What are your top 10 apps?

Haven't posted here for awhile. Taken these from each categories from my home screen:

Slacker (although outdated)
Car Mode

All Lumia apps are automatically in my top list
1. Nokia Pro Cam
2. Sky Sports News
3. QR Reader
4. Office
5. Nokia Music
6. HERE Maps
7. Data Sense
9. CroWeather
10. Photosynth
Here Drive
Here Maps
Here City Lens

At the moment, Here Drive is the one app that makes me want to stay in the Nokia/MS camp..
HERE Drive+
Fineco (for italians)
Fb Friends
Note Plus
Dev Center
bing weather
bing sport
quick settings
storage cleaner
one note
custom tiles maker
battery stats
I've only been a WP8 user for less than a week. So far, here are my top apps:

  • Tweet It!
  • Toshl Finance (been a user for years already)
  • TVShow
  • OneNote
  • Social Reads
  • Skydrive
  • Facebook
  • 6Sec
  • Unit Converter Pro+
  1. Here Drive / Maps
  2. Add to Calendar / Add to Contacts (seperate apps but should really be one)
  3. Amazing Weather
  4. Authenticator
  5. Connectivity Tiles
  6. Metrotube
  7. Office (Including Outlook and OneNote)
  8. Package Tracker
  9. Remotelink (OnStar)
  10. SkyDrive
  11. Snes8x
  12. Stop Music
  13. UC Browser
  14. Wallbase
  15. WPCentral

Translator and Facebook are honorable mentions.
These are just the apps I use the most:

1 - Connectivity Tiles (Location, Wifi, Data)
Smart Metro look. Easily customizable. Tile color changes appropriately. Does its job.

2 - MPA Tool
I couldn't use the Music+Videos hub without this to customize artist pictures and edit album art. And the updates just get better and better.

3 - ScrobbleMe
Pretty much the only way to scrobble on WP7/8. Last.FM should officially endorse this app.

4 - 6Tag
I admit it. I love Instagram (although I prefer the Instance layout, 6Tag has better filters).

5 - Wallbase
I'm a Wallbase freak, and the WP8 app pisses on the other versions.

6 - Facebook
It's 2013.

7 - Scruff
The only Grindr-esque app for WP8, and it's not bad.

8 - Dict.Leo.Org (German Dictionary)
Comes in handy when reading.

9 - Photos Hub
I could never go back to the Android/iOS gallery methodology after using the Photos Hub.

10 - Sunlight
It's just a flashlight, but it works really well.
Usually I tend to rely on:

- Here maps/drive+
- one note (can I convince to do a new note directly from start screen?)
- Shortcut tiles (if it could change the settings just touchin' the tile...)
- Flashlight (HTC app)
- myappfree (new wp user so, new apps are mandatory)
- Rapdialer (MS, have you heard about smart dialer? Relax, google didn't knew also)
Without reading this thread I bet at least a couple have said we must have an official instagram app. Yesterday something happened that had me flabbergasted. Three people, all of whome are dedicated to either ios or android that I know. The ios guy works in IT for a large company, carries a company blackberry and an iphone.

NONE of them had ever had a twitter account. They signed up yesterday. When I gave them my handle I said "you're gonna see a lot of WP and Community stuff from me, and an occassional instagram."

THEY HAD NEVER EVEN HEARD OF INSTAGRAM. These are not ignorant people. I know you don't believe me. I wouldn't believe it myself.
hello !
is there any music player app able to organize song and playing them like winamp does by file folder instead of classifiying them by the tags ?

Merci !
Usually I tend to rely on:

- Here maps/drive+
- one note (can I convince to do a new note directly from start screen?)
- Shortcut tiles (if it could change the settings just touchin' the tile...)
- Flashlight (HTC app)
- myappfree (new wp user so, new apps are mandatory)
- Rapdialer (MS, have you heard about smart dialer? Relax, google didn't knew also)

u can do a new note directly after gdr2.
RastiscaR Wazakaka, I haven't seen anyting yet like you've said. Probably a platform limitation, maybe it has connection with file manager function.

amitnahar, if you are so kind, can you tell me how? I have tried in various ways and no luck. I've heard that GDR2 has solve the problem, but in my case, no luck.
RastiscaR Wazakaka, I haven't seen anyting yet like you've said. Probably a platform limitation, maybe it has connection with file manager function.

yep i have ended with the same conslusion than you, but you know what they say, hope makes you keeping going ;)
See the screenshot.

Thanks amitnahar! It seems that I did not browse to the root. I have stopped inside the Notebook, where the notes can be seen.:smile:

RastiscaR Wazakaka, indeed hope and can I add "resume" function to the list of hopes?:smile:
1. Whatsapp
2. Facebook
3. 6Tag
4.Kauppalehti (Finnish news app)
5. Mtv3 uutiset (Also news app)
6. Bing Weather
7. 6Sec
8. Explosm (unofficial C&H client)
9. Flash light
10. Shazam
EDIT: 11. Damn in I forgot Chronos Calendar which is such an awesome calendar app.

I'm not counting these amazing Nokia Camera apps such as Pro cam and Smart cam.
Here's a list dedicated to appeasing Jay Bennett.

1. WPCentral
2. WPCentral
3. WPCentral
4. WPCentral
5. WPCentral
6. WPCentral
7. WPCentral
8. WPCentral

Kidding aside, here ;)
1. WPCentral
2. myTube
3. VBA8
4. Bing News and Bing Weather
5. WebApps
6. My other triad of tech news apps (The Verge, Engadget, AAWP)
7. Insider

...and a lot more!

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