WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

So that's over with. I feel a bit better now.

The only thing the manager was upset about (not my leaving strangely) was the short notice.

Can't please everyone I guess.

I somehow missed this addendum. I can’t believe the corporate entitlement attitude. I’m a huge pro-business and pro-corporate (they’re different) supporter but I’ve never believed in a two week notice. In my industry, when an employee quits with two week notice, we still pay them, but they’re usually escorted from the building immediately.

There’s just too much mischief that can happen so, most people agree to walkout and get paid anyway.
It’s also true since, employment at will does mean that notice isn’t required.

The manager response speaks volumes. Good luck and good future....
So today I put in my notice at work.

Weird how it's been doing my head in. I'm not normally this attached to a place. Especially one where I've only been there about a year.

It's been interesting all the nonsense we've been going through but after today this will be sorted and tomorrow we move out the house. Things will be better then.

Then the new chapter starts in January.
Congratulations on the new job! Good luck finding a new apartment too.
My understanding from what I’ve read is that it’s size will be the differential. Like when iPhone 6 replaced iPhone 5 with significantly larger chassis dimensions, the SE2 or the 9, has larger chassis size than SE that’s comparable to iPhone 6-8 models. I don’t see much difference in chassis size between 6-8 models and the XR and 11 models. I thought main difference was less screen and more chin..
I'm more interested if they keep the SE size for the newer model. I think they'll more likely release the iPhone 8 design with the iPhone 11 guts inside. Some people like the pre iPhone X design.
I don't believe in the 2 week notice. When employers start giving employees the same courtesy before firing them then I'll re-evaluate my position. F*** 'em and feed 'em fish.
Now, there are some people as crooks as employees that deserve that "foot-to-***-and-***-through-door" on the spot treatment (commander in thief aside).

Outside of that, I agree. Had a colleague who was well liked and long tenured. And they fired her during the Christmas holiday...after she did the office party too (she was on that committee for years).
@MSFTisMIA I watched the entire Netflix series 'Broken'. It was excellent.

Interestingly enough, my mother made some great points regarding plastic use. She said. "Why not use paper straws, paper bags and reusable glass bottles, like we did in the past?"

She's right. When I was a kid, milk and soda came in glass bottles. The milkman picked up the empty milk bottles when he brought full ones, and we returned the glass soda bottles and got back our deposit. I also remember paper straws, both the straight and bendy varieties. Even if we're not bringing back the milkman, we still could have milk in glass bottles that are returned to the grocery stores. Same with soda bottles.

The beer bottles also were reused, in addition to the soda bottles. Those had deposits too.
I don't believe in the 2 week notice. When employers start giving employees the same courtesy before firing them then I'll re-evaluate my position. F*** 'em and feed 'em fish.
As a contractor I'm bound by the contract conditions. Usually in the employer's favour.

In my industry is not uncommon for people to give a months notice or more.

I would usually give a month but this situation was a bit different.
I somehow missed this addendum. I can’t believe the corporate entitlement attitude. I’m a huge pro-business and pro-corporate (they’re different) supporter but I’ve never believed in a two week notice. In my industry, when an employee quits with two week notice, we still pay them, but they’re usually escorted from the building immediately.

There’s just too much mischief that can happen so, most people agree to walkout and get paid anyway.
It’s also true since, employment at will does mean that notice isn’t required.

The manager response speaks volumes. Good luck and good future....
Things are different in every country and every industry.

It's not expected in my industry that people would get up to mischief.

The only time people are escorted out is when they're in breach of security, etc or seen as someone who could be damaging.

I'm neither of those.
Second stressful event is today.

Hopefully it guess smoother than expected.

They haven't replied to any of our recent emails and to put it bluntly I'm just ready for a fight. Not a physical one.
So I know our new friend Chuck will find this interesting.

Just some information for reference. I'm a contractor but I thought I would share some of the benefits that other countries get for being a full time staff person.


