WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Have to admit my knowledge of any 'influencer' is fairly small and I doubt that I would recognise them.

I wouldn't mind meeting some famous people and do my best not to 'fan girl'. I guess it can be hard not to, especially if your around others already doing that. You can get caught up in the whole thing.

Mob mentality kind of thing.
For certain famous people, I'd just want to make sure I ask certain questions. I don't want to sounds like a noob or someone trying to be too intelligent. Outside of that, I don't care.
It’s simply the conundrum. When does pride and support for one’s natural identity cross a point where it becomes an unacceptable “ism” and why?

Who said there is a point to cross? I think the whole idea is ridiculous to begin with.

Let's look at the USA and this idea of nationalism applied to it.

Technically, the USA is a bunch of small countries put together which are called states. Each one thinks they're unique and have all their own ideas and cultures within them. Then within that you have cities and towns. All with the same kind of thinking.

To me nationalism is some blanket idea of one's identity made up by some politician used to promote the country as something special.

The idea of nationalism stems from the old days of warring feudal kingdoms of Europe and if you go back even further, to tribalism of small hunter gathers groups. Nationalism is just an exponential idea.

Like most things we do as humans.
Who said there is a point to cross? I think the whole idea is ridiculous to begin with.

Let's look at the USA and this idea of nationalism applied to it.

Technically, the USA is a bunch of small countries put together which are called states. Each one thinks they're unique and have all their own ideas and cultures within them. Then within that you have cities and towns. All with the same kind of thinking.

To me nationalism is some blanket idea of one's identity made up by some politician used to promote the country as something special.

The idea of nationalism stems from the old days of warring feudal kingdoms of Europe and if you go back even further, to tribalism of small hunter gathers groups. Nationalism is just an exponential idea.

Like most things we do as humans.

So then, when people from other nations immigrate here, it’s ok to expect to assimilate. We’ve always claimed as collective nation in the old advertising brochures that we’re a melting pot.

So we shouldn’t have the hyphenated descriptors like African, Hispanic, Asian or Muslim-American for instance? That’s definitely something I believe in.. Everyone truly recognized as just American, equal same as each other Americans unquestionably.
So then, when people from other nations immigrate here, it’s ok to expect to assimilate. We’ve always claimed as collective nation in the old advertising brochures that we’re a melting pot.

So we shouldn’t have the hyphenated descriptors like African, Hispanic, Asian or Muslim-American for instance? That’s definitely something I believe in.. Everyone truly recognized as just American, equal same as each other Americans unquestionably.

That's not what I was talking about. That's confusing the topic. There's a difference of coming 'from' a place and nationalism.

I personally like to see everyone as human beings personally. Screw the titles. Descriptors just complicate things.

All we seem to want to constantly do is separate ourselves from each other. It's our natural way, I know that, but doesn't mean we can't strive for change and something better.

We can't help ourselves going back to nature whether we think we're above it or not. It's too ingrained in us. Like a lot of things.

As for assimilation, that's like brain washing. I know the USA likes that idea though, they've been at it for decades with their own populace. That's the wrong way to look at it.

There's nothing wrong with the idea of integration, becoming part of society and respecting the place you moved to, regardless where that is. Doesn't mean you can push for real change either. You can still be where you're from and bring something to society as well. There's no one way of doing things either.
Only two days left of work. I'm looking forward to the break. Not looking forward to the lack of income but the break, yes.

Have lots to do too but will have time to just take it easy and take in some sights.
That's not what I was talking about. That's confusing the topic. There's a difference of coming 'from' a place and nationalism.

I personally like to see everyone as human beings personally. Screw the titles. Descriptors just complicate things.

All we seem to want to constantly do is separate ourselves from each other. It's our natural way, I know that, but doesn't mean we can't strive for change and something better.

We can't help ourselves going back to nature whether we think we're above it or not. It's too ingrained in us. Like a lot of things.

As for assimilation, that's like brain washing. I know the USA likes that idea though, they've been at it for decades with their own populace. That's the wrong way to look at it.

There's nothing wrong with the idea of integration, becoming part of society and respecting the place you moved to, regardless where that is. Doesn't mean you can push for real change either. You can still be where you're from and bring something to society as well. There's no one way of doing things either.

