WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's getting close to the end of the day. :) I'm very happy it's Friday and the work week is over. :)

Another hour and I'm out of here. :)
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Ship! I'm on the bench as a substitute. Would have to wait a bit for some action.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Woo finished early! I should have finished at 2 today but couldn't get away til now. Now the decision is whether or not to do a bit of website development or just chill here on the forums.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Woo finished early! I should have finished at 2 today but couldn't get away til now. Now the decision is whether or not to do a bit of website development or just chill here on the forums.

Isn't it obvious. Just chill on the forums
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Woo finished early! I should have finished at 2 today but couldn't get away til now. Now the decision is whether or not to do a bit of website development or just chill here on the forums.

Hello fella - hows things?
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I use TapaTalk and the WC app. Is there something better? I kind of like TapaTalk, it's quicker.

Cannot say it is better but I do my postings from the mobile nations app (not the forums one via Tapatalk). Outside of the occasional restart because it isn't recognizing my saved log in, it has been perfect for me.

Posted Approved by Nexus 7 (2013)
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Oh yeah - had completely forgotten about Chregu - is he no longer with us as well?

No. :( He just suddenly vanished. He came here to the UK for a trip. I was in contact with him before that and then nothing.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

There's a poll asking which OEM you'd like to see make a WP. It's sounding like a BP rant in the comments... Sony!

Poll: Which OEM would you most like to see make a Windows Phone? | Windows Central

That would be something though. The Z3 would kick but on WP. You know what would be cool is the ability to swap out OS. Put W10 or Android on your Sony device as you see fit. There's something innovative!

Now if they can only get around the whole Xbox/Playstation thing...

They won't do it. It'll be like HTC. There's no real advantage for Sony with a WP device. Although, I still love the X1 and almost got back one to have. It was a sweet phone and I liked those X panels...

Posted Approved by Nexus 7 (2013)
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Nice case. I've been thinking about a new one for my Z3.

I ordered a hard case with a wood decal for mine. Pictures forthcoming since it is coming from China.

Posted Approved by Nexus 7 (2013)
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Commuting was a pain today...delays all around - you'd think it was Monday morning instead of a Friday morning.

Posted Approved by Nexus 7 (2013)
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I ordered a hard case with a wood decal for mine. Pictures forthcoming since it is coming from China.

Posted Approved by Nexus 7 (2013)

You'll have to let me know what you think. I'm not sure about the wood look myself. I was considering a quality clear hard plastic case.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Commuting was a pain today...delays all around - you'd think it was Monday morning instead of a Friday morning.

Posted Approved by Nexus 7 (2013)

Since I only commute every other Friday I'm often startled how quiet it is.

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