8.1 pro or W10 "will" beat Android is a speculation, if someone had to enter/re-enter hardware market,Android is their best bet "currently", it might be laggy but has a 82% marketshare and growing that says something isnt it.

P.S. Not at all a android sympathizer but then these are plain facts.

well im a consumer,if i found lag on my android device theres no saying that the latest hardware is supposedly better
my nexus 7 was fine with kit kat and nexus 5 was fine with kit kat as well,android L is pathetically slow on it
Windows 8.1 Pro would have killed android especially with that hardware,nokia and price
android is no ones best bet
Nokia has still been afloat without android,the logical move would be to advance in the areas where they are better known
they improved Windows Phone and brought it to the map,Nokia X was a bitter failure and was neither here,neither there
id take full windows any day over android
There hasn't been a significant consumer uptake of full-blown Windows running on a smallish tablet. The Venue 8 sold decently enough, but it's number are extremely low compared to tablets running Android. Nokia/Foxconn is probably hoping to sell a lot of these things, and you can't tell me that putting full Windows 8 on it would make it sell more than putting Android Lollipop on it.

umm i beg to differ
the only reason people arent getting a windows tablet is because they are forced to buy RT tablets or are forced to shell out alot of money to buy a proper tablet like Yoga or SP3 or are forced to buy poorly made cheap chinese products like notion ink cain
the Nokia N1 is the nexus and ipad killer with hardware,quality and pricing
the Nokia tag stands for quality
if the same tablet was made by say xiaomi or oppo or something,people wouldnt have turned their heads to look at it the way they did when they saw Nokia on it
if that thing ran windows 8.1 pro,android would lose marketshare for sure
now microsoft should wake up and release a competitor to the N1 if they want a chance to dethrone android
The Nokia tag *stood* for quality. Now it just stands to fleece money from consumers reminiscing about Nokia's past glories, who will receive a generic Android tablet manufactured by a different company for their money. Oh, of course with the Nokia logo on it instead of the original manufacturer's name.

You might as well just buy a cheap Android tablet, some Avery labels, print out the Nokia logo and sticker it over the manufacturers name. Same end result, but a lot cheaper.
The Nokia tag *stood* for quality. Now it just stands to fleece money from consumers reminiscing about Nokia's past glories, who will receive a generic Android tablet manufactured by a different company for their money. Oh, of course with the Nokia logo on it instead of the original manufacturer's name.

You might as well just buy a cheap Android tablet, some Avery labels, print out the Nokia logo and sticker it over the manufacturers name. Same end result, but a lot cheaper.

Amber, Black and Cyan stood for amazing FW experiences full of abilities that exists on no other WP and sometimes phone, remind me what Denim stands for now?
The Nokia tag *stood* for quality. Now it just stands to fleece money from consumers reminiscing about Nokia's past glories, who will receive a generic Android tablet manufactured by a different company for their money. Oh, of course with the Nokia logo on it instead of the original manufacturer's name.

You might as well just buy a cheap Android tablet, some Avery labels, print out the Nokia logo and sticker it over the manufacturers name. Same end result, but a lot cheaper.

i bet you Nokias tablet hardware quality will be better than you think
I know if it fails,its because they went android instead of windows 8.1 Pro like Dell Venue Pro 8
The Nokia tag *stood* for quality. Now it just stands to fleece money from consumers reminiscing about Nokia's past glories, who will receive a generic Android tablet manufactured by a different company for their money. Oh, of course with the Nokia logo on it instead of the original manufacturer's name.

You might as well just buy a cheap Android tablet, some Avery labels, print out the Nokia logo and sticker it over the manufacturers name. Same end result, but a lot cheaper.

That's nonsense - well no that's not quite right, it isn't, but it's what was happening before anyway. As I mentioned earlier, Nokia haven't made Nokia products for a number of years anyway, it's just a brand name like any other. Foxconn made an awful lot of their phones pre-smartphone days and probably still do.

As an example, I have a Sony laptop but the screen is made by Samsung, the hard drive by Toshiba, and so on. So it isn't really a Sony. There are few, if any, brands that manufacture their own devices now, they're all just brand names. Made-in-Europe Nokia devices disappeared years ago.

Would the Nokia Lumia 930 be any different if it was called the Microsoft Lumia 930, as future new models will be? Microsoft will probably use the same manufacturers that Nokia were using in China to make their products. All that has really changed is the name above the door.
i bet you Nokias tablet hardware quality will be better than you think
I know if it fails,its because they went android instead of windows 8.1 Pro like Dell Venue Pro 8

Hope its better then when they released the Nokia Lumia 920, Had to take mine in for repairs 4 times in the first six months of owning one.:/
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