WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Haven't you seen cloudy with chance of meatballs?

I have not. But I watched Wreck-It Ralph and I loved it. A few friends and me were talking about animation movies, and of the ones I have seen this really is the one in ages I really liked.

In recent years most of them just exchanged cleverness and great story-telling with slapstick and cheap jokes. Just look at Ice Age 4, I don't mind the money, however I'm still waiting for a refund of my time I have wasted with this thing.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I have not. But I watched Wreck-It Ralph and I loved it. A few friends and me were talking about animation movies, and of the ones I have seen this really is the one in ages I really liked.

In recent years most of them just exchanged cleverness and great story-telling with slapstick and cheap jokes. Just look at Ice Age 4, I don't mind the money, however I'm still waiting for a refund of my time I have wasted with this thing.

I haven't either but I have watch a lot of animation, I prefer animation when watching films specially for the 3D.

I watch Toy Story 3 that was brilliant and Monster Inc the first one.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Let's organize a big international WPC meeting. We won't talk about smartphones or Microsoft, all we will do is eating cake and ice cream!

Let do it someone set up in the UK, have the cakes presented on a float with unlimited access to the bar!
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I watch Toy Story 3 that was brilliant and Monster Inc the first one.

I watched the first Toy Story when it came out in 95 and back then I really didn't like it much. So I lost interest in the movies. Then, out of boredom I watched Toy Story 3 and I was sitting there, watching it and thinking: "Wow, this is great!"

It really surprised me how good and clever it was. So yes, Toy Story 3 is also great. But it is already 3 years old, so it doesn't count to the new ones ;-)
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I thought you all can pay and I will eat and drink! :P

I am a graduate student now, I don't have any money. More money than graduate students in most countries, I'm sitting quite comfortable here in Switzerland, but still, not much money ;-)

It would probably enough to catch an EasyJet to London, sleep in a cheap hostel and buy a lot of cake and ice cream though.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I am a graduate student now, I don't have any money. More money than graduate students in most countries, I'm sitting quite comfortable here in Switzerland, but still, not much money ;-)

It would probably enough to catch an EasyJet to London, sleep in a cheap hostel and buy a lot of cake and ice cream though.

You have the money to be a graduate student :P

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