WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I intern with homeless youth, and I have some young people at the regular job come in high, smelling like cigarettes, or with strong BO's. Because I have an office, I keep a spray handy. Every once in a while at work I'll talk to a patient about their BO if it is truly overpowering. Homeless youth get a pass on it at the internship, unless it is really outrageous.

Penned on a Xperia Z3

I can imagine. My wife works with some 'interesting' people helping them with finding a job. Cleanliness is a topic that comes up frequently.

A spray would be a bit too obvious unfortunately since I work in an open office environment. I so wish I had my own office!
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I sooo hate cigarettes, smoking and everything related to it. God!I wish the world would be rid of this filth.

Some people find alcohol and sex filth that the world should be rid of too. Yet, were stuck with all 3 because we can make money from all three and people need some kind of outlet.

Yes, I'm not a fan of the smell either, but what to do indeed...

Penned on a Xperia Z3
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

You're gonna need to learning 3 alphabets: hiragana (native Japanese words), katakana (non-native Japanese words), and Kanji..."Chinese" symbols used to replace hiragana or katakana words or letters.

Native Japanese have to learn 1854 kanji to complete high school. Don't worry, even on Japanese news if there is a kanji they think people don't know they put the corresponding hiragana or katakana. Both my Sense is who have taught me Japanese know at least 5000 kanji. I am familiar (as in can kinda recognize) with about 1000 myself, of which, about 250-300 I can easily recall.

YouTube can help. Good stuff to start off with is to learn both hiragana and katakana, as there is a standard number of those. Pay attention to stroke order, of you're into learning to write too. Then look at basics like the greetings, days in the week, colors, numbers, months of the year, present and simple past tense of verbs. That'll be good enough to start.

Penned on a Xperia Z3

Thank you very much. I'll save this msg in my one note for future reference.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I can imagine. My wife works with some 'interesting' people helping them with finding a job. Cleanliness is a topic that comes up frequently.

A spray would be a bit too obvious unfortunately since I work in an open office environment. I so wish I had my own office!

You'll need something like this.


My coworker has a nicely shaped on that she rests in her office. It also gives off a very mild scent. If you did around I'm sure you can find a better looking one that won't visually seems so offensive.

Just stick in on your desk pointing in his direction on a day he isn't there.

Penned on a Xperia Z3
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Hey Mia! You forgot to answer my other question that is there a website or app specifically for learning Japanese.I don't think Duolingo does Japanese. Does it?
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Hey Mia! You forgot to answer my other question that is there a website or app specifically for learning Japanese.I don't think Duolingo does Japanese. Does it?

You tube is good, by the way.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Hey Mia! You forgot to answer my other question that is there a website or app specifically for learning Japanese.I don't think Duolingo does Japanese. Does it?

Can not think of any of the top of my head. I'd start with YouTube because you can hear how to pronounce hiragana and katakana and see the stroke order as to how to write them correctly.

Penned on a Xperia Z3
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Folks,I got home a bit later than I wanted due to weather. So I'm offline to go do laundry and get a other project from the post office before I head back to NYC.

Penned on a Xperia Z3
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Can not think of any of the top of my head. I'd start with YouTube because you can hear how to pronounce hiragana and katakana and see the stroke order as to how to write them correctly.

Penned on a Xperia Z3

Thanks anyway. Pleasure doing business . . . . . . . I mean thanks a bunch.😊
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Before I go, this is how the white water slush looks in my complex. Zoom in if you can on turnstile...the ice frozen on it is sharp enough to cut your fingers...

Penned on a Xperia Z3


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Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Forgive the pics being upside down. What I've learned with posting from a Xperia Z device on the WC app for Android is to take your pictures in traditional landscape and they're easy to post.

Penned on a Xperia Z3

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