webOS User Back on Windows Phone - Say Howdy to Dieter

Hey Everybody!

I've passed the torch to Phil for representing WinMo full time this year, but you and I both know that WinMo is an old friend for me. So while I get the OS, I'm more curious about where you think things are and where they're going, specifically:

- Do you use something like sense or touchwiz? Are the NECESSARY for WinMo these days
- Do you miss WinMo standard? Does anybody use it anymore?
- Do you think Microsoft is behind? What do they need to do to catch up?
- What's one feature you'd steal from webOS? From Android?

- Do you use something like sense or touchwiz? Are the NECESSARY for WinMo these days

I do sometimes use Sense. I have a Sony X1, which is (out of the box), a WM6.1 device, and doesn't come with Sense, Touchwiz, or even 6.5's Titanium. Something I like about Windows Mobile is that you do have the flexibility and power to change...my phone has run Sense, and then I got bored of that. I'm currently using 6.5's stock Titanium interface, and I'm really happy with it. It's nice that you're able to get bored with something, move on, try something else.

I don't think that Sense or Touchwiz is necessary at all for 6.5 devices. It's nice to see some of the deeper areas of Windows Mobile tidied up by OEMs, but if anything, I'd prefer if OEMs tidied up the deeper areas and left the front end as is. Titanium is pretty nice, and very intuitive.

- Do you miss WinMo standard? Does anybody use it anymore?

I've never used it, and never would. I think it's definately...gone. I sort of see the point - a small candybar phone with the functionality of a Windows phone, but even that is questionable, as all the good stuff was always on Professional. Standard was kind of like the second-class version, which is unfortunate, as there was a point to it. I think touch is kind of killing it off now. Even blackberry shaped devices like HP's Glisten with their small screens and big front-facing keyboards are getting touchscreens now.

- Do you think Microsoft is behind? What do they need to do to catch up?

Yes and no. Microsoft is certainly behind in the 'wow' factor and the instant visual satisfaction. There are parts of Windows Mobile that undoubtedly look awful, fair enough. But functionally, it's definately up there as a proper smartphone...in contrast, I'd term the iPhone more of a widget-phone. It's got the underlying hardware power and the capability, but it's there for lots of little things. Windows Mobile definately has the functionality that makes it a smartphone, that you can do something serious on. And I think that's its downfall - it's too 'serious', as it has come from an enterprise background, and now MS are pushing it into consumers. It's not a quick or easy transition.

I'm in the fairly fortunate position of having a Windows 6.5 Phone with Exchange 2010, for personal use. And it's absolutely fantastic, I just wish more people could see it...Exchange really makes the platform. Other platforms have Exchange, but Windows Mobile does it awesome and best...stuff like SMS syncing is *really* useful. Everything I send or recieve all ends up in the same place. It makes viewing and searching so easy. I think if you're using Exchange and any other smartphone platform except Windows Mobile...you should be slapped. It's that good.

I think if even half the rumours about WM7 are true, they'll have done their part playing catchup...I regard WM at the moment as definately par if not better than any other mobile platform for how it works...they just need to make it more attractive to the masses.

- What's one feature you'd steal from webOS? From Android?

From webOS, it's an easy one...the multitasking interface. webOS, Android and WM all functionally multitask excellently, but by far webOS has the best interface for doing it. From Android, I don't really know what I'd steal, if anything? Maybe the unquantifiable 'cool' :)
Well Dieter, I am one of the remaining WM standard users. I moved from palm os with a Treo 650 to WM after exchanging e-mail with you a few years ago. I went from a stylus to a non-touch screen and have not looked back. Since I am a business user and not much of a player or tinkerer, I like the simpicity of WM standard's design. In fact, I recently upgraded (or at least semi-upgraded) from BJII to the Jack. I think its a good price and reliable machine. However, I think the available software is lousy. When my contract runs out I may have to see what's on the market at that time whether WM touch, standard or whatever
I agree with jankyhanky about the LG expo. Also, LG has the S-class UI which is at least on par with Sense UI.
WinMo and most of its apps still need a stylus. No one wants to pull out a stylus whether in the car, at the mall, or even at work.

This kind of brings up a question. Does anybody know how well the apps that were designed for resistive screens with a stylus function on the HD2? Does the big screen make up for it?

Mainly just curious here. :)
Hey Everybody!

I've passed the torch to Phil for representing WinMo full time this year, but you and I both know that WinMo is an old friend for me. So while I get the OS, I'm more curious about where you think things are and where they're going, specifically:

- Do you use something like sense or touchwiz? Are the NECESSARY for WinMo these days
- Do you miss WinMo standard? Does anybody use it anymore?
- Do you think Microsoft is behind? What do they need to do to catch up?
- What's one feature you'd steal from webOS? From Android?

