These are just the apps I use the most:
1 - Connectivity Tiles (Location, Wifi, Data)
Smart Metro look. Easily customizable. Tile color changes appropriately. Does its job.
2 - MPA Tool
I couldn't use the Music+Videos hub without this to customize artist pictures and edit album art. And the updates just get better and better.
3 - ScrobbleMe
Pretty much the only way to scrobble on WP7/8. Last.FM should officially endorse this app.
4 - 6Tag
I admit it. I love Instagram (although I prefer the Instance layout, 6Tag has better filters).
5 - Wallbase
I'm a Wallbase freak, and the WP8 app pisses on the other versions.
6 - Facebook
It's 2013.
7 - Scruff
The only Grindr-esque app for WP8, and it's not bad.
8 - Dict.Le

rg (German Dictionary)
Comes in handy when reading.
9 - Photos Hub
I could never go back to the Android/iOS gallery methodology after using the Photos Hub.
10 - Sunlight
It's just a flashlight, but it works really well.