WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning. So what did I miss overnight? Food in London - If you ever want any suggestions on where to eat let me know - am always in London seeing as I work here and live 20 minutes away and tend to eat out a lot.

Are you N_LaRUE's second identity? :)

Movies - Not seen Wolverine or Man of Steel yet was thinking of seeing Pacific Rim first - Cant wait for someone to do a crossover film Avengers vs X-men but would prefer to see them do a Deadpool movie first.

Avengers vs. X-men? Wouldn't that be the biggest overkill ever? It's already amazing Joss Whedon (one tear for Firefly please) could give the people in the Avengers enough screen time to make them matter :)

I love cats and dogs equally, but in a absolutely different way.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Are you N_LaRUE's second identity? :)

Avengers vs. X-men? Wouldn't that be the biggest overkill ever? It's already amazing Joss Whedon (one tear for Firefly please) could give the people in the Avengers enough screen time to make them matter :)

I love cats and dogs equally, but in a absolutely different way.

Im not as well travelled as N_LaRUE

Avengers vs X-men Comics aren't too bad think it would translate into an amazing trilogy of films- Was never really into comics when I was younger - its only really been since I got my RT and put comixology on it that I have started to make up for all those lost years.

Yeah will join you in sheading a tear for firefly was a brilliant series. But if he hadn't have had that cancelled he probably wouldn't have moved on to where he is now.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Funny that we got on the topic of comic book movies. I did read comics when I was younger as I had friends who collected them. I myself never bought any as I didn't see the value.

I just watched Wolverine Origins on TV the other night. Was OK for mindless entertainment.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm in a seminar and the current slide says "Cakes and Drinks in the kitchen!"

Good morning!
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Wandering slightly back onto the topic of windows phones - so please don't hate me.

Just read a thread on someone's letter to Microsoft and honestly I just don't get the **** hurt of the OP - Some people go on like they are the majority and they should be listened to when the reality is they are in a small minority and their voice is only a whisper.

Personally im perfectly happy with WP8 and my phone in general - I probably wouldn't get system updates on any of the other phone OS every 4-6 months and would have to wait a full year for the next update - I don't get the problem with orientation lock - just never been an issue for me - my phone works and serves its purpose for me without any issues and im sure im not alone - I never look at my phone and think "I wish I had this feature" Person A has got it on his phone person B has got it on his why cant I have it on mine. There isn't an app that's out any other OS that I want or need.

Im happy. People thinking that MS are lazy for not providing features that other phones have is just plain wrong in my opinion - if you want those features go to that OS and be happy - I don't want my OS to be the same as everyone else that's why I went with WP in the first place. Facebook is a prime example - I loved the previous version - cant stand the fact that I can now sit down next to someone with an iphone both open up facebook and the apps be identical.

I guess some people will just never be happy with what they have.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Wandering slightly back onto the topic of windows phones - so please don't hate me.

Just read a thread on someone's letter to Microsoft and honestly I just don't get the **** hurt of the OP - Some people go on like they are the majority and they should be listened to when the reality is they are in a small minority and their voice is only a whisper.

Personally im perfectly happy with WP8 and my phone in general - I probably wouldn't get system updates on any of the other phone OS every 4-6 months and would have to wait a full year for the next update - I don't get the problem with orientation lock - just never been an issue for me - my phone works and serves its purpose for me without any issues and im sure im not alone - I never look at my phone and think "I wish I had this feature" Person A has got it on his phone person B has got it on his why cant I have it on mine. There isn't an app that's out any other OS that I want or need.

Im happy. People thinking that MS are lazy for not providing features that other phones have is just plain wrong in my opinion - if you want those features go to that OS and be happy - I don't want my OS to be the same as everyone else that's why I went with WP in the first place. Facebook is a prime example - I loved the previous version - cant stand the fact that I can now sit down next to someone with an iphone both open up facebook and the apps be identical.

I guess some people will just never be happy with what they have.

Yeah I agree with this. The only thing I wish is that my 920 played well with other people's Sony/S4's for NFC. It makes my phone look bad!
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

There's lots of that on the forums at the moment. There's also an article by Daniel Microsoft focusing on increasing Windows Phone volume with GDR2; features coming later | Windows Phone Central about update issues.

This is my opinion in general. They want people to take up WP for it just being WP, however that won't work. People expect some sort of familiarity with other mobile OS so that they can get up to speed quickly. Different is fine to an extent but all you have to do is see people's reaction to Windows 8 over the Start button and you have a picture of some of the mindset behind it all.

Because I came from Symbian and the reason I took up WP was simple because of Nokia, I didn't know anything about WP and didn't investigate it too well so I was slightly disappointed by the overall OS when I first got it. I do find it a touch disjointed with some things, email being one of them. On the whole I like WP and want it to succeed but if it is going to succeed it needs to be similar in features to other OS. It can still maintain it's uniqueness while bringing in much needed features.

The reality is if they want to attract users they need to have similar features to what's available on other OS otherwise WP will simply be a niche market.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Wandering slightly back onto the topic of windows phones - so please don't hate me.

Quite the opposite, I'm very happy for you that you are so satisfied with WP8.

Personally I'm just sick of waiting, I still have the same features as on Windows Phone 7 with nothing relevant added. Sure, they copied the interface to the NT kernel for WP8 what provided better apps, but the OS itself has still the same terrible calender and no VPN support for example. And yes, in a year or so when I buy a new phone and the situation hasn't changed much, I will think about trying a different OS.

But there are so many threads about that. Let's talk about cake!
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

All my good food pictures are at home. :(

Damn getting hungry now.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Well as were on food ive just had scrambled egg on toast with a mango and passionfruit smoothie for breakfast thinking about eating my banana now as well as im still a bit hungry.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Lucky you! Damn I never have that good of breakfast during the week. Well I shouldn't say never, maybe once every few months. However I do indulge on the weekends as my previous post has indicated!
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm eating cake right now. My second piece. Schwarzw?ldertorte!
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

OK time to go get a coffee and something.... :P
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Lucky you! Damn I never have that good of breakfast during the week. Well I shouldn't say never, maybe once every few months. However I do indulge on the weekends as my previous post has indicated!

The thing is I never used to either - Subsidised caf? so had a full English almost every day washed down with a red bull - after a few months of that my weight was up to 14 stone. Its taken me 3 months of eating healthily and 3 sessions down the gym every week (cardio, weights, mma) to get myself back down to my ideal weight of 12st 7. Feel so much better for it though feel healthier and fitter at 35 than I did at 25.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

The thing is I never used to either - Subsidised caf? so had a full English almost every day washed down with a red bull - after a few months of that my weight was up to 14 stone. Its taken me 3 months of eating healthily and 3 sessions down the gym every week (cardio, weights, mma) to get myself back down to my ideal weight of 12st 7. Feel so much better for it though feel healthier and fitter at 35 than I did at 25.

My weight was once over 100 kg. I've lost over 25 kg, but all the ice cream and cakes make life dangerously. ;-)

Still, as long as I can run over an hour 3 times a week I think I'm fine...

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