Hey Dieter! hows it goin buddy? To answer your questions: I personally do not use UI plugins at all. Mainly being because they all look cartoonish in nature for me, I dont like looking at my phone and feeling like it doesnt match my personality. Some of them do a great job of re-skinning winmo and adding some features but mostly it comes down to eye candy and ill pass. Winmo standard, we talkin no touch screen? no, not really being used anymore (it seems anyone who wanted that style phone has a TreoPro lol) I think the motorola q was the last good one and that is so outdated (sorry samsung jack users) by now. Is MS behind the times? They have to be right? Well its a good thing they are one of the most powerful and innovative companies in the world, arnt they... You would think they cant be held down for long, at some point these developers pride kicks in and inspires greatness (hopefully). As far as winmo phones being able to do anything a droid or iphone can do, they handle nicely, biggest problem is that the averge consumer isnt as cpu saavy as many winmo vets thus they get frustrated and say gimme that palm pre! To catch up, MS just needs to be itself, dont be something your not! Thats not to say change isnt needed but dont forget whats keeping MS on top, throwing money at their problems until they go away, jk jk. If we winmo guys could steal one thing you all know what it would be, CAPACITIVE touch screens! I like my stylus buuut wouldnt mind more sensitivity!
Hey Everybody!

I've passed the torch to Phil for representing WinMo full time this year, but you and I both know that WinMo is an old friend for me. So while I get the OS, I'm more curious about where you think things are and where they're going, specifically:

- Do you use something like sense or touchwiz? Are the NECESSARY for WinMo these days
- Do you miss WinMo standard? Does anybody use it anymore?
- Do you think Microsoft is behind? What do they need to do to catch up?
- What's one feature you'd steal from webOS? From Android?

1)I have a Treo 800w running WM6.1, so I don't have the choice. I really like the standard today screen. On a 320x320 screen, I have the following information on my today screen:
-Temperature in the taskbar and 3 days of weather farther down (Weatherbug Direct)
-Counts of unread emails in multiple accounts
-Counts of unread text messages
-Tasks/ToDo (Tasks+ for more information)

2)Never seen WinMo standard - I can't imagine not having a touchscreen.

3&4)There are a lot of apps for WinMo, many that don't seem to have good equivalents today on other platforms - that said, I'd love to see a better Facebook app and a Pandora app. In addition, I wish that there was more control of data (disable data when roaming, and maybe have the option to automatically check for WiFi when roaming or no signal). I can roam for voice, but when data tries, I get a neverending popup telling me it can't make a data connection. WebOS at least has the option of disabling data while roaming.

I wish I could think of more to say, but at this point I'm afraid it's just an entry.
We should be nearing the end of this thread. How was your time on the Windows Phone?

You guys really need to update the main round robin page more often with the forum threads. Or is it purposely like this, so we have to go hunting for the current week's threads? :)
Unfortunately most of Windows Mobile's apps are terrible. I had WinMo 5, WinMo 6, and WinMo 6.1 and half of the apps I found reliable were to just fix shortcomings in the OS.
-Some Task Manager
-Calendar+ homescreen plugin
-Tasks+ homescreen plugin
-OperaMobile / Skyfire

I cooked my own rom just to have a more stable, faster OS. Everyone I work with has felt their WinMo crash, freeze, and act up horrendously. WinMo was cool 3 years ago, but now just about any of its competitors can do whatever you need them to do.

Admittedly, WinMo has THE BEST copy & paste, just like a desktop. 6.5 also mostly eliminates the need for finger-friendly UI modding apps.

WinMo and most of its apps still need a stylus. No one wants to pull out a stylus whether in the car, at the mall, or even at work.

I flashed a 6.5 rom to my treo pro, and I NEVER need to use a stylus outside of the initial screen config. If you think Winmo has issues, you should be a blackberry user when their email server goes down, and nothing but BBM works-regardless of carrier. Also, I've seen soooooo many android & iphone users in NYC with shattered screens that I would never even think of getting one.
There are plenty of crap apps on Winmo-the same is true for every application platform. However-as I said b4-winmo (out the box) still is FAR more powerful than anything else out there.
1)I have a Treo 800w running WM6.1, so I don't have the choice. I really like the standard today screen. On a 320x320 screen, I have the following information on my today screen:
-Temperature in the taskbar and 3 days of weather farther down (Weatherbug Direct)
-Counts of unread emails in multiple accounts
-Counts of unread text messages
-Tasks/ToDo (Tasks+ for more information)

2)Never seen WinMo standard - I can't imagine not having a touchscreen.

3&4)There are a lot of apps for WinMo, many that don't seem to have good equivalents today on other platforms - that said, I'd love to see a better Facebook app and a Pandora app. In addition, I wish that there was more control of data (disable data when roaming, and maybe have the option to automatically check for WiFi when roaming or no signal). I can roam for voice, but when data tries, I get a neverending popup telling me it can't make a data connection. WebOS at least has the option of disabling data while roaming.


the facebook app does suck. I only use it for photo uploads. there is aqvga pandora app floating around that worked flawlessly on the 800w)

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