WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

So N_LaRUE - where did you go to in Europe last year? Im still doing the design engineering as my daily job - still working in the centre of London - just working hard on the side to try and get a break into esports

Oh! I wish I worked in central London sometimes. Would probably be more fun. :P I got a call from a recruiter on Wednesday for building services. I haven't replied yet to let him know he doesn't know how to read. :P

Let's see if I can remember where I got to...

I think our travels were - Marrakesh (non EU), Belgium (Ghent), Finland and Prague. In August we did a road trip to Thun, Switzerland and stayed at Luxembourg, Strasbourg, Thun, stopped by Bern, Dijon and St Quentin. In Oct we went to Paris, our nephew was supposed to visit but things didn't turn out that way. At Christmas we went to Barcelona and spent a day in Tarragona.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Yeah noticed that WPC website has been spruced up a touch.

It's a bit nicer looking but has it's moments where it doesn't load that well occasionally. I still have issues with TapaTalk from time to time and the WC app for Android sometimes doesn't work.

Other than that I like it. :)
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

How have you been?

Same old ****, just a different day...but I'm good overall.

Still doing my masters (halfway finished); upgraded - on a Z3 like Rue as my daily driver and a 930 like you for taking decent pictures. Picked up a N7 2013 (although I wouldn't mind getting a Z Ultra GPE).

Penned on a Xperia Z3
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's a bit nicer looking but has it's moments where it doesn't load that well occasionally. I still have issues with TapaTalk from time to time and the WC app for Android sometimes doesn't work.

Other than that I like it. :)

I never use the Android Tapatalk app.

Penned on a Xperia Z3
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

So what happened to Big Paddy?

Not sure. He never came by to say good-bye but my guess would be he got a more serious job. He was also working on an app with his brother or something.

So many people have come and gone on here. I feel like a dinosaur sometimes. :P
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning all!

I don't seem to be on as much as I was at one time. Well, I guess I'm probably on as much, but just not posting as much... All the "sky is falling" threads of late, I find out better to not get involved with.

On another note, hopefully I'll get my 1520 screen fixed and I'm thinking of trying to get an MS Band... Just not sure if I'm better off waiting for 2.0 (assuming the rumored of it are true). What's everyone's thought on Band 1.0 vs. Waiting?
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning all!

I don't seem to be on as much as I was at one time. Well, I guess I'm probably on as much, but just not posting as much... All the "sky is falling" threads of late, I find out better to not get involved with.

On another note, hopefully I'll get my 1520 screen fixed and I'm thinking of trying to get an MS Band... Just not sure if I'm better off waiting for 2.0 (assuming the rumored of it are true). What's everyone's thought on Band 1.0 vs. Waiting?

Morning or afternoon I think...

I'd like to help you with that but I haven't seen the Band but maybe waiting for the next rev would be an idea.

Did you drop your 1520! :O
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Ok I'm off to my football ⚽ match. Lets hope I perform well. I'll report back in two or more hours.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning or afternoon I think...

I'd like to help you with that but I haven't seen the Band but maybe waiting for the next rev would be an idea.

Did you drop your 1520! :O

Yeah, my 1520 had a series of unfortunate accidents, the third one was a drop that shattered the screen. When iI get it fixed, I want to get a case that is one piece, hard, and sticks out above the screen a little. Thinking about this one... https://forums.windowscentral.com/e...ource=vb_wp&utm_medium=content&token=P3tFhLjl
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

There's a poll asking which OEM you'd like to see make a WP. It's sounding like a BP rant in the comments... Sony!

Poll: Which OEM would you most like to see make a Windows Phone? | Windows Central

That would be something though. The Z3 would kick but on WP. You know what would be cool is the ability to swap out OS. Put W10 or Android on your Sony device as you see fit. There's something innovative!

Now if they can only get around the whole Xbox/Playstation thing...
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Think Asus would be good especially for the android WP crossover

I think so too but Sony would be amazing. Ever since I started using the Z3 I keep thinking how nice it would be to have hardware like it on WP.

It's an amazing bit of kit.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I think so too but Sony would be amazing. Ever since I started using the Z3 I keep thinking how nice it would be to have hardware like it on WP.

It's an amazing bit of kit.

Yeah but it would never happen due to the playstation/xbox conflict
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Yeah but it would never happen due to the playstation/xbox conflict

True. But who knows? Maybe there's a way they can get around that. Why not offer both on the device?

Oh well, we can dream can't we?

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