- Sep 30, 2012
- 10,277
- 1
- 0
I'll start doing a PhD in September, I'll keep you informed of how much it already destroyed me from times to times ;-)
That good make sure you give all the details. :wink:
I'll start doing a PhD in September, I'll keep you informed of how much it already destroyed me from times to times ;-)
Is it a thing in English speaking countries, that female pet owners call themselves "mommy"?
I find that (i) rather creepy and (ii) in absolutely no relation to being a real parent.
well that a surprise blackberry world one developer has created half the apps in the store:
I also notices that the new series of the Simpsons have gone down hill it was like the movie was excellent than the series went down but I still enjoy.
I agree. The earlier series were brilliant. Haven't really seen the newer ones so can't comment too much on it. I'm sure it still has its moments.
Another scene I liked in the movie was the epiphany part with that woman. That was funny. Oh and the SOP sign. Would be interested to see what they come up with if they did another one.
Well that a surprise blackberry world one developer has created half the apps in the store:
120,000 Apps in BlackBerry World (Spoiler - 47,000 by One Developer) - John Paczkowski - Mobile - AllThingsD
Wow, wut.
47,000 apps?!
10 away from 800 posts since I joined, I just like helping people where I can.
I can't see that picture through the wpcentral app, but since you said it's a flower, I'll thank you since flowers are awesome.
Is it a thing in English speaking countries, that female pet owners call themselves "mommy"?
I find that (i) rather creepy and (ii) in absolutely no relation to being a real parent.
Since we're on the subject...what are folks favorite alcoholic drink? I'm Guinness + 7&7 guy, not necessarily both at the same time...
Well, for the sake of your liver I hope not...
Mix drinks, I have gotten boring. I am a bourbon man, and I love the good stuff: Makers Mark, Knobs Creek (both owned by Jim beam, I recently found out, but run independent of the Jim Beam brands which kinda disappointed me for some reason), and Blanton's. I also like a spiced rum every once in a while.
I am much more of a Beer man, and love trying new stuff. Even when it is bad, which makes for a funnier story. A couple years ago when Green Bay was playing the Bears to go to the SuperBowl, a friend called and asked if I wanted to go half on one of those "build your own 6-pack" for the game. I was all in, and told hime just to buy beers based on labels that looked cool and that he never heard of. He did, and we split every beer.
They were all of the quality of toilet water, and yet somehow at least two smelled worse. Undrinkable. At least we could both still drive home.
Like ambers, red lagers, and love about half of the Leinenkugel's brands. they have one that comes out in winter called a Snowdrift Vanilla porter I just love.
I've been living in this city for a decade, I know what has been done, even if I'm not a fan of the clan.
I hate talking about politics and religion, so I'll stop here.
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