I took this picture in December 2014 after we had a bit of freezing rain. Taken with my Lumia 830 in Wisconsin, US. This was pre-Lumia Camera 5 (which I am still waiting on the second Denim update!).
Shot with Lumia 925, Lumia Camera and edited with Creative Studio app
One of my favorite photos. A tree in my school yard. Perfect for an album
cover lol
Shot with Lumia 1020, today at a park in Singapore. Edited with Photos app on Windows 10 Technical Preview. Loved the beautiful lighting from the afternoon sun and the shadows.
Effects added : B&W Filter, Vignette, Selective Focus
Unexpected rains in India bought an added relief from the scorching sun to the plants in my mums garden Taken with the Lumia 1020 Stock Lumia camera app and a little touch up using picasa.
Lumia 930
Edited with Camera 360 sight
The Evening Tree.......
I was just walking by and got this short..... I think the Moon (If its visible to u) is supporting the pic......
Model: Lumia 1020
Av: 2.2
Tv: 4s
ISO: 100
Focus: Manual
Software: Lightroom 5 to edit DNG file from Lumia Camera
The night clouds were particularly bright on Friday evening, so I took a pic of a tree in my backyard. To capture the dark scene, and to get the blurring of the moving clouds, I chose a shutter speed of 4.0 seconds. I used ISO 100, and manually focused on the branches, since our phones are useless in autofocus under these conditions. I put the 1020 into the Nokia camera grip so I could put it on a tripod, and took some pics. I liked this one the best. Kinda spooky. Then I loaded it up in Lightroom, and pushed the exposure up a crazy 2.7 stops! I underexposed because I find the 1020 is VERY sensitive to highlight clipping. This way, I didn't lose any detail in the bright parts of the scene. ISO 100 also provides the best highlight retention, which is also why I kept it on ISO100 rather than going to ISO400 to get a better exposed image.
Taken with L520 in Default camera..
It was a bet with my friend having a Xperia S that my 5MP cam can take a nice pic...
Edited with Lumia Creative Studio