webOS User Back on Windows Phone - Say Howdy to Dieter

Well now it's not as lonely, but isn't this whole contest thing supposed to be over by now?
Wow, this is STILL going on. I'm pretty sure that the contest threads are supposed to be closed when the contest is over, or at least that's what all of the other sites have done.
Wow, this is STILL going on. I'm pretty sure that the contest threads are supposed to be closed when the contest is over, or at least that's what all of the other sites have done.

Yeah, probably are. Though, all the week five threads are open still, it's just the earlier ones that have been locked.

I hope we hear who the winners are soon. This has gone on way past 6 weeks now.
I heard this is supposed to be over on Thursday, or at least that's AndroidCentral's plan.
Switched back to WM

I switched back to a touch pro 2 from the palm pre. I miss the facebook apps on the pre as they are better than the app on WM. I also miss the speed of the camera on the pre. Other than that WM does more stuff, Slingbox, Audible, Seven, Kinoma and has a huge high res screen. That may change with 1.4 on the pre.
Windows Mobile is quickly catching up to the current smartphone standards as the highly anticipated release of Window Mobile 7 is incredibly close...I think WebOS is actually a very good OS I just think it need better hardware to be formidable in the smartphone wars...lol
Not sure if they already stopped taking entries or not, but posting one last time just to be sure.
the custom homescreens aren't necessary...but they also aren't "mandatory"...so why not?

I like having the choice. I can choose from Titanium, sense 2.1/2.5, mobile shell, PointUI, Androkidd...it's nice to use whatever you like as long as the user always has the option to go back to titanium which is worthy in it's own right.

To be honest, the palm pre is actually...pretty stylish? I know...shocker from Palm...but I wouldn't mind borrowing some of that design and maybe the apps from android...android is still young, but there are a good number of apps with some great polish to it. For some reason the larger developers don't seem to sign onto apps for WinMo like they do for the iphone/android/ and even blackberry/ which hurts. XDA keeps us going though!

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