What are your top 10 apps?


1.Bank of america
2.windows phone news
3. Flickr
5.Manga reader
6. Groupon
7.Ministry mate
8.Photo enhancer
10.Weather channel

No specific order


2.Rocket riot
3. Enigmo
4. Nextwar
5. Shirken Ninja
6. Speed
7. Naval battle x---still alpha though
8.Harbor master
9. Broiled earth
Not in any particular order:

IMDb - Use constantly to look up cast lists / release dates.

Bank of America - Mobile banking! Waited quite a while for this one, glad it's finally here.

Spell It - Missed Words With Friends when I first moved to WP7, was surprised to find this app is actually better than Words With Friends.

The Weather Channel - In my opinion the best weather app available right now, live tile actually works.

Run Keeper - Perfect for tracking my bike rides.

My Movie Database - Great app for keeping track of my movie collection.

Flight Control - More expensive than the iPhone version, but a must buy in my book.

Flow - Very very addictive gameplay, tons of level, and FREE!

WootTracker7 - woot addicts best friend.

Bubble Birds - Another highly addictive (and free) game.

Outdoor Trekker
Windows Phone News
Keep Me Safe
BBC News Mobile
HTC Notes
BBC Radio2

Games? keeps changing depending on what I am playing.
4th and Mayor
Alien News Free (Reddit client)
Alphajax Free
Wonder Reader
Xbox Live Extras (for the messaging, but I wish they would just integrate it with the people hub)
Apps (not in any specific order):
Easy Animator (by me!)
Grocery Total (by me!)
MSN Movies
Chemistry Companion (by me! I am a damn research Chemist after all!)
Quick Contact Info (by me!)
QuickEasyNote (by me! Have this guy pined to start screen and can access it without scrolling, I find it so damn useful)
Smart Light (by me! again on start screen, hopefully with Mango APIs we can make lights to use the camera flash, have not looked into it yet since no way to test for a while)

Game (again, no order)
Flight Control
Fruit Ninja
The Harvest
Steam Castle
Teleport 7 (by me, maybe I am just old school but its super simple and I like it, to each is own)
Mine are all the defaults... but then my phone is sitting in the FedEx depot here awaiting delivery to me today!! YAY! Soon to join the ranks of the proud WP owners!
1. Hydro Thunder Go
2. Cartton TV
3. All Sports News
4. Board Express Pro
5. Netflix
6. Slick Deals
7. iheartradio
8. Parachute Panic
9. USA Today
10. Facebook

You guys should check out Cartoon TV if you haven't already. It has almost all of my favorites when I was a little kid.
1. 4th & Mayor
2. BigOven
3. WPCentral
4. The Weather Channel
5. Liquor Run
6. WP7applist
7. Accent Changer
9. SuperTube Lite
10. Registry Editor
Considering this is my first Windows 7 phone i only have a couple apps. I haven't done much digging around for new stuff yet though.

No particular order
Halo Waypoint

Small list i know. I'm really hoping for Heytell to come to the OS. It seems to be all the rage with my friends and i'm feeling a little left out.
Poynt has always been one of my favorite apps, mainly for the gas prices so i can always find the cheapest gas. Awesome, awesome app.
Halo Waypoint is obvious. I play Halo: Reach almost every single day. Its nice to see who is online and get all the news on my phone.
My Top 11 (because I couldn't choose just 10), no particular order:

AP Mobile - when it works...update was supposed to be released weeks ago to address crashing and has not been. But when it doesn't crash, it's the best news app on WP7)

The Weather Channel - LiveTile works better than Weatherbugs, like the app better as well though it's a bit laggy and buggy at times

Facebook - for the stuff you don't get built in. I expect to use this less when mango comes out.

The Onion 7 - Nice Onion reader, has some issues and some things require cliking through to their site to see properly, but the big bonus for me is in the Video and Radio playback, which is much faster through the app than when using their mobile site

Telenav GPS - Pay 10 bucks a month for this, can't wait for Mango and Bing turn-by-turn. I know there are market place apps I could buy for less than 10 dollars to replace Telenav until Mango comes out, but I don't trust them. Maybe I should try one out if they have demo mode.

Amazon Kindle - Nice ereader for the phone. I read public domain classics and the occaisonal splurge on a paid ebook, the prices for which are highway robbery.

Bank Of America - No brainer if you bank with them, bill pay in particular is easier in the app than on the real website. I use safepass for logon which makes logging on to this somewhat akward, Mango and Multitasking should help with that. One thing the app is missing is picture deposit. Hopefully with Mango and the camera API addition this feature will be introduced.

Windows Phone News 7 - There are actually two apps named this and I have both. They each crawl various news sources for WP7 related content and present it up. Can't get enough WP7 news so i use both.

Walgreens - Picture/Barcode Perscription Refills

Fandango - Movie Reviews / Buy Tickets

OpenTable - The Tonight for 2 slice is awesome, provides a quick way to get a glance at what is open that night nearby for you and your SO.


Fruit Ninja
Need for Speed Undercover
Rise of Glory
The Harvest
Chicks n' Vixens
Swipey Man
Word Tangle Free
I've not had the phone too long, but I've been through a few apps - I haven't got ten stand out ones yet, but these are worth a mention:

Rowi - responsive, pretty, easy to use, a marked improvement over the official Twitter client and the tile adopts the theme colour instead of staying Twitter logo blue (this is a bigger plus than it should be...)
IMDb - makes full use of the Metro UI, much easier than going via browser
TuneIn Radio - an internet radio app that does everything I want it to and gets all the BBC stations (handy since they're now using a Flash-based player for radio)

Amazon Kindle is impressive too, but I can't get away with reading for long periods on a backlit screen.

I'd like to see Firefox (maybe less important after IE9 arrives in Mango), but I can't imagine that'll happen...
Rowi - responsive, pretty, easy to use, a marked improvement over the official Twitter client and the tile adopts the theme colour instead of staying Twitter logo blue (this is a bigger plus than it should be...)

You might be interested to know that Microsoft are making this against the submission terms. To make the tile adapt to the colour of your accent you have to use a transparent live tile image, I recently got an e-mail from MS's marketplace telling me that the next version of RateYourBeer will fail certification if I use a transparent background again.

Evidently Microsoft either wants a colourful homescreen or to distinguish first party apps/hubs from third party ones.
You might be interested to know that Microsoft are making this against the submission terms. To make the tile adapt to the colour of your accent you have to use a transparent live tile image, I recently got an e-mail from MS's marketplace telling me that the next version of RateYourBeer will fail certification if I use a transparent background again.

Evidently Microsoft either wants a colourful homescreen or to distinguish first party apps/hubs from third party ones.
Thank you Microsoft. Can't stand the monochromatic look of my Start screen.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
An update to my favorites list:

1. Rowi
2. RSS Central
3. World Weather
4. Appamundi Tasks
5. WikiPanda
6. WordPress
7. Poynt
8. LazyTube
9. Board Express Pro
10. Link 2iN
In no particular order:

- Twitter
- 4th & Major
- Apict
- TechRack
- TuneIn Radio
- WordPress
- HTC YouTube
- IMDb
- HTC Flashlight
- ESPN ScoreCenter

Edit: To add to this, my Top 9 Games...

- Plants Vs. Zombies
- FlightControl
- Doodle Jump
- Bejeweled LIVE
- Fruit Ninja
- Revolution
- International Snooker
- Word Search
- *to be filled instantly by Angry Birds*

Sadly I don't have a No.10 game.
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