WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!


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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

This is true. I wish that they would make a smaller phone though like the 8 Sirocco in size, but maybe update some elements and drop that price a bit.
Um, Nokia 8 Sirocco has a 5.5" 16:9 screen. That doesn't make it a smaller phone. For reference, the Pixel 3 (5.5" 18:9) is rumored in a Pixel 2 (5.0" 16:9) body. A 6.0/6.1" 18:9 can be a 5.7" 16:9. The issue with the old 16:9 was that many OEMs didn't always keep things slim and small around the display. A Note 5 and 950XL were some of the smaller 5.7" 16:9 I can remember.

Having used both the Pixel 2 and Andy's phone (which are about the same size), you know what I mean...
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Hmm this is a really interesting comment, but I don't disagree. It seems like we went down the hole of more cameras instead?
I don't mind LG doing more cameras. I just want them to tweak the software. I kinda wanted even a 3600mah battery and more importantly, stereo speakers. If they wanted to be cheeky, they could have turned one of those FFCs into a B&W sensor.

My only issue is that this is a first gen telephoto while the main and wide angle cameras have gotten better as they e been working on these for years. I'm curious to see if LG will finally stop being silly and tweak the auto mode. I don't know why they took away switching between main and wide angle in mid video while you can do that switching between main and telephoto.

To me, while I'd use it...I wouldn't buy it at the current price and would have preferred them make it a tad smaller.

Now, will they do a G8? Personally, I'd rather them take the G series into Android One territory if they continue the line.


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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Having used this as a daily driver (https://m.gsmarena.com/sony_xperia_z_ultra-review-975.php), pre smart watches too, I can appreciate the idea of wanting the biggest screen available. I don't mind the 18:9 ratio move, but even that may lead to some unwieldy devices as this beast above was. For someone with big mitts, the 5.7" 18:9 (Mix 2, e.g.)/ 6.0" 18:9 (Mate 10 Pro, LG V30/35) so far has been the sweet spot for this new trend.
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Hi @libra89 yeah still going ok - stable job and home life. Still on a Samsung Galaxy S8+ as none of the new phones really seem to have progressed at all. Pretty sad really.

That and in the last couple of months I've had to replace the boiler in our home, so its an expensive time. Maybe something good is coming around the corner, who knows. I like the look of the Surface Studio 2 though!
Bummer about the boiler. It's one of the things I didn't have to replace in the house I renovated in the UK. I did have it serviced and a leak fixed though. They're pretty neat things those boilers. Never ran into those before the UK but I do like them. Though gas is not the most environmentally friendly thing in the world.

My situation now is more or less replacing most of the house.

I'll soon have an empty shell with water and electrical connection and that's it.
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

In other news we went to an organic heritage seed event (I know exciiting) and met some people we hope to meet up with again. They're building a straw bale house and it's something we're considering for our guest accommodation.

The lady is an architect. We hope to get her to look over our plans to see if we are doing things ok. She's also designing rocket stoves (look them up). We plan to make a rocket stove oven.
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Sport Driver

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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

After one week at home I "recovered" from my trip to Morroco. It was cool and fun but quite stressful and tiring because of all the driving we did. Still had a great fun but as someone who is pretty cleanenes sensitive I might be staying more in a bit better developed countries.


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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Hmm this is a really interesting comment, but I don't disagree. It seems like we went down the hole of more cameras instead?
Yes there's that issue. How many people are really going to use those extra cameras?

My main point is that innovation seems to be on software rather than hardware. Sure some things are better but where's the new low powered screens? Getting 6 hours on a screen and a day battery is still the norm.

On top of that audio has gone downhill in general.

Why is that? Why are we still at this point?

Sport Driver

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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Yes Marocco is interesting. Not the kind of place to go to if you are at all squeemish.
Yeah, it was nevertheless cool, as everywhere, some people were extremely nice, others weren't at all. Over all, happy I went, but they really can't drive.

Sport Driver

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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

In other news, I started with 3rd year of college last week. Battery on my Moto Z is utter garbage, thinking about what to replace it with, Nokia seems like natural progression but 8 scirocco is still to expensive and I'm not really very happy going on SD636. I don't know, maybe OP6T, waiting for OP7 or LG G8. I have no idea, I will probably wait until spring. Moto Z will live on with my mum in any case.


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Sep 13, 2018
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

A Lie is a Great Story Ruined by Truth........
I don't remember where did I get this from but it's good so I shared


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Dec 20, 2012
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Yes there's that issue. How many people are really going to use those extra cameras?

