WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!


Little something I caught this evening.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Since we're on the subject...what are folks favorite alcoholic drink? I'm Guinness + 7&7 guy, not necessarily both at the same time...��

:straight: well since im 19 I guess I cant even say anything on that subject :shocked:
:straight: well since im 19 I guess I cant even say anything on that subject :shocked:

Come to Europe, you can drink whatever you want ;-)

Personally I drink most often white wine. Beer sometimes very rarely. I used to drink whiskey, but I am not that much of a drinker anymore.

My bar drink of choice would be Vodka Tonic, but usually just a coke.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Come to Europe, you can drink whatever you want ;-)

Personally I drink most often white wine. Beer sometimes very rarely. I used to drink whiskey, but I am not that much of a drinker anymore.

My bar drink of choice would be Vodka Tonic, but usually just a coke.

well to be honest I not like most teens or young adults around my age group that are like " OH MY GOSH I want a beer !!! blah blah blah " I sure once I reach 21 I will drink on special occasions but very little:cool: but for sure I will try white wine just because it looks like sparking soda :evil: but I will stick with soda :3
wait I just noticed ...in Europe you don't have an age drinking limit o.o .......oh snaps
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re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Dealing with the League of Legends tribunal... much more tricky than normal for me...
yikes for me I cant deal with other players that yell at their teammates for not warding or not ganking or for dying sure I understand why they would get mad and rage but it wont the help the team I always report those people at the end of the match but I hope you don't get banned ... that would be sad :unhappy:
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re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

wait I just noticed ...in Europe you don't have an age drinking limit o.o .......oh snaps

In Switzerland you can legally buy beer and wine with 16, and hard alcohol with 18. :-)

In Germany you can even buy beer and wine with 14 if your parents are with you.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

In Switzerland you can legally buy beer and wine with 16, and hard alcohol with 18. :-)

In Germany you can even buy beer and wine with 14 if your parents are with you.
huh well I did not know that. that is very interesting ! well I am wondering since the drinking age that young how are the students at school because in my Jr year of high school I had to do a debate whether the drinking age should be lowered ...anyways my question is are the students in school im just wondering that :)
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

huh well I did not know that. that is very interesting ! well I am wondering since the drinking age that young how are the students at school because in my Jr year of high school I had to do a debate whether the drinking age should be lowered ...anyways my question is are the students in school im just wondering that :)

I think our educational system works very well, with students generally visiting the classes. If teenagers drink too much it's usually on weekends, and then it can be a problem. But I don't think this is too widespread.

I don't have any data about this though and it's been a while since I was in this age group. But back then I was often hammered at weekends, used Sundays to fight the hangover and went back to school at Monday.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

As much as sinime's attempts to deceive me with flowers got my morning off to a funny start, seeing that coming soon status on amber has pushed it back to neutral.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

You...yeah, I'm talking to you looking at this post.

You may have a long journey ahead of you and you must not lose hope! You...are destined to do great things in life, such that you shall be remembered by all (or at least me, the author of this post).

But, first, take a good long look at what I have done to my signature.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I can't believe I didn't notice your sig until just now.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning. It's a lovely morning where I am, rain, clouds that kind of thing. Looks like it may clear though.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Mac Books are just so expensive. I'd rather buy a high-end Windows computer and an additional Ipad for less money.

Does anybody of you have experience with accessing a Mac (at my workplace) with a Windows computer? It should be possible with TeamViewer. But then the Mac Computer would always have to run, or is there a possibility to remotely wake it up from sleeping mode?
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning. It's a lovely morning where I am, rain, clouds that kind of thing. Looks like it may clear though.

We have beautiful weather here. I would love to go for a run, but I'm afraid my knee wouldn't like it.

But I should get up and buy this plant I want to give a friend as a birthday present.

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