WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Just a small point.

I posted an article a couple of days ago.

Wearing a mask outside is mostly pointless. If you're sick that's different, but if you're healthy not required. Your unlikely to get anything just waking by someone. If they sneeze or cough on you that's a different story (if they do please hurt them, they deserve it) but in general you won't get infected just wandering around.

Infection = viral amount + exposure time

Covid-19 is not an airborne virus. It takes droplets of a certain amount to get into your system to infect you.

That's why being inside is where you need the mask. Especially if you're in there for more than 30 minutes.

There is the other issue that people are asymptomatic for 2-4 days and about 20 -50% who won't show any signs they have it.

Fun times.
The problem is that many people walk around and are not in tune with their bodies. So they will be more likely to sneeze and cough openly vs going in the bend of the arm. Pre COVID-19 you'd constantly see some ****** in the crowded trains pop off a big cough or sneeze.

Even I wasn't comfortable wearing a mask outside at the beginning, and started doing so once I saw the CDC was going to push guidelines that way. I was still being cautious and distancing appropriately.

Been close to having to swing on a few people at times in the neighborhood BUT have been showing some restraint.
This is what we do Rue. Forgot to paste the code earlier.

I've never used VBA to do anything other than DB interfacing.

If I'm following the code correctly your doing 3D solids and polyline extrusions via a dialogue box?

What shapes do you create? I see sin and cos in there as well so I'm expecting curves.

Aside from it being interesting I probably don't need to point out how pointless it is?
The problem is that many people walk around and are not in tune with their bodies. So they will be more likely to sneeze and cough openly vs going in the bend of the arm. Pre COVID-19 you'd constantly see some ****** in the crowded trains pop off a big cough or sneeze.

Even I wasn't comfortable wearing a mask outside at the beginning, and started doing so once I saw the CDC was going to push guidelines that way. I was still being cautious and distancing appropriately.

Been close to having to swing on a few people at times in the neighborhood BUT have been showing some restraint.
I don't disagree with wearing one inside somewhere. Especially public transport. Or in a crowded area.

I was mostly referring to outside if your not around crowds. It's unlikely you'll get anything by just passing someone.

But I do understand your situation.

Whatever you feel comfortable with.
Lockdowns, MCO,.. etc etc.. whatever you do wherever you go.. just keep in mind the 3Cs
1. No... Close contacts
2. No... Congestion/crowded people
3. No... Confined spaces
.. wear the bloody mask when going outside, and keep safe..
Case in point.

Many of the local businesses that served food and had more open style counters by the cashiers have been forced to add some barrier - usually plexiglass - to enclose those areas to protect workers. Many of these places, especially the bakeries don't give workers face shields as PPE. That means workers are wearing only face coverings with their eyes often exposed.

So I was out of bread and went just now to one of the local bakeries to get one to last until the weekend. I walk in and see two late adolescent males placing their order. Of course the boys had no mask on. The plexiglass barrier was a decent height, but not up to the ceiling. Remember, this is a bakery that also serves food here. These goons were laughing and carrying on and one of them got on his toes and leaned OVER the barrier to talk to the cashier who was only wearing a mask.

If that were me as the cashier, I'd have punched the out of him.
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Lockdowns, MCO,.. etc etc.. whatever you do wherever you go.. just keep in mind the 3Cs
1. No... Close contacts
2. No... Congestion/crowded people
3. No... Confined spaces
.. wear the bloody mask when going outside, and keep safe..
Another bone of contention for me:

People still have this nasty habit of hanging super close by the cashier, whether masked or not, or the establishment has a barrier or not.

So across from the street where the bakery I just mentioned is there's a pizza parlor (Laura would love that description). Now, they have a window facing the street they serve people through and have closed the doors to stop people from coming in. Commons sense would state you come up to the window, place your order and step back...especially since this spot gets VERY BUSY. One of the owners who works there doesn't wear a mask, some of the other employees do. So when the owner is serving people who hang at the counter who aren't wearing masks and the distance between them is short (have seen him lean in to answer a question)...

So now when I want a whole pie, I just call ahead and order then pick it up quickly while ducking and weaving through the people who hang at the window with no mask like there's no one else behind them ordering food until their order is done.

This is the stuff I see in a brown neighborhood in one of the hardest hit places in the pandemic. This is the struggle I have. Yes, you want to support local businesses to keep them going. But when you see wild variations in how to keep employees and customers happening, how comfortable do you feel in spending your hard earned money there?
Cool.. what OS is it on? Denim or WM10? Must admit, the 925 made my 920 look like, erm, a brick. haha
How about posting some shots, wordSpy?
I still do use my 830 (browsing, music jukebox) and 950XL (photography) occasionally..
It's running WM10. I updated it in January. The irony is just yesterday on XDA the guy who developed the method to roll it to WM10 said he is stopping all replies to the thread and has moved on to HMD Android devices instead of WP/WM.

