What I DON?T Like About Mango

Currently I'm on the verge of switching onto WPM bandwagon but this is going to halt me, I have heard about universal volume controls, I mean what the **** is M$ doing, on 1 side they are trying to go global with WPM and on the other hand they are creating these type of features that people don't expect, even my current samsung phone has seperate volume controls for media, alarms and phone volume...OMG...seems M$ will lose another consumer..which it shouldn't had...

Phone volume and media volume are separate.
I'm really amazed...

I'm amazed at the hills some of you choose to die on. Some of things seem so very trivial in the context of the WP7 experience. Also, it's clear that many of you have NOT been paying attention to the Windows Phone Blog or other very heavily used sites where some of the very features you're complaining about are the result of many MORE people complaining WEREN'T there. It just goes to prove something I told all those folks: "must-have" features are almost purely subjective, and something that is critical to one maybe completely useless to another. How on EARTH do you expect Microsoft to be all things to all people? You know what you get? CRAPPY ANDROID. I HATE ANDROID. It's ugly and it's a mess, and no amount of customization changes that. But, you see, that's a purely subjective opinion (although I think I'm right, LOL). Anyway, I can promise you that if you saw a feature change from the first beta release to the refresh, it's because they heard MORE people wanting that than not. The app switcher is a perfect example. More people than not hated the snap-to scrolling and preferred to move unimpeded across the apps. Anyway, you're just going to have to live with it or go to <puke> Android.

For those complaining about paying for apps, I can't help but think you are an example of the horrible entitlement-minded society we've built. Until we finally sell America out as another European socialist regime, we live in a capitalist society. People creating products or services SHOULD be able to get revenue from it. It costs them $100 just to become a registered developer, so charging a little bit to recoup that isn't a horrible thing. If an app I want is worth it to me, I'll pay for it. If I'm not willing to pay for it, then I do with out it.

Also, it's clear that many of you really don't understand multitasking in WP7 nor do you understand the app switcher. You really need to get off the "I must be able to kill apps" meme. That's tired. It's unnecessary in WP7. It was critical in PocketPC and Windows Mobile, and necessary in Android (because it's memory management is as horrible as WM was). You need to simply trust the OS to smartly manage resources. This particular horse is DEAD, kids, so dismount.
The "must be able to kill apps" isn't a meme, it's the darn truth.

Also, shame on MS for not adding Yahoo, AIM, Gtalk, and Skype to the messaging hub chat. Hope they don't play to offer support for MS related services.
? addition of drawer at the bottom of the hub seems entirely unnecessary: the pre-mango version with the ?add? and ?search? buttons atop the all section was fine & looked far better. throughout the rest of the hub those buttons (obviously) are unnecessary and as such there is a minimized drawer that just contains settings (which is completely unnecessary to have shown within the hub) this just wastes space & looks bad..

Uhm... there are now 3 options in the "drawer". Add new (group, contact); Search; and Settings. It makes more sense for these to be drawer options than just floating on the screen. Besides, if you're already down the list when you decide to use search, you'd have to scroll back to the top. The new way is more functional - you can start a search no matter where you are in the contacts list. This is generally true where they have used the drawer UI - you can now get to that feature immediately regardless of screen scrolling.

? still no ?mobile 2? phone number type option when saving a contact: this is honestly ridiculous and seemed a no-brainer add-in for mango and I?m shocked it was not included (especially given both outlook & windows live mail have options to add a mobile 2 to contacts?)

I hear this a lot, and I suppose there is no harm in adding it, but I honestly don't get why its necessary to have mutliple mobile numbers. Are people really walking around with 2 cell phones in their pocket? No. Therefore one of these numbers is not really mobile now is it? I know several people who have a personal cell and a work-provided cell. Only one of these is carried at all times - the personal cell. The work-cell is a work number.

Music + Videos Hub
? the biggest issue I have with music playback is the SHUFFLE!!! this is an issue I?ve had pre-mango. I HATE that the shuffle button actually shuffles the order of the songs listed in an album/playlist. I like always playing my music (mainly playlists) with shuffle on & use the song list to find specific tracks within. In Windows Media Player/Zune/iTunes/(I believe) all other main music playback platforms, shuffle does not actually shuffle the list you have selected, it just causes playback to jump around, so when viewing the list one always knows where their music is (PLEASE CHANGE THIS with Mango final build)?

This makes no sense to me. Are you shuffling or are you picking and choosing tracks? The list order changes in order to show you the order in which tracks are coming up. It makes perfect sense.

? during music playback, changing a to the next/previous slide via sliding the AlbumArt to the right/left is lags a lot?