Also, nationality doesn't always equal ethnicity. Personally for me, you can't look at me and mistake me for anything but my race. However because of cultures and ethnicity, I identify with 2 hyphens. I can guess that MIA likely feels similarly.
Also, nationality doesn't always equal ethnicity. Personally for me, you can't look at me and mistake me for anything but my race. However because of cultures and ethnicity, I identify with 2 hyphens. I can guess that MIA likely feels similarly.

Agree totally.

I have two 'nationalities' and working on a third.

Which one should I exonerate? :P

Yes a lot of people confuse nationality and ethnicity. This is an old idea of being from a place means you look a certain way. That's really no longer true. Sure there are predominate populations but there's more mix these days all over the world.

I get why people use hyphenated identifications however, I wish we didn't need them or desire them.

That's just my point of view.
Agree totally.

I have two 'nationalities' and working on a third.

Which one should I exonerate? :P

Yes a lot of people confuse nationality and ethnicity. This is an old idea of being from a place means you look a certain way. That's really no longer true. Sure there are predominate populations but there's more mix these days all over the world.

I get why people use hyphenated identifications however, I wish we didn't need them or desire them.

That's just my point of view.

Haha! I guess you'll always have one of those, since you were born and raised there.

Well said.

For me, I feel more comfortable with them when it comes to my ethnicity. Otherwise, it's a "but you have no accent/ I was surprised to not hear an accent" comment situation and to other people who directly immigrated from the same country like to say that I'm not "really" that because we have different experiences. I have heard both enough times in my life so the hyphen works best for me and no one debates me on that, thankfully.
Haha! I guess you'll always have one of those, since you were born and raised there.

Well said.

For me, I feel more comfortable with them when it comes to my ethnicity. Otherwise, it's a "but you have no accent/ I was surprised to not hear an accent" comment situation and to other people who directly immigrated from the same country like to say that I'm not "really" that because we have different experiences. I have heard both enough times in my life so the hyphen works best for me and no one debates me on that, thankfully.

The "accent" thing is something that happens in all countries.

For example, I have what is known as a "general American" accent, since I am from the north midland region. That would be considered a good accent to have if one worked in radio or TV news, since one will typically notice that no matter where he/she travels in the USA, all TV/radio news hosts have that "general American" accent. However, that "general American" accent could be perceived in a negative manner if I travelled to other countries, since I would sound like I didn't come from any place in particular.
Also, nationality doesn't always equal ethnicity. Personally for me, you can't look at me and mistake me for anything but my race. However because of cultures and ethnicity, I identify with 2 hyphens. I can guess that MIA likely feels similarly.
True dat. My wife and I are Latinos who "pass". I don't subscribe to the "national pride" argument simply because there have been some pretty sh*tty Cubans throughout history (Fidel). I'm proud of my heritage and what it represents, but my birth country hasn't always been a role model.

On a side note, I feel for Americans tonight. They are the laughing stock of the world needing to have Congress impeach the leader they elected. They meaning 63 million suckers. They must feel like one of those Southwest Airlines "wanna get away" commercials.
The "accent" thing is something that happens in all countries.

For example, I have what is known as a "general American" accent, since I am from the north midland region. That would be considered a good accent to have if one worked in radio or TV news, since one will typically notice that no matter where he/she travels in the USA, all TV/radio news hosts have that "general American" accent. However, that "general American" accent could be perceived in a negative manner if I travelled to other countries, since I would sound like I didn't come from any place in particular.
You're assuming that the people in this other country are fluent enough to recognize you don't have any peculiar accent. I'm guessing a waiter in Shanghai thinks Tony Montana speaks perfect English

...I'm somewhat in the market for a new device. I'm finding that the V40's radios are not as good as I'd want. I'm finding that even though it's a carrier branded phone, there have been times when the signal takes while to pick up transitioning out from dead zones. Plus, I'm noticing some random reboots as well.

I have a feeling I'm better off trading it in to get something new than reselling it, but I know what to get if I went that route. Note 10? Pixel 4? Last promo I saw I'm getting $200 in trade for the V40. Dunno...

...I'm somewhat in the market for a new device. I'm finding that the V40's radios are not as good as I'd want. I'm finding that even though it's a carrier branded phone, there have been times when the signal takes while to pick up transitioning out from dead zones. Plus, I'm noticing some random reboots as well.

