We need real medical apps for windows phone


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Feb 12, 2011
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Are the unbound medicine apps not good enough? Or don't cover what you need?

No matter what Epocrates says, once Windows Phone has gained more market share, they will make one. Its the nature of the beast. Many devs/companies tend to want to make one only once the demand is there.


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Dec 5, 2008
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The Unbound Medicine apps cost too much money. I could get dozens of quality apps for their one app on a different OS. A lot of hospitals and doctors offices will have a contract with a place like Unbound, but departments can't afford contracts like that.


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Nov 22, 2011
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Got Unbound Medicine, I think it was totally worth the money, even though I paid the $10 premium over what it is now. I use it a lot more than the green book (red book for all those residents). Only problem is that it takes a while to load articles, even though they're all preloaded.

I talked to tech support a while ago to see if theyre willing to upgrade to mango, but they denied it. I also email epocrates and medscape monthly, and they still give me the same answer that theyre not interested.

I don't get why all these companies refuse to make anything for windows phone. They even made one for Web OS! I would prefer to use them of course since they look to be less laggy.


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Nov 1, 2011
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If the Davis Drug Guide were cheaper, I'd get it. As it stands, I can pin the Medscape reference page to my home screen for free.


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Jun 22, 2011
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I found a couple of real medical apps for pros (reference, calcs):

Pocket Lab Values: Apparently it's an established app on other platforms. $2.99 with no trial, but seems to be a good one. Just bought it, too; it has plenty info, is fast, search works perfectly, though I'm not sure if it's really worth 3 bucks. I bought it to support the devs that do come over to WP7. http://www.windowsphone.com/en-US/apps/4af64c71-5a68-4578-b0f6-220d580750db

MPR: Monthly Prescribing Reference. This one has some more time, a month, I think. Just found it today. Seems to have a lot of info, though not as complete as others according to reviews. Gets content updates apart from actual app updates. Fast and fluid Metro. http://www.windowsphone.com/en-US/apps/19f1469f-5920-4231-9e81-3daaaae947dd

Medical Mnemonics: I bought this one myself. Has over a thousand ways to remember useful stuff that we're required to know in Med School. Laggy, but really useful. Info is worth well over $1.99 http://www.windowsphone.com/en-US/apps/a02171f1-bdf5-df11-9264-00237de2db9e
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Jun 22, 2011
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Hey, I'm starting my Pediatrics clerkship on Monday. I have the guidelines pocketbook for my Hospital on hand, but I was wondering if you though buying the Harriet Lane (59.99) app from Unbound Medicine was worth it? Does it provide $60 worth of info?

Also, has anyone bought the MedCalc 3000 Complete app? There's no trial and I wanted to know if it included absolutely everything or just a selected subset of calculations and criteria from each separate app. The complete and the Peds version are both $9.99, so I'm not sure.

Good God, Unbound charges way too much :(


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Apr 22, 2011
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I thought I saw something about a rumored DICOM app that is suppose to be out or in development. I have seen telemetry apps and mods for iOS. (I think Philips Medical has one) I have a feeling we wont see anything like that on WP in the states. Getting that stuff through FDA's money making scam errrr approval is a pain.


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Jan 10, 2012
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I found a couple of real medical apps for pros (reference, calcs):

Pocket Lab Values: Apparently it's an established app on other platforms. $2.99 with no trial, but seems to be a good one. Just bought it, too; it has plenty info, is fast, search works perfectly, though I'm not sure if it's really worth 3 bucks. I bought it to support the devs that do come over to WP7. http://www.windowsphone.com/en-US/apps/4af64c71-5a68-4578-b0f6-220d580750db

MPR: Monthly Prescribing Reference. This one has some more time, a month, I think. Just found it today. Seems to have a lot of info, though not as complete as others according to reviews. Gets content updates apart from actual app updates. Fast and fluid Metro. http://www.windowsphone.com/en-US/apps/19f1469f-5920-4231-9e81-3daaaae947dd

Medical Mnemonics: I bought this one myself. Has over a thousand ways to remember useful stuff that we're required to know in Med School. Laggy, but really useful. Info is worth well over $1.99 http://www.windowsphone.com/en-US/apps/a02171f1-bdf5-df11-9264-00237de2db9e

Thanks, needed them

Jim Hsu

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Nov 10, 2012
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Really useful thread (same crowd over here, though I have 4 more years of research before going back to clinics for my dual degree).

MPR alone convinced me that WP8 is a viable platform for medical apps. Again, can't afford Unbound apps (look cool though).