Minimum 2 weeks paid vacation usually increases over time to four. Paid holidays. Paid sick leave. Typically get benefits where your dental and pharmaceuticals are covered to some extent. Companies typically have education benefits for those who want to improve themselves. Overtime pay is typically 1.5 times your hourly rate (if you're not salary) after 40 hours worked. Typical notice period is 2 weeks.


6 weeks paid vacation. Paid sick leave. Paid holidays. Extra pay for overtime and any holidays worked regardless if you're salary or hourly. This includes part time employees. Education benefits. 40 hour work week. Additional benefits is dependent on your pay grade. Typical notice period is a month.


4 weeks paid vacation. Paid sick leave. Paid holidays. 40 hour work week. Benefits is dependent on your position and pay grade. Typical notice period is a month.


6 weeks paid vacation. Paid holidays. Paid sick leave. Reduced lunch costs or vouchers for restaurants. 35 hour work week (depends on contract as well). Any additional time worked is taken as a day off. I'm sure there's more but I haven't found out. Other benefits dependent on pay grade. Typical notice period three months.

I don't know enough about the USA but I believe that there is no mandated vacation and benefits is determined by the company.
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So I know our new friend Chuck will find this interesting.

Just some information for reference. I'm a contractor but I thought I would share some of the benefits that other countries get for being a full time staff person.


Minimum 2 weeks paid vacation usually increases over time to four. Paid holidays. Paid sick leave. Typically get benefits where your dental and pharmaceuticals are covered to some extent. Companies typically have education benefits for those who want to improve themselves. Overtime pay is typically 1.5 times your hourly rate (if you're not salary) after 40 hours worked. Typical notice period is 2 weeks.


6 weeks paid vacation. Paid sick leave. Paid holidays. Extra pay for overtime and any holidays worked regardless if you're salary or hourly. This includes part time employees. Education benefits. 40 hour work week. Additional benefits is dependent on your pay grade. Typical notice period is a month.


4 weeks paid vacation. Paid sick leave. Paid holidays. 40 hour work week. Benefits is dependent on your position and pay grade. Typical notice period is a month.


6 weeks paid vacation. Paid holidays. Paid sick leave. Reduced lunch costs or vouchers for restaurants. 35 hour work week (depends on contract as well). Any additional time worked is taken as a day off. I'm sure there's more but I haven't found out. Other benefits dependent on pay grade. Typical notice period three months.

I don't know enough about the USA but I believe that there is no mandated vacation and benefits is determined by the company.

I’ve found this data and information very interesting since the mid-80s as teenager. Back then, I had frequent contact with people (snowbirds) from the upper Midwest USA region in Florida staying for the winter. Pro-union and pro-labor were most of these folks.

Ironically, during the last 40-50 years the American people have rejected unions and union activities. This is that individualism that I was referring to. Strength in numbers, regardless of the cause is understood. But Americans, reject Big Labor, Big Government and Big Corporations on some ideologies level. This is what I was attempting before and not going into a causal effect of USA on different levels.

I have my reasons for my beliefs and somebody can have 180 different beliefs. White vs black with the browns in between. Americans don’t choose to embrace certain ideas because of some anti-collective mindset.

The 40 hour week and overtime rates are federal and state laws. Depending on state, can add job protection and/or different wage requirements or additional benefits.

Florida is at-will state and open shop law regarding unions. If the company and job you’re in has unionized, you don’t have to join but it’s automatic. Interestingly, you can be union member and represented but not pay union dues. That’s against the law but the courts have upheld persons rights that if company allows unionization, the membership is required but can’t be forced to pay for it. Pretty messed up?

As far as vacation days, that’s a reason to push for getting a better job here. Better companies offer 2-3 weeks per year starting and it can become 4-5 weeks if sick days and personal days are factored in.

