WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

How is everybody?

Just finished school for the day, thought I'd see more news to read on WPCentral home page, aaand nothing. :(
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

How is everybody?

Just finished school for the day, thought I'd see more news to read on WPCentral home page, aaand nothing. :(
I'm doing well, thanks. Hope you are too.

Good luck with school.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

And I thought I was bad. If I were to have a data plan, I'd need at least 1GB, simply for web browsing and YouTube.
About 50MB would be used on text and maybe 2 calls (since I hate calling.)
The "phone" feature is what I use least. I'd prefer an unlimited data plan with pay as you go phone calls.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

The "phone" feature is what I use least. I'd prefer an unlimited data plan with pay as you go phone calls.

My father would not enjoy paying $130 dollars a month for a near unlimited plan. (5GB is the closest to unlimited)

If i were to go pre-paid, i'd go with a Pay As You Go, with 365 day credit expire.

Thanks, i've been going well with school, but tests say otherwise. :\
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm on the fence. i like the realistic colors the IPS display has. I do prefer his w the AMOLED looks on both the 925 and 1020. They added the color adjusters on the 810 as well and while it gives it a more realistic look, I still rather the oversaturated colors on the Portico update. BP, if you don't want your 920, you can ship it here and I will take good care of it...

I'm really in the same boat. I think I'm edging on preferring IPS - more realistic colours, wider viewing angles and no chance of burning out. I like the saturation of the amoled and the battery life improvements, though.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm really in the same boat. I think I'm edging on preferring IPS - more realistic colours, wider viewing angles and no chance of burning out. I like the saturation of the amoled and the battery life improvements, though.

When switching from my Omnia W with AMOLED to the 8X the difference was incredibly. The quality of the 8X's screen was so amazing in comparison. But of course, the Omnia W didn't have a high end screen and technology progressed since then. I have never taken the time to compare the display of a Galaxy S4 type phone to the display of my current phone.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I share the same sentiment on screens as Muessig. I find the colour accuracy more appealing as well as more easy on my eyes. Granted I haven't seen the screens on the new AMOLED phones. I'm comparing against the Lumia 800. I do miss the deep blacks on the AMOLED screen. I thought it was incredible how difficult it was to discern the bezel from the screen.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

For me, the perfect kind of screen is an AMOLED screen that has accurate colors. Oh, and with an RGB matrix.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning all, or afternoon, midnight or whatever...

Just read the last few pages trying to see if there was some sort of commonality to the comments. Went from food to movies to pictures to mobile phone screens. So I gave up.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning all, or afternoon, midnight or whatever...

Just read the last few pages trying to see if there was some sort of commonality to the comments. Went from food to movies to pictures to mobile phone screens. So I gave up.
Must be tough to aggregate statistics on the posts in this thread, eh?*Looks at BIGPADDY*
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning all, or afternoon, midnight or whatever...

Just read the last few pages trying to see if there was some sort of commonality to the comments. Went from food to movies to pictures to mobile phone screens. So I gave up.

Well in some way you covered the topics just by mentioning them :wink:

I'll throw another quick topic into the mix. Does anyone have buffering issues with youtube? Like where the gear thing just keeps spinning and not buffer to 720 or 1080p. I have to reload the page for it to work.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Well in some way you covered the topics just by mentioning them :wink:

I'll throw another quick topic into the mix. Does anyone have buffering issues with youtube? Like where the gear thing just keeps spinning and not buffer to 720 or 1080p. I have to reload the page for it to work.

Buffering issues? No, loading issues, Yes!

Most of my videos are ether in 360p or 480p.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Right. It just constantly plays at 360p, pretending to buffer. You have this issue on PC? I should have mentioned that in my previous post.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm talking about watching youtube on PC. I already have metrotube, but barely watch youtube on my phone anymore.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm talking about watching youtube on PC. I already have metrotube, but barely watch youtube on my phone anymore.

I used to watch a lot of youtube on a phone but now, not as much.

I get these annoying random errors when i watch YouTube videos that force me to reload the video. But i suppose that's why everybody loves YouTube. :P

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