Model: Lumia 1020
Av: 2.2
Tv: 4s
ISO: 100
Focus: Manual
Software: Lightroom 5 to edit DNG file from Lumia Camera
The night clouds were particularly bright on Friday evening, so I took a pic of a tree in my backyard. To capture the dark scene, and to get the blurring of the moving clouds, I chose a shutter speed of 4.0 seconds. I used ISO 100, and manually focused on the branches, since our phones are useless in autofocus under these conditions. I put the 1020 into the Nokia camera grip so I could put it on a tripod, and took some pics. I liked this one the best. Kinda spooky. Then I loaded it up in Lightroom, and pushed the exposure up a crazy 2.7 stops! I underexposed because I find the 1020 is VERY sensitive to highlight clipping. This way, I didn't lose any detail in the bright parts of the scene. ISO 100 also provides the best highlight retention, which is also why I kept it on ISO100 rather than going to ISO400 to get a better exposed image.