I have a feeling I'm better off trading it in to get something new than reselling it, but I know what to get if I went that route. Note 10? Pixel 4? Last promo I saw I'm getting $200 in trade for the V40. Dunno...

Ugh this sounds frustrating.

I think you'll like either the Pixel 4 or the Note 10. Considering that you have had a Pixel before, would you regret passing it up if you went for the Note 10? $200 sounds pretty decent to me.

Considering that I have an S10e, I think you might like some of the tweaks of the Note 10 like the built in night mode, in addition to all of the camera modes, along with the built in storage.

I recall that you didn't like that the Pixel started at a storage capacity that wouldn't work for you.
The "accent" thing is something that happens in all countries.

For example, I have what is known as a "general American" accent, since I am from the north midland region. That would be considered a good accent to have if one worked in radio or TV news, since one will typically notice that no matter where he/she travels in the USA, all TV/radio news hosts have that "general American" accent. However, that "general American" accent could be perceived in a negative manner if I travelled to other countries, since I would sound like I didn't come from any place in particular.

As someone who has traveled a lot in non English speaking countries I can tell you this. Most of those just hear English. They may be able to tell there are slight differences but at the end of the day they only know you're speaking English. If they can tell you have a north American accent they are cautious because they believe a lot of Canadians hate being identified as American. I find this a lot, especially in the UK.

Americans typically get identified by their talking style more than by their accents (i.e. speaking louder than the people around them, smiling a lot, etc). When I say Americans I also mean Canadians in this as well. It's very noticeable...

English speakers are better at identifying different English accents (meaning a person sounds different) and unless you know accents well you will typically have no idea where a person is from (or just generalise). Most Canadians think there is only a 'Canadian accent' without realising there are regional differences. Same goes for Australia. Though in Australia the differences can also be economic (the schools you go to), the UK has this as well. The Queen does not have a London accent for example, though most don't know what a London accent is...
True dat. My wife and I are Latinos who "pass". I don't subscribe to the "national pride" argument simply because there have been some pretty sh*tty Cubans throughout history (Fidel). I'm proud of my heritage and what it represents, but my birth country hasn't always been a role model.

On a side note, I feel for Americans tonight. They are the laughing stock of the world needing to have Congress impeach the leader they elected. They meaning 63 million suckers. They must feel like one of those Southwest Airlines "wanna get away" commercials.

Nothing wrong being proud of your culture and heritage or past.

Countries are questionable things. I would hesitate to be proud of any country. It's easy to jump on the 'bandwagon' but if you have any idea of ethics, notions of half truths and generally know that countries are run by governments, most wanting whats best for them. Then trying to have any pride in that is difficult.

Also, just looking at history, it's easy for countries to change. Some rise, some fall. Some expand, some disappear. That just reality.
Also, nationality doesn't always equal ethnicity. Personally for me, you can't look at me and mistake me for anything but my race. However because of cultures and ethnicity, I identify with 2 hyphens. I can guess that MIA likely feels similarly.
'Murica has labeled me a black man, even though my personal identity is as complex and layered as yours. Even though I don't accept the stereotypes that come with that label, it doesn't stop society from using that label.

My country of origin has the unusual practice of earning cultural credits, so if you don't stay actively connected to the culture no matter where you are, you're not considered a member if the culture - even if you are born and raised there initially.

Complicated, eh? Yes, unnecessarily so.
Also, nationality doesn't always equal ethnicity. Personally for me, you can't look at me and mistake me for anything but my race. However because of cultures and ethnicity, I identify with 2 hyphens. I can guess that MIA likely feels similarly.
'Murica has also designed a very effective system as to what labels it values and attaches resources (or preferential access to). If I don't fit into the version of nationalism that comprises of the American spirit, I'm already at a disadvantage.
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One more day of work for this year.

One more day left at this company.

I'm looking forward to the new year, new job and new experiences.

Life is going to be a bit weird for the next little while as I get into this new job. No idea how often I'll be posting.
The next two weeks will be both fun and tiring as we go through two moves and moving of stuff from one storage place to another.

Hope we find a place soon so we can settle down.
The next two weeks will be both fun and tiring as we go through two moves and moving of stuff from one storage place to another.

Hope we find a place soon so we can settle down.
Enjoy it. I know you and the wife will pull a rabbit out of the hat and find something that works for you both.

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