WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

And and duck dynasty series 1-3 on DVD or Bluray not fussed which format it on!!!
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I see carling making cider now like all the other companies.......... No thanks
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Micheal Jackson glove was sold for a lot of $$$, then was stopped by the FBI.
Someone let an old lady go in front of her who was waiting to buy a scratch card or lotto ticket, the old lady got the ticket and won a lot!!!

Like $$,$$$,$$$
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Don't know if you ever heard of Urban dictionary but here's the link to fluff. Urban Dictionary: fluff

Not sure it represents what you wanted to say. In this instance I would probably use 'flounder' myself. Or using Aussie slang, you 'stuff it up' some times. I'm guessing what you were trying to portray in the presentation didn't come out the right way?

What I wanted to say is that I had to think for a moment what I wanted to say, what led to an uncomfortable pause. I have to give the presentation in English, I have less trouble speaking fluently in German (of course).
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I kind of remembered something.

Teacher: "Magbigay kayo ng isang bagsak!"
In this case, it literally means "Give me one fail!", but she meant cheer instead of fail.
Us: "Math!"

It makes sense. I was the 7th highest in our Algebra long test...at 19/50.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

What I wanted to say is that I had to think for a moment what I wanted to say, what led to an uncomfortable pause. I have to give the presentation in English, I have less trouble speaking fluently in German (of course).

When doing presentations for jobs I tend to stick to the following formula over a 5 day period.

Write down exactly what I want to say in one long prose and read it a couple of times every other hour.
The following day I break it down into defined stages then read one stage every hour.
The day after I stand up and present each stage as a practice one stage an hour with the full text as a guide.
Day after that I condense what I was going to say for each stage into bullet points and run through the whole presentation at least 3 times.
Final day before presentation I run through the whole thing without any guidance notes but I have someone listening with my original script for guidance should I need it.

I have found that I capture almost everything that I originally wrote down but I also tend to ad-lib and enhance some of my ideas as I go through - I guess its a mixture of nerves and coming up with ideas on the spot that causes me to do this - however my presentations always seem to go pretty well.

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