I've experienced no lag in this feature on my Focus, pre- or post- Mango.

? also, Mango fixed the issue during playback where the list would only show track names (without artists below), but I feel it went a bit too far.. currently when selecting a track to play it shows the title in large followed by the artist (,) album below it. I feel the album being shown here is completely unnecessary and confusing, especially with long track/album titles & singles?

Absolutely not. A lot of my music (electronic/dance/dubstep) are different versions/remixes of the same song with the same name. Some have (remix - dj) appended to them, some do not... so I appreciate knowing the album. The same is true of live and acoustic versions. For example, Metallica's "Nothing else matters" from the black album is entirely different from "Nothing else matters" on S&M. I have a million examples of this. Its necessary and not at all confusing. Not having it would be confusing.

? again (common theme here) my next biggest complaint is the addition of the drawer at the bottom: other than on the main ?zune? page where there is a ?play all music? button, the drawer is always minimized and unnecessary/just wastes space/just looks bad.. this button could simple be placed as a play button as in the pre-Mango builds or to the top/right of the menu (as with the add & search buttons of the people hub pre-Mango)

What do you have against the drawers? They look fine and are pretty subtle. Having the play button on the page was extremely confusing. Most people thought it was just a visual cue to go to music, not an actual button that performs a task. Moving it made it more obvious and less ambiguous imo.

? regarding the ?history? & ?new? menus I do like the vertical lists much more than before! However, regarding the history list I have some issues with repeat items showing up (for example when I play a single song from an album It goes to the history list, then later when I play the whole album that separately gets added as well; I have no way to differentiate them when clicking a history item as they both look exactly the same/show the album cover). my recommendation would be ?history? be reserved for only albums, artists, & playlists to avoid confusion (and prevent duplicates). I also do not like how YouTube/other videos not in my collection also stay on the history (this often this overruns my list quite quickly & makes it useless for browsing my own music/videos)

Agree about the remote video history. Though it has come in handy before when I wanted to show someone a youtube vid I watched recently. I think they need to break music and video history apart.

? also, I don?t know if anyone else has had this problem but with build 7112 there seems to be a bug with my ?people? tab within the pictures hub. upon opening/sliding to it all I see is a ?choose contact? link; when I click the link I randomly get just four contacts (one under each letter: F, I, P, and S).. I have no idea why this is so & in each case clicking the contact yields nothing???

On my focus, this "choose your contact" display, shown alone, lasts a fraction of a second before the Contact Tiles load seemingly with a set of random contacts (but more than 4). Once the contact tiles have loaded (again, fraction of a second), the "choose your contact" button is at the bottom of the list. I think this should go in a drawer. ;)

? also, within the apps marketplace the ?new? section does not show images next to the apps for some reason (though it does for ?top?). (same applies to the Xbox live section in same marketplace) it just looks inconsistent..

Images show on all pivots for me.

Internet Explorer
? ADD THE TABS BUTTON BACK to the main bar from the drawer!!!: that?s my only real complaint here.. everything else looks great, but this is incredibly annoying (I?d even say replace the refresh button with it instead, but I?ll leave it to the smart people at MSFT to figure how to best do this as it seems a common complaint?)

Initially, I felt the same way... but honestly after using it awhile, I don't think I've missed it.

? multitasking quick close of apps: would be great if there were a little x-button atop each card allowing one to quickly kill an app without opening it up and backing out (better yet a slide up/down & away to close the app, though that may be infringing a bit on webos too much..?)

Why? The app is suspended, not processing anything, and just sitting in memory that would be otherwise unused. If the os needs memory, it will automatically drop the oldest app to free up what it needs. I mean sure, they could add it, but why bother manually controlling this?

? multitasking, multiple music/videos hub pages: when listening to music and backing out via the start button, I find that when I look through the multitasking menu I see the music + videos hub appear twice (once with the last page of the hub selection I was at and again for the currently playing track. this should be removed)

This is true. They also show the start screen as a card, though I think this has already been removed from the RTM build.

? longer ?long-press? back button for multitasking: I often find myself holding the back button a little too long when just backing out of a page and I guess the phone sort of moves in & out of the multitasking view really quickly and I just get my page refreshed with my accent colour showing up around the edges

Its already a full 1 sec press. You must be accidentially lifting. A continuous press won't take you out of the task switcher. You're double tapping at some point.

I gotta say, overall, I find most of your suggestions to be pretty trivial and subjective - not improvements per se.