Part of the problem is convincing the larger app community that we do in fact exist (medical professionals on WP for whatever reason). Hopefully the recent sales rate of the lumia is convincing at least a few larger developers to jump aboard.


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Jun 22, 2011
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I just downloaded Neuromind on my Surface RT. Another great addition to the really small library of Medical Apps on the MS ecosystem.


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Nov 28, 2011
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At least there is some slow movement here. I'll be really happy once there's a "Rote Liste" app out, but the MPR is a good start.


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Nov 1, 2011
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I have MPR on my phone and both Epocrates and Medscape on my Galaxy Tab 7.7 that I have with me at work. Medscape on WP8 would be great.


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Jul 26, 2011
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Hey guys, question for my wife. She has an iPhone and was looking at a 920 but is becoming a physical therapist and in her studies now is having to learn all the muscles and interactions and ligaments and all that.

Question is...anyone know of something that would list all those things? I found a guide to the bones, but that was it, and most of the apps you are all mentioning are journals, pill guides or symptom guides.

She uses this on her iPhone: Muscle System Pro by 3D4Medical.com : The World's largest, high quality collection of 3D medical images


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Nov 28, 2011
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I don't know of an app for windows phone that does. However I must say that I'd still prefer a good textbook to learning that on my phone. Not that it wouldn't be good to have some of that stuff for wp ;-).
We didn't have that many digital resources for that sort of thing back when I had anatomy in med school but I'd still choose a good textbook over an app just for eyestrain and all.
The digital stuff like that seems more of a supplement to better visualize complicated structures, though most of the bones, ligaments and muscles where still the simpler stuff (I'd hope you wouldn't have to bother with all the scull as a physical therapist).

That's just my opinion though.


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Jul 26, 2011
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I don't know of an app for windows phone that does. However I must say that I'd still prefer a good textbook to learning that on my phone. Not that it wouldn't be good to have some of that stuff for wp ;-).
We didn't have that many digital resources for that sort of thing back when I had anatomy in med school but I'd still choose a good textbook over an app just for eyestrain and all.
The digital stuff like that seems more of a supplement to better visualize complicated structures, though most of the bones, ligaments and muscles where still the simpler stuff (I'd hope you wouldn't have to bother with all the scull as a physical therapist).

That's just my opinion though.

Thanks for the response. She likes the current app she has because of all the layers, she can dig down into the arm and see all the layers as if you were pealing them away. The app she has is pretty spectacular, I will say that... Plus, she can hide the names and it turns into a sort of quiz.

But yea, she has the texts books too...$400 worth for just this last semester. :confused:


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Nov 28, 2011
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To get back on to the thread topic: There must be a market for medical apps on windows phone. This is to the point that I have seriously pondered learning to develop for the platform just to fill that gap. Just don't know if I really have the time to do that...

For example: There is no medication database in German. That might not sound like a big thing, but the German market is pretty big and the current English databases (one single app, finally) just aren't as useful when you need the local brand.


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Apr 27, 2011
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I'm surprised there aren't any... I quit being a paramedic 12 years ago, and when I quit, I had been carrying a Palm device for a few years, with ePocrates on it, and some other one I can't think of the name right now... One for looking up drugs and one for looking up diseases if I remember right, but it's been a while and the memory fades... Maybe I need some of those meds.... ;)

Pantelis Georgiadis

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Jan 15, 2013
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Check out “Windows Phone Dicom Viewer” and “Windows Phone Dicom Viewer Free”, the only apps in Windows Phone marketplace that can query, receive, print, display and process medical DICOM images without the need of any middleware.

Windows Phone Dicom Viewer:

Windows Phone Dicom Viewer Free:

The apps exist for both WP7.5 and WP8. The WP8 version can also accept incoming connections transforming the device in a mobile mini PACS!!!


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Oct 2, 2012
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Generally speaking I've always had a hard time understanding apps. I'd rather have a well built website that works nicely with mobile devices. It's funny how PCs have been sorta moving away from.. service specific software for a good while and you can do most of the stuff just using a browser while smartphones go the exact opposite direction. It does that much sense that with a smaller screen and no mouse/keyboard, a well designed app for touch can come in handy, but I'd still rather take that well built website over having to have a gazillion apps to do simple things.


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Nov 22, 2011
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Apps are good when your hospital has terrible signal. Would be nice to bring out the phone to look up treatments without having to wait minutes for the page to load. I did several rotations in new york and the internet was pretty much down half the time. It would be nice to fill that 32gb lumia 920 with useful information.

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