What I DON?T Like About Mango

"Find on page" is completely gone. And before someone asks, no the hardware search button doesn't work for this as it's purpose is to take you to Bing now.

I am not good with Javascript else I'd make a bookmarklet to replicate the feature. At least IE9 doesn't give me an error message when I try to create one. Of course, I'm assuming that means it'll let me make one. Also, the iPhone will let you find items via a bookmarklet. It's not ideal, but it works.
first off, just wanted to point out i noted at the top of this post these are just my personal opinions, so yes a lot of it is subjective and personal, but with that said...

Yeah, no hostility here. We're all just throwing around opinions here.

the issue i have with this is not so much the naming, but the ability to text a mobile number.. if i classify someone's work cell as 'work 2' (rather than a 'mobile 2') i do not get the option to quickly text that number on their contact card.

In mango, the contact card only shows "text+chat", not a specific number to text - so there is no quick texting of specific numbers. Upon tapping text-chat, it opens the conversation window, which defaults to the mobile number. If you want to text a cell phone you've named "work 2", you hit "switch" and another screen shows up with "text mobile" (the default), and Messenger or facebook accounts. Another item there is "more phone numbers" - with that you can text any of the numbers you have for that person, including 'work 2'.

I'm not arguing it is the best UI nav paradigm, but in terms of what you want to do, its just a different name. One could argue that they should expose multiple mobile numbers (ie text capable; maybe even google voice) directly from the contact card in order to save you some steps. I think this is a bit of an outlier though. It would kind of make the concept of combined messaging more awkward - you'd have multiple mobile numbers on the contact card to text, should you be consistent and directly show all their messaging accounts as well? Maybe. I don't know.

really disagree here. if i'm shuffling i do not care which tracks are coming up next. it makes much more sense (as in every other instance including WMP, iTunes and the Zune software itself) to have the shuffle just jump around the list one is listening to.

i often like to play an album on shuffle, but at times want to go play a specific track within. it is much more intuitive to have the tracks displayed in the same order they are on the actual album.. it may not seem that big of a deal for albums of about 10-15 songs, but when playing an artist (tracks listed alphabetically) or playlists (tracks listed custom ordered) with 20, 30, 50+ songs it makes going back to a specific song incredibly tedious.

also (as mentioned), it just goes against convention and serves essentially no benefit.. i have heard this complaint from quite a few people already and i feel it is likely to just annoy and confuse end-users (especially those who rely on well crafted playlists).

Good point, but I have to say I do like to know the upcoming tracks. Very often I'll have mine on shuffle, and hit a track I'm just not into at the moment. I'll look at the upcoming tracks and pick the upcoming track I most feel like listening to. It often spares me from hitting "next" multiple times on occasions that it shuffles a series of songs I don't care to hear right now.

Honestly, it ought to be simple enough to show a "sort order" button on the track list - which would be ideal.
I actually don't care about the separate volume for the headphone jack and speaker. I found it to be annoying on the iPhone as many times I had the headphone output volume maxed out for car use. Then I would take out the jack and it would drop back to speaker volume and I would go about my business. However, when I plugged my headphones in to watch a video the volume would be blaring since it was last used in the car. So, if you use both the car and headphones, it really doesn't solve anything.

True, but I'd love to be able to tap the volume indicator to change "modes" - say headphone profile or car profile and set different sound levels for each.
The only thing I don't like about the drawer is that it ducks out of the way of content at times. Having two drawer heights... maybe it's forward-thinking but I just hate the inconsistency of it. I also worry about how easy it'll be to tap it on a screen smaller than 4", but then again I guess if you buy a device with that screen size you're comfortable with the on-screen elements being a certain size.

i totatally agree on this point! its just messy and inconsistent

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