What do your pets look like?

Our big boy Ho died sunday, the wife cried for days (I did too tbh). I picked her up a new pup from the pound Wednesday. this is Max a 10 week old border collie/bloodhound mix. he's helping her heal.
WP_20160504_13_49_18_Pro 1.jpg
sorry for the sideways pic, not sure how to fix that.
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I've lost two of my beloved Shelties in the past year. One was 16 and one 14. We cried as well. My heart goes out to you and the wife. Thank God we still have two that are healthy and getting more spoiled by the day.
I just don't know... What kind of dog doesn't eat food put in front of her?

Lily (AKA Nasty L'il Dog) doesn't eat most times. She just plays games.

That's Foxy (one of my inlaws' dogs) making a cameo.
OK I'll post some pics of our new adopted kitties. They're ex breeding cats and still getting used to us and our house.

She also has good taste in glassware. They have water bowls but I guess it's just not good enough.


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