WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Maybe that has historical reasons, i was always the fat, slow kid. Not that the other kids were mean to me, but I never got into team sports because of that. I like about running that it is a solitary sport and I can be all by myself and really work stuff out.
The gym can be solitary too if one uses headphones while working out. I've rarely spoken to anyone else at the gym. Most people just want to work out and then get out. It's a lot less social than anywhere else.

She's 4 now :)
She should keep you busy!
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's funny because I love going to the gym or playing team sports, but you'd have to light a firecracker under my backside to make me run otherwise.

im the opposite. I have never set foot in a gym. I love running though. I try to go 3 times a week.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I do my workouts at home. Since everything is far from where i live it would be damn expensive to go back and forth just to go to the gym..xD
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I hate running outside, but I do like running on a treadmill (probably because I can watch TV while running on the treadmill). My gym has a big screen TV directly in front of the treadmills.

I hate running on a treadmill. But maybe bbecause the gym at my complex doesn't have TV!
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Personally I run whenever I can make the time. But running in the morning feels always much harder than in the evenings. If your schedule and the temperatures allow it, try running in the evenings, maybe it makes the beginning easier.

I'm so much into running, I don't even think about whether I feel like doing it, I just go.

If I run in the evenings I wonder if people will think I'm some criminal in the neighborhood. LoL
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I could never motivate myself to go running. I've never been able to do it. Physically or mentally. I have a co-worker who runs marathons though. Does tthat count?

That's like running through osmosis!
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Its Friday - all this talk of exercise is completely out of order.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I am watching my niece petting the puppy. They do fine.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Had a terrible time with my bank. Again. Why do banks take their customers for granted? It just sucks 😞
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Im going to bake chocolate chip cake today. Will post pics and review later
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm trying to stay away from treats. :straight:

Its Friday - live a little - Am off out to a Jamie Oliver restaurant tonight - Barbecoa in St Pauls, London - They have a ?65 steak for two people that's got my name and a man vs food challenge written all over it.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Well there goes my productive day

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