WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

So, I can say here anything that isn't violating the rules, yes?..

Well. It's been around 4 months I've tried EoSD first time...
I haven't played on easy, nor used the continues. And I still can't beat Sakuya on normal... What's the solution?
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

So, I can say here anything that isn't violating the rules, yes?..

Well. It's been around 4 months I've tried EoSD first time...
I haven't played on easy, nor used the continues. And I still can't beat Sakuya on normal... What's the solution?

That correct anything at all, about your issue:
Look for cheat codes. :smile:
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Yeah, I expect iMore to go all happy for the new iPhones, and they are. But once the exitement wears down, I expect the sales to be great for a cell phone and less then the iPhone 5.

I respect the Apple ecosystem. But without the kind of device choices that Android and WP offer, slowly a large group of iPhone users will get swayed by something new. I do not expect Apple to be the next BlackBerry, but I do expect them to realize in a couple years that you have to adjust, and right now they just aren't. I would at least consider Apple if I could get a screen size more to my liking. 4" on a all touch screen when media is such a big deal just isn't good enough these days.

That's my main issues with iPhones. I don't dislike iOS, but I dislike the hardware form factor. The iPhone just isn't wide enough for me to type in portrait mode.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

That's my main issues with iPhones. I don't dislike iOS, but I dislike the hardware form factor. The iPhone just isn't wide enough for me to type in portrait mode.

That my same issues, I always end up hitting three keys at once.
Had a brain fart... Aside from having someone steal your finger along with your phone... A finger print scanner could be kind of cool on WP... Imagine your finger unlocks the phone (not hard, Appholes will be doing this soon enough), but your kids finger unlocks the phone to the Kid's Corner.... Maybe even have separate kids corners for each child. That way, any time your children go to use your phone, they are automatically where they should be.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Had a brain fart... Aside from having someone steal your finger along with your phone... A finger print scanner could be kind of cool on WP... Imagine your finger unlocks the phone (not hard, Appholes will be doing this soon enough), but your kids finger unlocks the phone to the Kid's Corner.... Maybe even have separate kids corners for each child. That way, any time your children go to use your phone, they are automatically where they should be.

We just need tech to determine if the thumb is still living, fixes the finger stealing idea. Can't be hard, Kinect 2detects heartbeat from a good distance.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Looks like my 8X is ready...gonna run to the shop to pick it up before class

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