My main point is that innovation seems to be on software rather than hardware. Sure some things are better but where's the new low powered screens? Getting 6 hours on a screen and a day battery is still the norm.

On top of that audio has gone downhill in general.

Why is that? Why are we still at this point?
The industry is drinking its own Kool Aid a bit too much, sadly.

I went to see the new iPhones recently. Very nice looking kits actually. Picked them up and played with them for a bit and walked away wondering - how much better IS this than the 6S I'm stuck with using at work? Clearly, there were hardware upgrades, but that question lingered for me on the ride home.

I'm thumbing through some devices myself (Mate 10 Pro, V35, XZ2) and keep asking, how much better are they than my Mi Mix 2? Not by much, really.

V35 has it beat slightly on main camera, Qi, Micro SD, 3.5mm, water resistance but is likely a bit worse on battery and behind on updates (Xiaomi audio wise is still one of the better OEMs, so this gap is smaller than it sounds). Mi Mix 2 still offers more value here.

XZ2 has it beat on water resistance, micro SD card and Qi, slightly ahead on camera and software updates. But it's behind on design and tied on audio. Mi Mix 2 offers more value here.

Mate 10 Pro has it beat on camera, water resistance and battery life. Yet it is ahead on both audio and software updates and tied on design. Mi Mix 2 offer better value here still, but a bit lower than the other comparisons.

See how much splitting hairs this is? It's really not an upgrade in Android as OEMs are still pigeonholing customers into preselected choices. And that's just in the high end space. Drop into the mid range, you've got more options/combinations (even though your actual choices are still limited). Even budget options have gotten better as the tech has trickled down.

This isn't accounting for the cutthroat second hand market. A savvy shopper can now find a great condition Mate 10 Pro, V35 and XZ2 around the same price. That's great for a buyer who doesn't need it new, but tough for a seller as people know it's a buyer's market.

Even if one goes the camera route to innovate, there are still holes (video is a weak point for Huawei, auto mode is a weak point for LG). It's really a bitter cycle pioneered by Apple: people don't want true choice, just a limited number of options packaged nicely. I doubt you'll see any new innovation until AR, battery life and how phone calls evolve (holographic?). Internet tech still isn't as ubiquitous as these companies want us to believe.

Market saturation is good and bad for consumers. The truth is most people are holding onto devices longer, so software is even more crucial. Yet OEMs don't make money on hardware. We'll see.


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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm curious to see the Pixel 3. Depending on how it looks, I can make a case for me upgrading to it and sacrificing my love of the 3.5mm. I think the best thing Google did was announcing the 3+3 for it - 3 years major software & security patches. For those who like piece of mind that way, it was a smart move. Plus, since they're a software company first, they won't live or die on selling smaller numbers of units. So they can focus on messing around with the software as much as they want.

I won't touch the 3 XL. I'd rather wait for the price drop for a V40 instead.

It's very interesting how a company's approach to software affects their products. Samsung and LG (and Sony) should leverage better integration of their other businesses to mobile, but the market dictated otherwise. By making hardware more mobile, the trick has been creating the good hook for consumers. It's no surprise that software companies are driving the conversation.
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Dec 20, 2012
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

In other news, I started with 3rd year of college last week. Battery on my Moto Z is utter garbage, thinking about what to replace it with, Nokia seems like natural progression but 8 scirocco is still to expensive and I'm not really very happy going on SD636. I don't know, maybe OP6T, waiting for OP7 or LG G8. I have no idea, I will probably wait until spring. Moto Z will live on with my mum in any case.
Good luck there. I'd almost tell you a Nokia 8, but maybe waiting on the Sirocco to get a price drop might work in your favor if that's what you want.


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Nov 10, 2013
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Finally going to get some new devices in the next 10 days or so. Of course the device I have been really looking forward to will arrive when I have to go to Costa Rica

Going to post pictures on the new toys thread.
In the meantime I got a 256GB fruit stand device with a home button for the Mrs since the 128GB version ran out of storage space.


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Dec 20, 2012
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Finally going to get some new devices in the next 10 days or so. Of course the device I have been really looking forward to will arrive when I have to go to Costa Rica

Going to post pictures on the new toys thread.
In the meantime I got a 256GB fruit stand device with a home button for the Mrs since the 128GB version ran out of storage space.
Hopefully she is pleased with the upgrade.


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Nov 10, 2013
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Ha, ha.
She knows that I will back up her old phone and then port it on the new one.
Unfortunately no way to do that with her newer phone unless I upgrade the laptop to a 512GB version
You should be able to pull that off, as long as she doesn't sleep with one eye open...

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