Again, the American people for whatever reason choose different mindset, individualism that people overwhelmingly support regardless of color or culture. Regardless of the “why” origins, people here are of different beliefs. We could be Europe but choose not to be....
@MSFTisMIA I watched the entire Netflix series 'Broken'. It was excellent.

Interestingly enough, my mother made some great points regarding plastic use. She said. "Why not use paper straws, paper bags and reusable glass bottles, like we did in the past?"

She's right. When I was a kid, milk and soda came in glass bottles. The milkman picked up the empty milk bottles when he brought full ones, and we returned the glass soda bottles and got back our deposit. I also remember paper straws, both the straight and bendy varieties. Even if we're not bringing back the milkman, we still could have milk in glass bottles that are returned to the grocery stores. Same with soda bottles.

The beer bottles also were reused, in addition to the soda bottles. Those had deposits too.
The problem is we don't do true recycling in the US. Shipping garbage to Asian countries under a contract for storage isn't recycling. Until we do that, the oceans of garbage and villages filled with garbage will continue to exist and only grow.
The problem is we don't do true recycling in the US. Shipping garbage to Asian countries under a contract for storage isn't recycling. Until we do that, the oceans of garbage and villages filled with garbage will continue to exist and only grow.
No one does recycling correctly.

All countries are guilty of this.
Things are different in every country and every industry.

It's not expected in my industry that people would get up to mischief.

The only time people are escorted out is when they're in breach of security, etc or seen as someone who could be damaging.

I'm neither of those.

Yeah I believe this. I can't speak of all levels of education, but for a public institution, it is the same deal (unless fired and/or scandal, but this is for high positions). Mischief is not expected.
Second stressful event is today.

Hopefully it guess smoother than expected.

They haven't replied to any of our recent emails and to put it bluntly I'm just ready for a fight. Not a physical one.

I wish you good luck and I hope all of this goes as well as possible.
I’ve found this data and information very interesting since the mid-80s as teenager. Back then, I had frequent contact with people (snowbirds) from the upper Midwest USA region in Florida staying for the winter. Pro-union and pro-labor were most of these folks.

Ironically, during the last 40-50 years the American people have rejected unions and union activities. This is that individualism that I was referring to. Strength in numbers, regardless of the cause is understood. But Americans, reject Big Labor, Big Government and Big Corporations on some ideologies level. This is what I was attempting before and not going into a causal effect of USA on different levels.

I have my reasons for my beliefs and somebody can have 180 different beliefs. White vs black with the browns in between. Americans don’t choose to embrace certain ideas because of some anti-collective mindset.

The 40 hour week and overtime rates are federal and state laws. Depending on state, can add job protection and/or different wage requirements or additional benefits.

Florida is at-will state and open shop law regarding unions. If the company and job you’re in has unionized, you don’t have to join but it’s automatic. Interestingly, you can be union member and represented but not pay union dues. That’s against the law but the courts have upheld persons rights that if company allows unionization, the membership is required but can’t be forced to pay for it. Pretty messed up?

As far as vacation days, that’s a reason to push for getting a better job here. Better companies offer 2-3 weeks per year starting and it can become 4-5 weeks if sick days and personal days are factored in.

Again, the American people for whatever reason choose different mindset, individualism that people overwhelmingly support regardless of color or culture. Regardless of the “why” origins, people here are of different beliefs. We could be Europe but choose not to be....
I'll put this a simple way.

Framing is everything.

I highly doubt the vast majority in the USA don't want unions. Those who have rejected them are companies not people.

No one would diminish their rights purposely but US citizens seem keen on it.

Did I mention framing?

Look at the past last forty years.

There's been a concerted effort to deceive the public and to minimise information. Social media increases this ability.
I'll put this a simple way.

Framing is everything.

I highly doubt the vast majority in the USA don't want unions. Those who have rejected them are companies not people.

No one would diminish their rights purposely but US citizens seem keen on it.

Did I mention framing?

Look at the past last forty years.

There's been a concerted effort to deceive the public and to minimise information. Social media increases this ability.

