WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

My v30+.
Looks like 3 bars on mine. SD835 t-mobile...
I wonder on that S20 if something is just off or giving that false positive of a result?

I was in an AT&T store tonight taking care of something and I looked at the S20 collection and the s10 series. Note 10s were there too. I like the form factor of the s10+ and note 10 but am still holding off...
I unfortunately watched this thing.

I have very little doubt that he still believes it's not as bad as it is.

Pence creeps me out, the amount of nodding he did I though his head might come off.

It's quite obvious that all those private sector companies are going to profit from this. I doubt any are doing it out of good will.

Then you add the politics in this whole thing and nothing is very clear...
ok. If you are picking up poor mmWave signals on the S20 perhaps that is actually worsening the bandwidth cap. I am not certain on how the failover technology has advanced, or if even 4g and 5g channels are paired with mmWave. Or if in 5g mode when active 4g is completely idle. Heck for all we know this is the second set of guinea pig phones from Samsung...they have been in the game so long they could slap together any device and call it a day, all the hw in the world inside while they formulate for themselves how to make use of it all...and we would never really know the difference ??????
I unfortunately watched this thing.

I have very little doubt that he still believes it's not as bad as it is.

Pence creeps me out, the amount of nodding he did I though his head might come off.

It's quite obvious that all those private sector companies are going to profit from this. I doubt any are doing it out of good will.

Then you add the politics in this whole thing and nothing is very clear...

seems the mobile carriers are and will be jumping on board. Have you caught any news from that yet? In some ways some of the things companies are doing may seem like good samaritan-like gestures but you have to look through it to really see.
Anyone who buys a 5g phone now and expects much of anything out of its 5g is setting themselves up for dissapontment. At this point in time it's a marketing tactic. But we all know that here of course...
You should tell that to Samsung as they made the decision to only sell 5G models of their phones.
seems the mobile carriers are and will be jumping on board. Have you caught any news from that yet? In some ways some of the things companies are doing may seem like good samaritan-like gestures but you have to look through it to really see.
No. I'd have to go digging to get that info. The news here doesn't focus on that level of things in the USA.

I'm sure the 50 billion will be spread around to a lot of his friends and other 'great companies'...

Typical USA repose though...
Maxis... local in Malaysian!!

Oh man...
So world wide if you look of 5g Surveys done, half of the carriers expect to officially deploy some kind of 5G within the next 24 months. The US might be further along and obviously is. mmWave is the simplest to setup. Upgrading equipment (every tower) to be 5G ready takes time.
AT&T I believe is similar not charging customers for the next 3 months or something like that...not sure about the throttling thing...Yeah t-mobile is doing their usual un-carrier thing. This means AT&T and VZW are sure to follow.

I really hope that they will.
You should tell that to Samsung as they made the decision to only sell 5G models of their phones.
If you buy the phone and keep it for 3 years you're golden. Samsung hardware on their galaxy line is pretty much "future proof" for Bout three years. The thing is Samsung knows people want th latest and greatest. And folks will dump those "bills" on it to get their hands on them. So why not pack 5G even if it's not completely deployed lol. So they will milk it because they can. Like many other carriers. Except Apple. Apple will milk it without 5G lol. At least Samsung gives people a bit more for their money imo. Even if it's a tactical marketing thing.
Now it’s real. My daughters were irritated with school moving to online for next few weeks but when they cancelled/postponed the rest of volleyball season, they lost their minds......

The best part is I don’t have good answers for some of the logic behind the closures. It’s not the coronavirus part....

It’s the, if the Flu is also deadly and SARS and Bird and Swine and Ebola and Zika .......

Then why don’t we shutdown everything constantly?!? LMAO

The question part is from my two daughters....
Knowing the differences is a good idea.

Both SARS and Covid-19 are coronaviuses.

SARS is more deadly, 9% but not as contagious. Also there were lock downs during the outbreak.

Covid-19 is way more contagious and has killed a lot more people in the same period of time than SARS did.

Coronaviuses basically gives you a pneumonia. A flu doesn't. This is why it's deadlier than flu.

The flu death rate is about 1 in 1000. Covid-19 is about 1 in 100. We also have a flu vaccine which is continuously updated.

Bird flu and avian flu do not have large transmissions rates and typically are contained locally. However, these are very scary if they ever do get out. Avian flu has a death rate of 50%.

For some other context. Measles has a 15% death rate.
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