WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's hard when you work so hard on something and you don't even get close to the grade you thought you would get. All in all, my grade (as in the letter, not the percentage) for this class is what I hoped it will be. Even though I feel this way, I still took a picture of the feedback so that I can make corrections to my own work.

I think this hits the feels additionally because this project is what I want to do for my career. After the feeling passes, I'll make the corrections.
Kinda like struggling over an ethical dilemma, finding a dynamic solution and having the client go "I appreciate the work you did, but I don't want this solution?"

Yeah, it smarts in a different way that takes a while to wash off.
Kinda like struggling over an ethical dilemma, finding a dynamic solution and having the client go "I appreciate the work you did, but I don't want this solution?"

Yeah, it smarts in a different way that takes a while to wash off.
Ugh that must be so frustrating.
It's exactly that.
Ugh that must be so frustrating.
It's exactly that.
That's part of the job. You learn to accept that it comes with the territory. You also learn that it doesn't make it easier to swallow each time it happens. So you've got to find your way to self reflect in a healthy way for self improvement.

These are some of the lessons they try to teach in school indirectly.
So morning musings.

Back in 2016 (yeah that long ago) the UK held a referendum on staying in the EU. On Friday they overwhelmingly voted in the Tories who unleashed this mess due to party infighting.

They also unleashed the racists and emboldened them. Unfortunately this win has just emboldened them even more. They feel even more justification for their beliefs.

I already have stories of people getting, for lack of a better term, harassed by their neighbours for being 'foreign'. Even going so far to knock on their doors and tell them that now that the conservatives have won, "So we won't have to put up with you much longer". This was said to an Asian person born and raised in the UK. Though this is disgusting, it's fairly mild to what I'm expecting some people will get. What makes this all the more confusing is that this person being in the UK has absolutely nothing to do with the EU or even present immigration policy. I'm not entirely sure where they're getting their information from but there is nothing that's been said they're going to kick all the foreigners out, but they seem to think this is going to happen.

Not forgetting what that would do to the economy, hospitals, etc.

Ever since the referendum there's been this identity politics playing out and a overwhelming nationalism running rampant through the UK, though mostly in the North. Both are very dangerous and are really just plain silly.

There is no such thing as a True British person. Everyone in Europe are mongrels. Everyone everywhere is basically the same. What makes you anything is purely culturally based. Nothing more. Skin colour, height, eye colour, etc mean absolutely nothing in this context.

I'll never understand racism and I'll never understand nationalism either. I get where both come from but as humans we should be far beyond this now, like many other things. But such is life when you have a slightly more complex monkey brain than your closest relative.

Racism, never acceptable. Nationalism is a bit more difficult since people should be able to be proud of their nationalities but it shouldn’t cross over into attacking others nationality.
Hey Libra,

This is why NY is so interesting. Just got of a train with the flowing "influencers" in grabbing distance: Danny Winget, Kevin the tech ninja, and the guy from booredatwork.com. In fact, Kevin was the first one I recognized. I did give the "hey, you guys look familiar" look for sure, but I didn't fan girl them because:

- it was a crowded subway car in rush hour on a rainy (back in the day this would have be snow) winter day
- these guys have YouTube fame. If I'm NOT going going to fan girl in person for an old school celebrity (Obama, Hedi Klum, etc), I won't for social media celebs.

Just never know who and what you'll see here. They do look exactly alike in person though.
Hey Libra,

This is why NY is so interesting. Just got of a train with the flowing "influencers" in grabbing distance: Danny Winget, Kevin the tech ninja, and the guy from booredatwork.com. In fact, Kevin was the first one I recognized. I did give the "hey, you guys look familiar" look for sure, but I didn't fan girl them because:

- it was a crowded subway car in rush hour on a rainy (back in the day this would have be snow) winter day
- these guys have YouTube fame. If I'm NOT going going to fan girl in person for an old school celebrity (Obama, Hedi Klum, etc), I won't for social media celebs.

Just never know who and what you'll see here. They do look exactly alike in person though.

That's so cool that you saw them!
I'm amazed that you saw all of them together.
If you have seen a few of Danny's meet up video, then it becomes less of a surprise.
True, I have seen 2. I figured that they were cool but I didn't know that they did things together outside of tech events. That's where my surprise came from.
I have a friend who lives in NYC and says it isn't unusual to see even old-school celebrities (actors and musicians) on the subway.
Racism, never acceptable. Nationalism is a bit more difficult since people should be able to be proud of their nationalities but it shouldn’t cross over into attacking others nationality.

I agree generally with both statements.

However, nationalism is just another form of tribalism. It's similar in a way to religion. You're born into it. If you 'convert' you tend to be over zealous. Both feel they need to be defended.

I'm not a fan of the 'proud' idea either.

Anyway I'll leave it there.
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Hey Libra,

This is why NY is so interesting. Just got of a train with the flowing "influencers" in grabbing distance: Danny Winget, Kevin the tech ninja, and the guy from booredatwork.com. In fact, Kevin was the first one I recognized. I did give the "hey, you guys look familiar" look for sure, but I didn't fan girl them because:

- it was a crowded subway car in rush hour on a rainy (back in the day this would have be snow) winter day
- these guys have YouTube fame. If I'm NOT going going to fan girl in person for an old school celebrity (Obama, Hedi Klum, etc), I won't for social media celebs.

Just never know who and what you'll see here. They do look exactly alike in person though.

Have to admit my knowledge of any 'influencer' is fairly small and I doubt that I would recognise them.

I wouldn't mind meeting some famous people and do my best not to 'fan girl'. I guess it can be hard not to, especially if your around others already doing that. You can get caught up in the whole thing.

Mob mentality kind of thing.
I agree generally with both statements.

However, nationalism is just another form of tribalism. It's similar in a way to religion. You're born into it. If you 'convert' you tend to be over zealous. Both feel they need to be defended.

I'm not a fan of the 'proud' idea either.

Anyway I'll leave it there.

It’s simply the conundrum. When does pride and support for one’s natural identity cross a point where it becomes an unacceptable “ism” and why?
I have a friend who lives in NYC and says it isn't unusual to see even old-school celebrities (actors and musicians) on the subway.
I see them periodically too. Doesn't move the needle for me one bit. I remember seeing one some years ago and I have that same "I think I recognize you" face and she froze as she was walking her dog. Then I just kept on walking myself. Nobody got time for that crap.

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