WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Woah, thats pretty damn interesting to hear about.

Sharp doesn't appear to be as big as they once were.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Woah, thats pretty damn interesting to hear about.

Sharp doesn't appear to be as big as they once were.

Sharp might not have invented LCD TVs but were the first to send one to market, from Wikipedia:

Nevertheless, some experimentation with LCD televisions took place during this period. In 1988, Sharp Corporation introduced the first commercial LCD television, a 14" model.

Apparently they were 'boutique' items but I'm pretty sure they had a bigger vision and they were for a time the top makers of LCD screens.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

For the record I didn't know about that 14" LCD TV prior to reading that in Wikipedia. I was going by my memory. Also the one they showed in the video didn't have a bezel but was a large screen. When it turned off it just seemed to disappear.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I didn't even know a LCD screen was available in 1988!

There were earlier screens before that. I think they said 1983 the first commercial made one by Casio in Wiki. So they've been around for some time. Most people don't know that. I remember how expensive they were when the first ones for the general populace came out. I recall seeing $20-40,000 for them.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

The one day of the year I get to wear jeans to work is coming at the end of the month! Woot! ..... My life is so sad... :(

Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

What do you usually wear, underpants?

I believe in wearing underpants, commando is a bit worrying, especially for a guy. I work in an office, so they say we have to wear 'office attire'. Thankfully a tie is not required. Unlike a lot of countries where the trend has changed some here in the UK it's still pushed as being 'properly' attired for work. Strangely it's mostly men who dress this way, there are a lot of ladies who appear to get away with more casual clothing.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I believe in wearing underpants, commando is a bit worrying, especially for a guy. I work in an office, so they say we have to wear 'office attire'. Thankfully a tie is not required. Unlike a lot of countries where the trend has changed some here in the UK it's still pushed as being 'properly' attired for work. Strangely it's mostly men who dress this way, there are a lot of ladies who appear to get away with more casual clothing.

You put that tie on now!
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning folks...

So I went into the repair shop yesterday and got some laughs. They're a Pakistani family that does good work. Its two brothers and one of the brother's wives (the store owner) who work there. They all are very smart and knowledgeable about phones and repairs...i picked up a few tips from talking to them periodically.

So I'm talking to the wife and she goes "Oh! A WINDOWS PHONE!" and rolls her eyes. Yes, she is an Android gal through and through, but her reason for not trying windows was she hated Windows Mobile and that was enough to not try WP.

And wouldn't you know it being the hustlers they are, I saw a Lumia 920 is their display case for sale.

MSFT has much work to do in changing perceptions like these.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Just been browsing on imore for sh*ts and giggles to gauge the reactions to the new models.

I thought WP forums had enough OS apologists, but damn there are some deluded users over there.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

MSFT has much work to do in changing perceptions like these.

The perception that people have of MS is their own fault unfortunately. They also have the other issue of major devs passing them by and us having to rely on 3rd party apps. From an outsider perspective that's not a positive sign an doesn't drive desire to own one of their devices. Some people don't mind being different, but most hate being the 'odd' one out. Especially the younger generation.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Just been browsing on imore for sh*ts and giggles to gauge the reactions to the new models.

I thought WP forums had enough OS apologists, but damn there are some deluded users over there.

Funny I did a little glance over there as well eariler and thought the same thing.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I cannot completely knock Apple for the iPhone Scam they launched yesterday. I think they noticed that more and more people are holding onto the older models because of how good the brand is. So instead of giving people bits and pieces of the OS that fits each device's hardware, when they do updates, they're actually creating hardware minimums the "hard way" allowing for the full OS to get updated.

It's still an iScam though. Haven't seen anything from Apple that made me regret selling my iPhone 4. I'm more excited about getting my 8X repaired...the folks in the repair shop were actually impressed by the parts I brought in. I like the light grey chosen by VZW for their employee edition 8X. Will post pictures once I get it back...😊

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