EveningAfternoon folks. Headed to the internship.
Penned on a Xperia Z3
The Katy Perry halftime show was ok... Except for the fake guitar playing by Lenny Kravitz (SP?)
Nice little scrap at the end of the game lol
And back ...and all I have to say to Mia .....all they had to do was run the ball*sigh*
sent from my rare green linux 830
I saw the score briefly. I'll hear details tomorrow when I get home. I was going to watch highlights but between doing laundry and going to the post office, I'll catch up tomorrow night after class maybe.
Sorry but I just wasn't as interested in football this year. Maybe it's because I was working at the internship on Sundays.
Posted Approved by Nexus 7 (2013)
You guys need to kick this into gear, not far off the 100 K Mark
Of course my 26 moats don't help much
So who am I to talk
I could just talk to myself to help the cause...would be the first thread I've done that in.