Wake up Microsoft you just lost Nokia to Android.

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Well I am curious to see how this tablet will sell. I think this tablet will answer the question whether Nokia would have survived if they had gone Android.
The thread title is ridiculous. Nokia isn't making anything any new hardware. It's an android tab made by FoxCon, skinned with a Nokia launcher, and just some Nokia branding. Good luck in an all ready saturated android tablet market. If you follow news on android tabs you would know the struggle OEMs face against cheap Chinese tablets and the big gun Samsung. Most of public look at the iPad or a Samsung tablet if they want high end. Low end, there are so many options already. Most tech sites already are scratching their heads and why this is newsworthy. If Nokia had made the tablet with some new or insane features then...
Well Nokia didn't do well with Windows Phone so isn't this obvious that they choose Android this time.

If they they won't succeed with Android then they might go with Sailfish or Mozilla.

What's the bother?
I am happy as long as Nokia is in business.
Well Nokia didn't do well with Windows Phone so isn't this obvious that they choose Android this time.

If they they won't succeed with Android then they might go with Sailfish or Mozilla.

I'm not sure why you're raising this. Nokia have announced a Tablet, not a phone. They're not producing phones now, or at any point in the near future.
I'm not sure why you're raising this. Nokia have announced a Tablet, not a phone. They're not producing phones now, or at any point in the near future.

Technically, they're not even making tablets, their name is just being used. Good way for them to make some quick cash, so good luck to Nokia.
Nokia did not make this or have anything to do with it other than the Z launcher. They licensed their name to some Chinese company and that company decided to use it on crap iPad mini knockoffs. Microsoft bought Nokia's handset division so all of Nokia's engineers and designers and factories are at Microsoft. Nokia has nothing left that would allow them to re-enter the smartphone or tablet market.
The way I see it , the farther Microsoft can get away from the Nokia name the better. Nokia is prostituting their name out to anyone who will pay what they are asking and that is going to ruin the name Nokia.
This Chinese company makes windows phones, android phones, iphones, ipads, almost all tablets and laptops.

Also, a lot of people loves Nokia than Microsoft, when they buy phones and tables. Most of people don't know Microsoft has a phone at all, but every one know Nokia used to make best phone.

Why is this in General Microsoft discussion? This has absolutely nothing to do with Microsoft or Windows Phones.

The remnants of Nokia, sold out their brand to a Chinese company to make another Android tablet to throw on the heap of Android tablets that exist out there that aren't selling in any great degree. End of story.
Well Nokia didn't do well with Windows Phone so isn't this obvious that they choose Android this time.

If they they won't succeed with Android then they might go with Sailfish or Mozilla.

What's the bother?
I am happy as long as Nokia is in business.

What planet are you Living on DMC? Nokia's Mobile phone side was bought by Microsoft because there was more Nokia Windowsphone's that were popular. I don't care if this Tablet was Manufactured by Foxxconn (Who makes Xbox's for Microsoft). It is an Android Tablet with the Nokia's name on it. Ballmer should have ran a hostile Take over of Nokia as a whole. I mean I would have loved hearing, Nokia a Microsoft Company. We all know Nokia share holders wanted to go Android but could not, so they sold the device division so they could get that. Microsoft should have hostilely took over Nokia so this would have been prevented. Microsoft could have sold off the cellphone tower division to Ericcson or Motorola solutions. This move to Android could have been prevented by Microsoft fully taking Nokia over. I mean back in the day Microsoft was routhless now they let other companies walk all over them.
sad its more of a betrayal imho
they could have easily released the tablet with windows 8.1 pro or atleast offered a variant or gone with ubuntu touch or firefox os or something
by going android,itll cause a confusion in the market with two different nokias(even if one is rebranded as MS)
Chill.. The Nokia name was given to a Chinese company for branding.. This tablet is NOT made by Nokia.. I guess if Nokia give their branding to cheap companies it will degrade their brands value..

I agree, but Foxconn is not a cheap company, they manufacture Iphones/Ipads.
I'm not sure why you are picturing Steve Ballmer as a raping and pillaging viking taking Nokia. Microsoft bought the part of Nokia that they dealt with during their partnership, the mobile electronics division. There really isn't a purpose in them buying the cellular tower technology division, etc.

The part of Nokia that designed and built tablets and smartphones is now owned by Microsoft. All of the engineers who designed consumer electronics are now Microsoft employees. I realize that there is a part of the membership of this forum that came to Windows Phone via Nokia, people who used Symbian before they ever thought about Windows Phone. But speaking purely from the US market standpoint, Nokia is not a renowned brand. People far and above didn't think of Nokia as an innovative smartphone company, they thought of them as the company that built that phone they used a long time ago and played snake on.
sad its more of a betrayal imho
they could have easily released the tablet with windows 8.1 pro or atleast offered a variant or gone with ubuntu touch or firefox os or something
by going android,itll cause a confusion in the market with two different nokias(even if one is rebranded as MS)

LOL, then M$ should have shelled out for exclusive NOKIA licensing rights. LOL. Give it to M$.
Nokia sold their devices division because they couldn't sustain it even if they had gobe with android in the first place. Just look at Motorolla, HTC. The only companies that are surviving the competion are the consumer electronic giants like Samsung which have other divisions to compensate for any losses.
Nokia are taking the licensing route now. With Foxxonn taking the brunt of manufacture, distribution and advertisement, plus the repute of Nokia brand makes it a pretty slick move. MS got a hardware manufacturing division of its own to push with the Windows based phones with this deal. It is win/win for both companies. Maybe less so for MS but what other choice did they have? Since other OEMs weren't so keen to manufacture windows phones.
What planet are you Living on DMC? Nokia's Mobile phone side was bought by Microsoft because there was more Nokia Windowsphone's that were popular. I don't care if this Tablet was Manufactured by Foxxconn (Who makes Xbox's for Microsoft). It is an Android Tablet with the Nokia's name on it. Ballmer should have ran a hostile Take over of Nokia as a whole. I mean I would have loved hearing, Nokia a Microsoft Company. We all know Nokia share holders wanted to go Android but could not, so they sold the device division so they could get that. Microsoft should have hostilely took over Nokia so this would have been prevented. Microsoft could have sold off the cellphone tower division to Ericcson or Motorola solutions. This move to Android could have been prevented by Microsoft fully taking Nokia over. I mean back in the day Microsoft was routhless now they let other companies walk all over them.

they should learn from FB ,google and apple in such cases
they ensure the new companys loyalties lie fully with them and stop them from developing for rival platforms
We are going to see the untimely death of a great software company and Larry Page and Sergei Brin are going to cheer Microsoft's down fall. And it is all because Satya allowed Nokia to Make a google based Android tablet.

So I've read this multiple times and I cannot figure out what you're trying to say. Like, literally nothing about this makes sense at all. You literally might as well have said that Google will take over the world because peanut butter sales spike before Christmas. There's no logical way to draw your conclusion. How does an Android tablet that probably won't sell very well affect Microsoft in the slightest?
LOL, then M$ should have shelled out for exclusive NOKIA licensing rights. LOL. Give it to M$.

yeah but i dont expect much
look where jolla is now
they also were nokia employees and the whole tech industry has ignored them so far
Is the tablet going to use the google version of Android 5.0 or a forked one like the Nokia X series?
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