I decided to fire it up for nostalgia.

Incidentally this is the Malaysian version of the Lumia 925 which I acquired from @MSFTisMIA back in 2014.

Here are a couple of pictures.
I don't disagree with wearing one inside somewhere. Especially public transport. Or in a crowded area.

I was mostly referring to outside if your not around crowds. It's unlikely you'll get anything by just passing someone.

But I do understand your situation.

Whatever you feel comfortable with.
I don't disagree with you as well. That's the smart way to do it.

I'd rather not have to wear a mask. I wear one because I don't trust people, especially in my neighborhood as I keep seeing people who aren't following guidelines.
Our work is going to provide us with masks. We have plenty at home as well so not worried. Looks like if things go to plan, work for me will be open around end of July. Tier 1 will be opening by end of this month though. I think we're not going to have a second wave in USA as this madness will continue until we have a vaccine and/or good antibody/antiviral treatments.
Our work is going to provide us with masks. We have plenty at home as well so not worried. Looks like if things go to plan, work for me will be open around end of July. Tier 1 will be opening by end of this month though. I think we're not going to have a second wave in USA as this madness will continue until we have a vaccine and/or good antibody/antiviral treatments.
I'm not entirely sure when I'll go back to work. Currently they're letting full time employees who want to go back to do so.

Contractors are not allowed to.

If we manage to get through stage one without a spike (unlikely) my assumption is end of year so this point.
I'm not entirely sure when I'll go back to work. Currently they're letting full time employees who want to go back to do so.

Contractors are not allowed to.

If we manage to get through stage one without a spike (unlikely) my assumption is end of year so this point.

We have a very structured process. And our group falls in Tier 3 and in every Tier only a fraction of people are allowed back in with strict guidelines for temperature screening, masks, 6ft distance, one way traffic, no going beyond your color coded zone etc.

Also by the time my Tier rolls around there will be automatic thermal scan cameras in the entrances to the buildings at work. The big companies in the USA are taking probably 10 times more measures than our President is.
I don't disagree with you as well. That's the smart way to do it.

I'd rather not have to wear a mask. I wear one because I don't trust people, especially in my neighborhood as I keep seeing people who aren't following guidelines.

Same here, I wear a mask not because I am unwell but because I don't know if you are not sick.
I'm busy reading the arguments by the two sides for Trump financial papers at the Supreme Court and one tweet I read made me laugh.

Jennifer Taub said that it takes a lot of chutzpah for Donald Trump who loves to sue people complain about getting sued.

Posted from a fully charged Lumia 925.

I've never used VBA to do anything other than DB interfacing.

If I'm following the code correctly your doing 3D solids and polyline extrusions via a dialogue box?

What shapes do you create? I see sin and cos in there as well so I'm expecting curves.

Aside from it being interesting I probably don't need to point out how pointless it is?

This is plineToExtrude for r1 = 10, r2 = 20, r3 = 30, n = 5.


It's extruded to the height of h/2, since it starts at the height of h/2 itself.
And this is the plineToRevolve. It basically revolves around the previous solid. It's also 3D rotated, since it's plotted in XY.

And what's left is the intersection of the two.


The sin and cos are used to get the points for PLINE which draws the first drawing.
It is pointless generally speaking. But the point is automation of the process, when possible.
I'm busy reading the arguments by the two sides for Trump financial papers at the Supreme Court and one tweet I read made me laugh.

Jennifer Taub said that it takes a lot of chutzpah for Donald Trump who loves to sue people complain about getting sued.

Posted from a fully charged Lumia 925.
A salesman with small cajones don't make no sales. Got to think you have the biggest cajones to get it done, even if your ego is the size of a humpback whale or your head is so far up your own butt you can't tell what time of day or season it is.
I've reinstalled Windows from scratch. No more gaming on laptop, it's getting too old for that. I don't know if I'm even going to install Steam. Don't want to get tempted.
I started using the new Edge today. It heavily reminds me of Chrome. After all, it is based on it.
I have to say, I've loved the way scrolling works in Edge, it feels so smooth.

Yet to see how performance compares to Opera.
Miracle of miracles. I got the missus to ditch her 8+ for the XR. I better keep my phone charged at all times to deal with the deluge of "how the f*** do I do this now!" calls that I'm sure to be bombarded with. The clincher was showing how it's easier to pull down a mask for FaceID than it is to remove latex gloves. She's on Humira so she's taking the 'Rona a wee bit more serious than most.

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