The only feature annoyance I've had is the inability to associate facebook contacts and twitter contacts. When composing a tweet, it would be nice to be able to run through your contacts list for the people you want to mention.
I hear this a lot, and I suppose there is no harm in adding it, but I honestly don't get why its necessary to have mutliple mobile numbers. Are people really walking around with 2 cell phones in their pocket? No. Therefore one of these numbers is not really mobile now is it? I know several people who have a personal cell and a work-provided cell. Only one of these is carried at all times - the personal cell. The work-cell is a work number.
What about Google Voice? Many of my friends are on the same provider as me, as we use our main cell phone numbers to call in order to take advantage of mobile-to-mobile calling, but we SMS using Google Voice. I have to store their GV numbers as pager numbers because Windows Phone doesn't support custom number types, and despite listing their GV numbers in Gmail as Google Voice, those are not synced to the phone at all and I have to carry their GV numbers in a second entry called Pager in order for the phone to sync and recognize it.
I love that you don't like the drawer, but you want it on the main screen for utilities? Just throw the Settings tile on the main screen. As a developer, I'm surprised you don't already have it there. My preferred implementation would be pressable display buttons in the notification bar at the top - one for BT, one for Wireless, just press for on/off.

yeah, that's actually what i meant (by drawer i was referring to the drop-down when you adjust the volume that contains the ring/vibrate toggle).

Long press of Search to bing up Bing Music? that's very specific to you.

i really don't think so... Bing Music seems to be the best use for that command. we already have ability to voice search through a long-press of the home button, it seems a waste not to have something there; and I feel the ability to instantly search for music (maybe even through lockscreen) would appeal to a large variety of end-users..

There are a lot of issues here that are very personalized and while I get that, you know that all of those issues have to be measured against the average user. Options are also important, but if you give a user 10,000 options, they get confused.

agreed. as i said these are just my personal opinions. i just feel part of the beauty of the OS is the simplicity (less clutter: drawers, icons, etc... being a big part of that) and i just hope that doesn't get lost as the platform grows to meet a broader audience and adds features. also, i really do agree about options, too many (android) is most definitely not optimal, but i think WP has a bit of room to go in providing some flexibility to that broader user-base they're trying to reach.
The "must be able to kill apps" isn't a meme, it's the darn truth.

Also, shame on MS for not adding Yahoo, AIM, Gtalk, and Skype to the messaging hub chat. Hope they don't play to offer support for MS related services.

Yahoo and Live messenger are compatible networks now. You can add a YIM contact to Live Messenger. AIM and Gtalk are major competitors, I'm not surprised they aren't there.

From what I've read, Skype is on the way.
What about Google Voice? Many of my friends are on the same provider as me, as we use our main cell phone numbers to call in order to take advantage of mobile-to-mobile calling, but we SMS using Google Voice. I have to store their GV numbers as pager numbers because Windows Phone doesn't support custom number types, and despite listing their GV numbers in Gmail as Google Voice, those are not synced to the phone at all and I have to carry their GV numbers in a second entry called Pager in order for the phone to sync and recognize it.

Your case is much more compelling. In all honesty, I think if they're going to sync gmail contacts, then they need to bring in google voice numbers specifically. Multiple mobile numbers... meh.
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Your case is much more compelling. In all honesty, I think if they're going to sync gmail contacts, then they need to bring in google voice numbers specifically. Multiple mobile numbers... meh.
The only problem with it is that Microsoft will never create a "Google Voice" number type because it's Google. I understand and accept that. The only realistic solution I think they could offer would be custom number types. Then the phone could just attempt to sync those with the Exchange provider. That way if Google has their own number types, they just blindly sync. If Microsoft wants to create a "Skype" number type for storing a contact's Skype-In number separately, then they can just as equally sync that as well.
A few inconsistancys I don't like.
1. Animation is inconsistant when entering people hub & messaging.
2. The quick jump letters are inconsistantly themed in the apps list compared to the rest of the os

1. Get rid of the tap. Make it automatic like every other navigation system on the planet. It's more than a pain, it's a safety issue.

2. Voice prompts don't play well to bluetooth stereo. It cuts off all but the last few words.

Music over bluetooth
I've notices it cutting out more with mango.

Favoites need to be on the toolbar, not in the drawer. Here's a thought, move the URL box to the side revealing other options. when you need it, slide it over.
For those complaining about paying for apps, I can't help but think you are an example of the horrible entitlement-minded society we've built. Until we finally sell America out as another European socialist regime, we live in a capitalist society. People creating products or services SHOULD be able to get revenue from it. It costs them $100 just to become a registered developer, so charging a little bit to recoup that isn't a horrible thing. If an app I want is worth it to me, I'll pay for it. If I'm not willing to pay for it, then I do with out it.

