WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Wow, I actually thought this was the ban thread because of the mention of cake through BIGPADDY, god, I actually said "Banned, because" in my head! I'm spending too much time banning......

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Orientation was long, but good today. It felt weird riding the campus bus today (it is move in weekend) with a sea of freshmen. I can see why some parents cringe with all that undergrad hormones let loose unsupervised.

Still, I'm glad to have the weekend off before my MSW classes start for real on Tuesday.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

So, I started running in the mornings.

I hate running.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

So, I started running in the mornings.

I hate running.
I hate running outside, but I do like running on a treadmill (probably because I can watch TV while running on the treadmill). My gym has a big screen TV directly in front of the treadmills.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

:shocked: Can I be a graduate student?

In Switzerland you will need a master degree from a recognized university and then you can apply for a position. I'd recommend natural sciences, as there the payment is the best. In social sciences or linguistics and such you likely need a job next to it.
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re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

So, I started running in the mornings.

I hate running.

Personally I run whenever I can make the time. But running in the morning feels always much harder than in the evenings. If your schedule and the temperatures allow it, try running in the evenings, maybe it makes the beginning easier.

I'm so much into running, I don't even think about whether I feel like doing it, I just go.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

OH OH OH i wana share something . I just found out that chicks actually dig the magenta nokia purity over the ear head phone. for this first week in college I would wear my headphones while waiting for class and some would give a quick glance others ask me what are they and how much they were. in total I had around 10 ask me :cool: and also some guys would ask me sure they would argue saying they are not good as beat but I tell then that they are from the same company that makes beats. all in all peeps like how the purity headphones look like :excited:
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I hate running outside, but I do like running on a treadmill (probably because I can watch TV while running on the treadmill). My gym has a big screen TV directly in front of the treadmills.

But then you will never be chased by dogs... or frighten old folks almost to death when you pass them, because they just can't here you shouting warnings ;-)

Personally I love to run in nature and experience the change of seasons and weather, I run in every weather through the entire year and its beautiful :)
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

But then you will never be chased by dogs... or frighten old folks almost to death when you pass them, because they just can't here you shouting warnings ;-)

Personally I love to run in nature and experience the change of seasons and weather, I run in every weather through the entire year and its beautiful :)
I do like being outdoors, just not when I'm working out. It also helps that I'm at a gym, since I like to do my strength training after I finish my cardio. The cardio is a good warmup for the strength training.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I do like being outdoors, just not when I'm working out. It also helps that I'm at a gym, since I like to do my strength training after I finish my cardio. The cardio is a good warmup for the strength training.

I'm too lazy for going to the gym. The great thing about running is the low inhibition threshold. All the motivation I need is more or less putting on shoes and leave through the door, then I'm already at it. :)

Today I have to look after my little niece for a while. People are really utilizing my holidays ;-)
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Damnit I'm way too early for the train this morning. :P What happened? I thought I was running on time.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm too lazy for going to the gym. The great thing about running is the low inhibition threshold. All the motivation I need is more or less putting on shoes and leave through the door, then I'm already at it. :)

Today I have to look after my little niece for a while. People are really utilizing my holidays ;-)
It's funny because I love going to the gym or playing team sports, but you'd have to light a firecracker under my backside to make me run otherwise.

That's cool you're babysitting your niece. How old is she?
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm too lazy for going to the gym. The great thing about running is the low inhibition threshold. All the motivation I need is more or less putting on shoes and leave through the door, then I'm already at it. :)

I could never motivate myself to go running. I've never been able to do it. Physically or mentally. I have a co-worker who runs marathons though. Does tthat count?
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's funny because I love going to the gym or playing team sports, but you'd have to light a firecracker under my backside to make me run otherwise.

That's cool you're babysitting your niece. How old is she?

Maybe that has historical reasons, i was always the fat, slow kid. Not that the other kids were mean to me, but I never got into team sports because of that. I like about running that it is a solitary sport and I can be all by myself and really work stuff out.

She's 4 now :)

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