Weekly photo contest: Trees

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Pine trees covering the high mountains of Himachal gave a cascading view, Captured using Lumia 920 when i was traveling to Himachal. Edited in fotor and Instagram.

Taken last week. When I saw the competition for trees, I knew that nice looking tree near my home (2 km away lulz), but the fog was so thick that I didn't saw how really far it was so I went on foot. And you know how scary it is to go through plain field on thick fog :D But the fog gave that natural bloor of the 2 other trees. Taken with my Lumia 520 P.S. don't look very badly at the res... P.P.S. doesn't the tree remind of heart? No other editing tools were used. And sorry for bad engrish. :D Lulz from Lithuania

My front yard's peach tree.

Taken with Lumia 1020, edited with MS Photo Gallery (at work, no photoshop).
Contrasts, and cropping.
Taken last year with my Lumia 925. Basic Microsoft camera, no touch ups. I think I was still running the Lumia Amber firmware, since T-Mobile took their sweet time pushing the update.

Taken last month with my Lumia 1520, Adobe Photoshop Express modifications.
Taken in France, Trees from Macif Central (center of France).
WP_20150228_07_12_37_Pro (2).jpg

Simple Papaya tree in the near by place.... taken with L 720 and improved with Lumia creative studio app...the angle makes it interesting !!
I did quite a bit more to this pic than I normally do, but I'm still learning the camera on this phone. I just took delivery yesterday.

Blu Win HD
Camera360 Sight
I hit it with autocorrect on the phone
Then opened it in Sight and applied the Eventide filter
On my PC I used Office Picture Manager Autocorect
Resize image for this forum


It's almost Spring here in SW Missouri. The tree by the pool has still not lost its leaves and it is full of brown. Today is a bland overcast with snow.

I like the way the edit punches the sky up with Autumn color, the Winter snow, the Summer patio furniture, the tree full of leaves as Spring.

All 4 seasons in one pic. :cool:
Just wanted to share this one here.....Reflections in the water. Shot yesterday with my Lumia 1020 at Harbour Front, Singapore.
Can't even compete here with the quality of the photographs. WOW!!

But you can... It's all in fun and a great way to stretch your skills.

One of the best parts of the contest, IMHO, is reading how some of these shots come together and trying out some of that technique. I hope my pics are getting better...

C'mon, Rahul, get in there. No one is going to tell you to take your pic and go home. Show us what you got and keep on trying!!!
Actually, I do have a picture but for some reasons it is not uploading. Is there a size limit that I don't know of.
Edit: This is the error: 500[IOErrorEvent type = "ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text= "Error #2038"]
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Took this photo during my visit to Bangalore at Lal Bagh. These two slanting tress where very tall.
Device: HTC 8X
Effects: None

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Just shot this yesterday. Trees at the bay near to Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. The venue was lighted very well for a concert and I had to reduce the ISO to 100 and increase the shutter speed to 1/30, in order to control the lighting. I love the lighting effect on the trees.


  • WP_20150307_21_28_38_Pro.jpg
    2.3 MB · Views: 6
Actually, I do have a picture but for some reasons it is not uploading. Is there a size limit that I don't know of.
Edit: This is the error: 500[IOErrorEvent type = "ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text= "Error #2038"]

For this forum I usually reduce my pic to 2048 on the longest side... I don't know the official limit, but it is above 3MB.

That is from IE on desktop BTW.
Richard is/was at MWC, he said there was no new contest starting, but haven't mentioned forgetting about this one ;)
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