I'm with you on everything in this post until you got on the lame political soap box. Go spout that crap on the WSJ editorial page comments.

As a developer, its up to me to figure out how to monetize my app. If you have a pay app and I have a free ad-supported app of equal quality, I'm probably going to undercut you. If its not worth my time, I won't be developing. Wanting something as cheap as possible (what's cheaper than free?) doesn't make you a socialist or child of entitlements, it makes you a consumer driving competition in the market.

You can't hear the market speaking over your anti-socialist whine.
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The only problem with it is that Microsoft will never create a "Google Voice" number type because it's Google. I understand and accept that. The only realistic solution I think they could offer would be custom number types. Then the phone could just attempt to sync those with the Exchange provider. That way if Google has their own number types, they just blindly sync. If Microsoft wants to create a "Skype" number type for storing a contact's Skype-In number separately, then they can just as equally sync that as well.

I don't see any reason they wouldn't, they are bringing in gmail accounts afterall - so the "its google" argument isn't quite on target, but I agree custom types are the most flexible.
Whoa, didn't know I could do that. If that's the case, I'll just bid adieu to the two remaining people on AIM and just use IM+ for gchat!
Your case is much more compelling. In all honesty, I think if they're going to sync gmail contacts, then they need to bring in google voice numbers specifically. Multiple mobile numbers... meh.
My only gripe is the lack of volume controls. Separate media/ringer volume would be much appreciated.

THIS. Gotta have better volume controls. I put my headphones in and if I don't set the volume all the way down to like less than 4, I'm going to go deaf. Then I have to run it back up to 15-20 again afterward if I want to hear my phone ring.
first off, just wanted to point out i noted at the top of this post these are just my personal opinions, so yes a lot of it is subjective and personal, but with that said...

I hear this a lot, and I suppose there is no harm in adding it, but I honestly don't get why its necessary to have multiple mobile numbers. Are people really walking around with 2 cell phones in their pocket? No. Therefore one of these numbers is not really mobile now is it? I know several people who have a personal cell and a work-provided cell. Only one of these is carried at all times - the personal cell. The work-cell is a work number.

the issue i have with this is not so much the naming, but the ability to text a mobile number.. if i classify someone's work cell as 'work 2' (rather than a 'mobile 2') i do not get the option to quickly text that number on their contact card.

This makes no sense to me. Are you shuffling or are you picking and choosing tracks? The list order changes in order to show you the order in which tracks are coming up. It makes perfect sense.

really disagree here. if i'm shuffling i do not care which tracks are coming up next. it makes much more sense (as in every other instance including WMP, iTunes and the Zune software itself) to have the shuffle just jump around the list one is listening to.

i often like to play an album on shuffle, but at times want to go play a specific track within. it is much more intuitive to have the tracks displayed in the same order they are on the actual album.. it may not seem that big of a deal for albums of about 10-15 songs, but when playing an artist (tracks listed alphabetically) or playlists (tracks listed custom ordered) with 20, 30, 50+ songs it makes going back to a specific song incredibly tedious.

also (as mentioned), it just goes against convention and serves essentially no benefit.. i have heard this complaint from quite a few people already and i feel it is likely to just annoy and confuse end-users (especially those who rely on well crafted playlists).

Absolutely not. A lot of my music (electronic/dance/dubstep) are different versions/remixes of the same song with the same name. Some have (remix - dj) appended to them, some do not... so I appreciate knowing the album. The same is true of live and acoustic versions. For example, Metallica's "Nothing else matters" from the black album is entirely different from "Nothing else matters" on S&M. I have a million examples of this. Its necessary and not at all confusing. Not having it would be confusing.

that's true, i see your point. i tend to have my music very well tagged and organized so to me i view it as duplicate/unnecessary info, but you're right here.

What do you have against the drawers? They look fine and are pretty subtle. Having the play button on the page was extremely confusing. Most people thought it was just a visual cue to go to music, not an actual button that performs a task. Moving it made it more obvious and less ambiguous imo.

i really don't know why, but for some reason they just really bugged me. they provide so little added functionality (usually just whatever was on the main panorama page + settings, and minimized on all other pages).

though not much, they do take up space (precious space on my lil trophy screen), and i feel they break-up the seamless feel of the panorama in each hub.

Agree about the remote video history. Though it has come in handy before when I wanted to show someone a youtube vid I watched recently. I think they need to break music and video history apart.

agree, that would be an ideal solution.

