WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Hi all

Android Central, iMore, Crackberry have all been doing this challenge on there forums, so let?s start this challenge over here!

So what do you have do I hear you ask, just reply in this thread about anything, that's correct anything at all!

This can be your lunch, the weather, holiday, share images of your vacation and these are just a few examples. Let?s show the other site on MN what we can do, it may be a steep hill to climb however we can do it together, spare some of your time and post to your heart?s content and the best thing about this thread it can be about anything (in reason of course :P) and have FUN!

If you need a few more examples to get the wheels turning you can post about how your days was, a device, something funny you read or heard, cake, food, some more cake you get by now, of what you can do! :smile:

Now then the thread title will change every time we break the post count so I want to see this thread EXPLODE WITH POST, I WANT TO SEE YOUR KEYBOARD SET ALIGHT!

This is also a contest as well don't forget, against the other forum in MN, so let show them what we can do on WPC!!!

75,000 POST CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!

No way? Crackberry has a thread like this? I wouldn't know that. Really!
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's nice to get out and watch a movie . Project almanac is a good movie I think

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk but I prefer my 810 and 830
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Wiley Coyote is my hero. I have a tattoo of him on my right calf. Everything I touch blows up just like him.

I saw a Coyate today as I was getting on the highway. Thankfully the next under pass wasn't just painted on with that acme paint.

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