WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning folks. So I put the 8.1 update on my 920. It looks ok. I've got mixed feelings. Sometimes I wonder what MSFT is doing. Makes me feel like they do a good job of laying groundwork but that's it.

What attracted me to WP was among other things, how fan the music player and multimedia was. The music app seems to be getting worse with each incarnation. I know we have to take lumps sometimes for progress, but it seems MSFT does a good job of handing out those lumps...
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

As much as I like both my 925 and Z Ultra, I feel a lot more at home on my 8X...
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Always interesting to see people with smartphones that have cracked screens. When I see teens have it I can certainly understand that, but when I see adults, I SMH. Some of those cracks are really bad. You'd figure people want to throw at least a screen protector to cover their fingers from potential cuts, but I suppose some folks like to be suckers for punishment.

My favorite ones are the iPhones with the below the surface compartments exposed. You know that a phone like that is one jostle of the hand or splash of water away from death. While I cannot and wouldn't tell people how to spend their money, you'd figure that is cheaper (in most cases anyways) to fix the screen that to buy a whole new phone...
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Broken screens on cellphone are ugly. They would of thought after dropping a phone they would learned to put a case on it. .

Sent from my iPod touch using WPCentral Forums
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Four days is nothing, I get a FIVE day weekend! Muahahaha!
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Broken screens on cellphone are ugly. They would of thought after dropping a phone they would learned to put a case on it.

I dropped my Lumia 800 and the screen was shattered. I still would never use a case. Maybe on a iPhone 5, as they are so small anyway and get ugly pretty fast.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

You. GTFO. LOL ��

•Sent from space using Tapatalk.•

You do realise that over here in the UK that most people start out with 4 weeks vacation right? That's no including any public (what we call Bank) holidays.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Damn, now I'm tired. I was hoping to put off my second coffee until a bit later but looks like I'll need it sooner. :/

I have a couple of free USB sticks if anyone is interested. :P
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Haha. Rub it in nice and deep. I get no holidays except Christmas and thanksgiving. No holiday pay. No overtime (I'm salary)....

That's one of the reasons why I'll never go to the US for a postdoc. It might be necessary or at least very, very helpful for a scientific career, but I don't think that's worth it...
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

That's one of the reasons why I'll never go to the US for a postdoc. It might be necessary or at least very, very helpful for a scientific career, but I don't think that's worth it...

There's some good science still being done in the US but I think most of it's starting to shift out. You're better off coming here. :)
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

There's some good science still being done in the US but I think most of it's starting to shift out. You're better off coming here. :)

That's something I'd like :)

My phone does strange things with favorite pictures. There are some set without me setting them, and they can't be removed, it just ignores it if I try.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Working in a cellphone place, this is something I see way too often. They even have the gall to make me cut up my fingers to troubleshoot what is wrong. "My phone won't make calls!" Lady... With a screen that effed up, I'm surprised it's even still ON!

?Sent from space using Tapatalk.?

Screen protectors are great friends in situations like that. I traded an iPod touch once for a G. Nexus - the guy at the time just bought a N4 and wanted an iPod. That thing had three of the biggest cracks ever, so bad that if you jostled it too hard, it would shatter. I threw a screen protector on, and it lasted another 6 months worth of use (used it at home as a tablet).

Moral of the story, don't be a cheapass when you buy an expensive smartphone not to put a screen protector on it when cracks start to surface.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Damn, now I'm tired. I was hoping to put off my second coffee until a bit later but looks like I'll need it sooner. :/

I have a couple of free USB sticks if anyone is interested. :P

What size? I need something to back up my T100 on.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

you have to be smart or have the determination to work on a PHD 

I just got an email from a colleague about the crystallization screen. But I'm in holidays. But I'm also sick. So I guess I could answer it...

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