Wire lights on wooden table! The wire is supposed to make the lights easy to handle and apparently can be wrapped around any object because they bend to shape - the reality is entirely different, they have a mind of their own.Thankfully, the batteries last forever. Taken with a Lumia 925, minimal editing using Creative Studio.
Taken with my Lumia 820, edited with Lumia Creative Studio.
I was thinking about sending somealready had from before, but I saw this tree at the mall and it look really pretty.
* Photo was taken with a Lumia 1020.
* No filters were applied
* Surprisingly the photo was taken by my 7 year old daughter as we were walking by a main street filled with Altars of Virgin Mary.
Good Morning to all!This is my picture for my participation.Edited by Camera360 and captured with my Lumia 1520.The Place is in Katerini,Greece.The Christmas season in my town with these lights and colours looks so beautiful together.