What are your top 10 apps?

Fuse (gorgeous)
Photo Enhancer
HTC YouTube
Craigslist deLUXE
Bank Of America
1. eBay
2. Amazon
3. eBay Calculator
4. All my password
5. Radio Hub
6. Amazon Kindle
7. Egg Timer
8. Flickr
9. Netflix
angry birds
fable coin golf

Full House Poker
Ilo Milo
Max & the Magic Marker
Pocket God (kids love this game)
Plants vs Zombies
Rise of Glory
Rocket Riot
SW: Battle for Hoth
The Harvest
Twin Blades

A-to-B (won't be on here after Mango)
DeekFit Gym
Slacker Radio
The Weather Channel
Premier League +
Fantasia Painter
Endomondo sports tracker
hyper defence xt
In no particular order
1. Weave
2. WP7 News
3. TipIt
4. Engadget
5. Fantasia Painter Free
6. Tango
7. The Onion 7
8. Unit Converter (My Best friend, switching from imperial to metric system for every single measurement is no fun for an architecture student -__-)
9. Flixster
10. AppFlow
Trying not to repeat others:

-Adobe Reader
-Calorie Tracker
-World Clock
New Group - Lets you organize your start screen. (Love It)
Weather Live - (really informitave live tile)
MagikMail - YouMail client for WP7, Its visual voicemail and it sends an email with the VM.
Pictures Lab
Full House Poker
XBL extras (can't wait for the XB companion!!!)

TBH I really just like all the integrated stuff like Office/Skydrive (My biggest sellingpoint of WP7), People Hub, Me Tile, Bing, Bingmaps (pinnable locations is AWESOME)
Lemme update my list:

  1. WPCentral
  2. 4th & Mayor
  3. Board Express Pro (took them long enough to update, but it's improving)
  4. Rowi / Mehdoh
  5. Radio Controlled / MetroRadio / iHeartRadio
  6. Thumba Photo Editor
  7. NextGen Reader
  8. ESPN ScoreCenter
  9. eBay (live tiles make this an awesome app)
  10. Nokia Drive
here's mine, or at least the few apps i use daily
im+ pro
wp shortcut tiles
xbmc remote by 7illusions
tv show 2.0
flashlight xt
htc youtube

everything else i just basically use the native apps.
here's mine, or at least the few apps i use daily
im+ pro
wp shortcut tiles
xbmc remote by 7illusions
tv show 2.0
flashlight xt
htc youtube

everything else i just basically use the native apps.
Can you compare navigon to google navigation? hopefully you've used it.
Can you compare navigon to google navigation? hopefully you've used it.

Navigon is a full featured offline navigation package.

It's faster, more accurate (at least here in the EU) and doesn't need a data connection to download maps as you go.

For me, the only leverage Google Nav has over Navigon is the price.
1. Rowi (paid version)
2. WeatherMaster
3. Stop the music!
4. Connectivity Shortcuts
5. Netflix
6. My Trips
7. Bubblegum (photography app)
8. Apict
9. Notes
10. WP Central
Last edited:
Carbon (amazing Twitter client)
Connectivity Shortcuts
Creative Studio
Fuse (brilliant RSS reader)

...so far that's it, I'm still searching the market to see if anything appeals to me. For the rest I use native apps.

My favorite 10 (in no order)

1. WeatherMaster ($1.99) - Best weather app imo. Worth every penny
2. Ask Ziggy (free) - Windows answer to SIRI except Ziggy works better
3. Expensify (free) - Business expense app that connects to my paypal or bank and auto enters everything
4. Wiztiles (free) - App to create shortcuts and custom tiles
5. Amazon Mobile (free) - Need I say anything for Amazon? :)
6. ArkWords (free) - my favorite translator app.
7. Fantasia Painter ($1.99) - Great photo app... tons of features. Lots of fun!
8. Nokia Drive (free) - Prefer it over any map app
9. PlayTo (beta) - DLNA app. Ex iPhone 4 users, this is like AirPlay. Most new TVs, Receivers, and Bluray players have "network" programs, including DLNA. I tested this on my Panasonic TV and Onkyo receiver. It picked up both. The beta app doesn't do music yet, but it is confirmed the final release will include music. For now, photos and video.
10. Pageonce (free) - Money and Bills app

I'm on the hunt for a good Stock app. I bought "Market Watch" but i feel it's a little slow. Good features, but the speed bugs me.
Hey guys and gals<

Just wondering what you guys think si your FAV top 10 apps/games so far on wp7 ,


what you would like to see added as Aps by our 20,000 wp7 devolopers :P ( announce by MS : 20k seems alot for only 5k apps lol but w/E )

1. The harvest
2. Xbox Extras
3. SW: Hoth ( love my TD games :P lol )
3: crack down 2 ( love my TD games :P lol )
4: byeBye Brain ( love my TD games :P lol )
5: Flipbook Studios ( good old hight school times , Makign BLOODy stick man fighting animation LOL )

6. Black Ops Guide ( little buggy but good if u play COD black ops )
7. Flight COntrol
8. IonBall ( reminds me of clasic arcades where we all use to hang out at as kids lol )
9. Torrent Buddy
10. Astrologie


things id liek to see

1, more sport games ( NHL , FIFA , ect.. ) mostly NHL game , fifa is comming
2. a remote control app to control your PC from a distance good for partys changing music or when u have a PC hocked up to your TV , so u can use it as a Remote ( i dunno if this exist yet? )

3. not havign to pay 8$ for aps when the SAME app for the iphone is 4$ (ms rip off , lol )
4. more RPG games :) like maybe get a Zonia port or something . ( its on every single OS but not wp7)

what you guys busting out so far as your fav app??
Text FX application

Here is the link :

My Top 10 apps (excluding games)...

1. WPCentral
2. Carbon / Mehdoh (Twitter clients) - still can't decide which i prefer. Carbon looks nicer imo, but Mehdoh has full access to update profile including picture.
3. Weather View / MS Weather - I like both for different reasons and the are free.
4. MS Office - OneNote especially.
4. SkyDrive
5. KIK Messenger - Destroys WhatsApp for instant messaging between WP, iOS and Android.
7. Photosynth - Great for panorama photographs.
8. Youtube App - Needs some work, but allows youtube integration.
9. Flixster / IMDb - again, I can't decide which I like better. Both great movie info and show times apps.
10. Goal.com Finals 2012 (by Nokia) Eurocup news

There are many other good apps, also ones that are already installed with new phones. You almost have to break it down by sections; news, sports, communication, etc.


-Goal.com (Soccer)
-ESPN (meh...)
-TSN (hopefully soon)

Photo editing:
-Nokia Creative Studio

-Skype (needs to stay alive in the background)
-Tango (decent)
-Rowi (nice, but I don't like having to tap twice to open.)

-Built-in integration is great!

-love the people hub!

-IE works alright, but could use a few improvements.

XBOX Live:

-ok, but soon to be replaced with Xbox Music.... excited!

-Bing maps (not bad)
-Nokia Maps (not bad)
-Nokia Drive (pretty good)

Other decent handy apps:
-Nokia Diagnostics
-Unit Converter (by Microsoft)
-World Clock (by Microsoft)
-Translator (by Microsoft)
-TestMyNet (by Microsoft Research)
-Starbux Card (Nice card integration)
-Adobe Reader (worst integration I have seen on any platform, but a must to view PDFs)

Hope this list helps others...


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