On my focus, this "choose your contact" display, shown alone, lasts a fraction of a second before the Contact Tiles load seemingly with a set of random contacts (but more than 4). Once the contact tiles have loaded (again, fraction of a second), the "choose your contact" button is at the bottom of the list. I think this should go in a drawer. ;)

yeah, i have yet to hear anyone with this problem. do not know why it is not working for me?? (..but i'd have to say no on the drawer idea, haha)
The quick jump letters are inconsistantly themed in the apps list compared to the rest of the os.

yeah, and that's in-part why i don't like them. however, im pretty sure this is done as app icons shown in the jumplist are typically solid and many match the accent colour of the phone, so making the jumplist the same style/colour would provide too little contrast between the apps and the letters..

1. Get rid of the tap. Make it automatic like every other navigation system on the planet. It's more than a pain, it's a safety issue.

2. Voice prompts don't play well to bluetooth stereo. It cuts off all but the last few words.

I'm amazed at the hills some of you choose to die on. Some of things seem so very trivial in the context of the WP7 experience. Also, it's clear that many of you have NOT been paying attention to the Windows Phone Blog or other very heavily used sites where some of the very features you're complaining about are the result of many MORE people complaining WEREN'T there. It just goes to prove something I told all those folks: "must-have" features are almost purely subjective, and something that is critical to one maybe completely useless to another. How on EARTH do you expect Microsoft to be all things to all people? You know what you get? CRAPPY ANDROID. I HATE ANDROID. It's ugly and it's a mess, and no amount of customization changes that. But, you see, that's a purely subjective opinion (although I think I'm right, LOL). Anyway, I can promise you that if you saw a feature change from the first beta release to the refresh, it's because they heard MORE people wanting that than not. The app switcher is a perfect example. More people than not hated the snap-to scrolling and preferred to move unimpeded across the apps. Anyway, you're just going to have to live with it or go to <puke> Android.

First off, I think you're reading too much into the complaints. No one here is threatening to ditch WP7, we're just pointing out some minor things that annoy us.

Next, giving the user options isn't going to transform the OS into Android. Look at iOS, it strikes a good balance between giving options and not overwhelming the user. A good example would be the iOS music app. It allows you to completely customize the toolbar on the bottom. If you want that toolbar to show buttons for album, artist, genre, store then you can have it. If I want the toolbar to show playlists, genre, podcasts, artist then that's what I get. It works just like WP7 where the toolbar presents x amount of items, then there is a 'more' button which lets you access the rest. IMO, something like these is needed even more in WP7 than it is in iOS. In iOS, the typical method for separating the sections of your app is the toolbar/tab-bar along the bottom. In WP7 it's the pivot control that typically fills this role. In iOS, unneeded icons merely add visual clutter in an area of the screen that would otherwise be unused. In WP7, unneeded entries in the pivot control increase the time it takes to get where you want to be (since you need to swipe through them) and also limit the amount of items you can quickly jump to (because their text is pushed off the screen so you can't just tap the heading).

Also, regarding snapping in the app switcher, the problem is that they still haven't removed snapping. They just significantly reduced the friction. If they completely removed snapping then that would be fine because the app switcher would work like the home screen; you need to tap it and stop the animation before you can click a tile. But that's not how it works right now. When you tap the cards while they're moving they don't stop, they just slowly animate into their snapped position. While they're animating into their snapped position they're still unresponsive. The home screen has taught me to flick, then double tap (one tap to stop motion, the second to activate tile). If your try this in the app switcher nothing will happen. Depending how far a card is from its snapped position you can sometimes tap 3 times and still not switch to the app. The problem is that the animation and snapping is so subtle that it's easy to mistake this behavior for unresponsiveness.
I actually don't care about the separate volume for the headphone jack and speaker. I found it to be annoying on the iPhone as many times I had the headphone output volume maxed out for car use. Then I would take out the jack and it would drop back to speaker volume and I would go about my business. However, when I plugged my headphones in to watch a video the volume would be blaring since it was last used in the car. So, if you use both the car and headphones, it really doesn't solve anything.
I also hate the omission of the forward and find on page options. I didn't use them that often, but I was glad they were there. I also kinda miss the favorites button, again, because I jump between sites often.

I agree with you 100%. I will miss the Forward button, especially if the Recent option doesn't allow you to get to those pages. But, I will be angry if Find on page is completely removed from IE. There are some times when I am looking something up and the page that comes up is very long, so I want to jump to the part of the page where the word or phrase I am looking for shows up. Common pages I use this feature on are Forums and Wikipedia articles.
Then, the removal of Forward and Find on Page from Internet Explorer just made it worse.

Did they really remove Find on Page? Is that option gone now or just moved to another menu? I love Find on Page, that's one of my biggest complaints about the iPhone's browser is you can't search pages for keywords.


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