WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Yeah, when I was in Italy, years back, I was offered shredded horse meat as an appetizer and tried it. Wasn't bad at all. I think people in the US get caught up on horses being more of a pet then livestock.

I agree. I don't know what the big deal is. And besides, horse tastes just like Bald Eagle!
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I agree. I don't know what the big deal is. And besides, horse tastes just like Bald Eagle! http://cdn-forums.crackberry.com/images/smilies/crackberry/rotfl.png

Guess they all taste like chicken in your book then...

All jokes aside, I'm sure you'll like the Neo when it comes out on Sprint. Gotta respect that 9650 though. I hated the Sprint version, like the VZW model a little better. I almost won a Sprint phone last month at a contest. My girl would have been happy as it would have replaced her iDevice (she wants an Android). Nice to see you stuck your head on our neck of the woods.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Guess they all taste like chicken in your book then...

All jokes aside, I'm sure you'll like the Neo when it comes out on Sprint. Gotta respect that 9650 though. I hated the Sprint version, like the VZW model a little better. I almost won a Sprint phone last month at a contest. My girl would have been happy as it would have replaced her iDevice (she wants an Android). Nice to see you stuck your head on our neck of the woods.

The Neo looks nice, but aesthetically, I would have liked to see it have a back cover a little less like the SGS4. But I use cases anyway, so I'm not too concerned.

I just saw a leaked image of the upcoming iPhone 5s with iOS 7. If it turns out anything like this image, I might have to consider it!
Is the Lumia the phone of choice here? And what are others on Sprint planning to do?

I am a little bored by the Lumia (high end) design. If I would buy one now, it would be the 925.

But I'll keep my HTC 8X for another year (if I don't break it).

Luckily here in Switzerland every phone is available for every provider unlocked, with very rare exceptions of time limited exclusive deals. I think the Lumia 920 on Swisscom was one of them.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

The weather is pretty nice. Not too hot for a change.

Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Just saw "The Wolverine". We need a moderator to start a "Movie review" sticky so we can pass around opinions on flicks.

"Cough, cough, LAURA!!! cough, cough"

It was fun. Not great, but fun. Is there any actor out there who loves a character as much as Hugh Jackmen likes playing Wolverine?

Not been blown away by the three comic movies this year ("Iron Man 3", "Man of Steel", and this one.) But they were not offensive either, so I will take it

Fellow WP geeks?? Any thoughts??
I like comics based movies because I like good entertainment. Iron Man, The Avengers, Sin City are good examples. Green Lantern is a very bad one...

I really should like the new Batman movies, serious, dark and story based, but somehow the Nolan effect prevents me to do so for some curious reason. (And again, I have nothing at all against that man.)

I'm really not into comics, I guess mostly because American comics were just not popular at all here when I grew up. More the French ones like Asterix.

Still looking forward to Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel when they are released on DVD.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning. So what did I miss overnight? Food in London - If you ever want any suggestions on where to eat let me know - am always in London seeing as I work here and live 20 minutes away and tend to eat out a lot.

Cats - Meh, pointless pet - more of a dog person.

Movies - Not seen Wolverine or Man of Steel yet was thinking of seeing Pacific Rim first - Cant wait for someone to do a crossover film Avengers vs X-men but would prefer to see them do a Deadpool movie first.

Oh yeah - Hello to the BB users.

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