But unions exist here. People say, I support unions just like hitting the like button on Facebook, yet don’t actually physically go and participate. What’s the point in being pro-union if you don’t pursue unionization and participate in unions? The citizens of the USA don’t see it as diminishing but as exercising their rights.

There’s always been an effort to deceive the public or to hide truth.
Nobody is stupid. We elected Trump, good or bad, the people spoke and he won. Just like Obama, Bush and Clinton before.
Many voted against Clinton or liked Trump from his TV days. Like Obama, the man has a circus like charisma. But, the people knew who they were choosing.

What you’re seeing about the American people is that individualism of the freedom of choice. If we choose to eat Big Macs and Fries as XL value meals, it’s our choice. We reject universal healthcare because we don’t want to pay for Big Mac guy and girl and their Big Mac family.

We have guns as constitutional right... I have a friend of mine that I borrow guns from to go range shooting. He owns 30-40 guns at various given times. I own zero guns... However, I’m more pro-gun anti-gun control legislation than him in some aspects... it’s not meant to be nonsensical but yet that’s who America is for the right of personal freedoms.

Many have claimed Americans to unsophisticated or not enlightened and regardless of political leanings, Americans seem to embrace that notion still....as best of compliments
Yeah I believe this. I can't speak of all levels of education, but for a public institution, it is the same deal (unless fired and/or scandal, but this is for high positions). Mischief is not expected.

Here, regardless of industry, this has become more common due to multitude of concerns and liabilities. Big concern is the liability with access to privacy data. USA is a very litigious society... Violation of privacy data could be manipulated into a civil rights violation pretty easily.
But unions exist here. People say, I support unions just like hitting the like button on Facebook, yet don’t actually physically go and participate. What’s the point in being pro-union if you don’t pursue unionization and participate in unions? The citizens of the USA don’t see it as diminishing but as exercising their rights.

There’s always been an effort to deceive the public or to hide truth.
Nobody is stupid. We elected Trump, good or bad, the people spoke and he won. Just like Obama, Bush and Clinton before.
Many voted against Clinton or liked Trump from his TV days. Like Obama, the man has a circus like charisma. But, the people knew who they were choosing.

What you’re seeing about the American people is that individualism of the freedom of choice. If we choose to eat Big Macs and Fries as XL value meals, it’s our choice. We reject universal healthcare because we don’t want to pay for Big Mac guy and girl and their Big Mac family.

We have guns as constitutional right... I have a friend of mine that I borrow guns from to go range shooting. He owns 30-40 guns at various given times. I own zero guns... However, I’m more pro-gun anti-gun control legislation than him in some aspects... it’s not meant to be nonsensical but yet that’s who America is for the right of personal freedoms.

Many have claimed Americans to unsophisticated or not enlightened and regardless of political leanings, Americans seem to embrace that notion still....as best of compliments

You have a higher regard for the general public than I do it seems.

I don't believe people want to be stupid but a lot are intentionally or willfully ignorant. Which means they might as well be stupid.

The education in the US has been going steadily downhill for decades. Partially due to interference from revisionist and several lobby groups. It's a sad thing to see.

I get that you're stuck on this glorified idea of individualism and all that but that's just an idea that's been fed to you and probably everyone else. You're individual because you've been told to be. It's how your society, laws, talking points, etc have been framed. It is that way because that's what the people in power want you to be. You can believe that or not but that's the simple truth.

As for your election system... sigh...

Anyway, I really don't have the time now to run this long debate. You obviously have your opinions and it will be difficult to change them as you really have no other experiences outside the US.

I've lived in 5 countries and traveled extensively. No place is perfect and I can tell you a lot countries, even 3rd world countries, are better than the USA in how they treat their citizens. There's a reason why the US is near the bottom in a lot of surveys. You might want think more on that.

But of course if money is your only way of viewing success, value or relevance than yeah I guess the USA is in the top.
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