Hey guys and gals<
Just wondering what you guys think is your FAV top 10 apps/games so far on wp7 ,
what you would like to see added as Apps by our wp7 developers
1. The harvest
2. Xbox Extras
3. SW: Hoth ( love my TD games

lol )
3: crack down 2 ( love my TD games

lol )
4: byeBye Brain ( love my TD games

lol )
5: Flipbook Studios ( good old hight school times , Makign BLOODy stick man fighting animation LOL )
6. Black Ops Guide ( little buggy but good if u play COD black ops )
7. Flight COntrol
8. IonBall ( reminds me of clasic arcades where we all use to hang out at as kids lol )
9. Torrent Buddy
10. Astrologie
what you guys busting out so far as your fav app??