WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Started our packing. We haven't got too much to do here.

Weather is a bit miserable but I have to do some stuff outside.

Can't wait to get our of this house and not have to deal with these people anymore.

My wife and I have rented a lot of places and this is the first time we ever had issues like this. They are the most selfish people I've ever met and are just plain horrible.

We should have left after the first plumbing issue when it was apparent they were jerks.

As long as we get out of here and they stay honest (yeah hoping) it will be fine but my issue is I don't see it happening but like I said if they want a fight. Happy to oblige.
Hope it works out. Sometimes we have to cut our losses at the first sign of trouble. Housing is such a mess at times, whether you own or rent.
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So I did cave and buy some stuff today that I have been eyeing but mainly beauty stuff and clothes. And of course, it was on sale, lol.
Gotta make sure those cosmetics (if you use them) are always on the legit side. The gf watched a special last night on Netflix about counterfeit cosmetics and was appalled.
I threw out the Dell desktop and kept the hard drive. But the others I think are still in storage (I remember seeing them when I downsized two years ago) and the T100 I have with me. That will still get some use as the smaller back up.

I will likely set up the new business account with this computer. I won't keep much personal stuff on it. I had a different feel in buying this than any other computer. It was a more mature version of the feel I had when I bought the T100. Plus, I can add a pen to it I think for documents signature. But I don't think I'll do that.

Still in the box. Still cannot believe I picked it up.

There's a painter working here today - yup, you read right - so I'm waiting until that's done and things are put away before I set it up this evening.
I'm curious to see what LG does next year. If they do something too much of a cluster****, I may swap the V40 out for a Korean V50. The more I dig for a potential daily driver replacement, the more it feels like for my needs, LG offers a better hardware combination.
I threw out the Dell desktop and kept the hard drive. But the others I think are still in storage (I remember seeing them when I downsized two years ago) and the T100 I have with me. That will still get some use as the smaller back up.

I will likely set up the new business account with this computer. I won't keep much personal stuff on it. I had a different feel in buying this than any other computer. It was a more mature version of the feel I had when I bought the T100. Plus, I can add a pen to it I think for documents signature. But I don't think I'll do that.

Congratulations and good luck.
I'm curious to see what LG does next year. If they do something too much of a cluster****, I may swap the V40 out for a Korean V50. The more I dig for a potential daily driver replacement, the more it feels like for my needs, LG offers a better hardware combination.
I don't need great major OS support. We've seen Samsung cut ties with the Note 8 and the S8 line for Android 10. I'm on the October 2019 security patch for the t-MO V40, which has been good. My only concerns has always been more so how they tuned the UI and did the camera software.
Looks like the HP is going back.
The 1TB is SATA and not SSD.

Picked up a Lenovo 14" Flex, i7, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, 2GB Nvidia Graphics card for $145 more. It was a bit more than Microsoft store ($30) but an extra year of warranty via Costco and the Nvidia Graphics card was a decent bonus for the extra $30.
Looks like the HP is going back.
The 1TB is SATA and not SSD.

Picked up a Lenovo 14" Flex, i7, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, 2GB Nvidia Graphics card for $145 more. It was a bit more than Microsoft store ($30) but an extra year of warranty via Costco and the Nvidia Graphics card was a decent bonus for the extra $30.
Looks like we both got the same machine. Guess we were looking oking for something similar to milar. I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
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I wish I was off tomorrow. Another Monday lies in wait.
Today (Monday) can go one of two ways for me.

It will either be a really good day with the protects of a new job or it will just be another work day which will then proceed to another...
Today (Monday) can go one of two ways for me.

It will either be a really good day with the protects of a new job or it will just be another work day which will then proceed to another...
I wish you the former and not the latter.

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