What is going on with wc??????

Progress! Links are now working.

Still seeing the "Only secure content is display" warning though?
@GioLogist, I know you are trying hard to fix a number of different issues, but just to let you know the issue below still persists.


> When I click on the WindowsCentral logo (top of page). This action takes me to the HOME Page (see below)

View attachment 136723

> Once on the HOME Page, there is no way to get back to the forum section (no response from the vertical navigation menu (in pink, on left - see pic above)

Only way I can get back to the forum section from here is to:

> type 'login' into the search box, and hit 'magnifying glass' icon (NOTE: hitting 'enter', at this point does not yield the 'horizontal bar' with the icons at top of page...must hit the 'magnifying glass' icon )

> this action brings up the icons in the horizontal bar at top of page.

> I can then click on the 'thought bubble' icon.

> this action will show my 'Your Menu' Box...for there I can get back into the forums.

(Build 15063.483, on EDGE, from a SurfaceBook)

Update: @David Lundblad, I tried to:

1.) Shutdown Edge and restarted, to see if fix kicked in...no Luck!

2.) Exited out of WindowCentral and re-opened, to see if that would kick in the fix...again, no Luck!

Also, when re-opening WindowsCentral, it takes me directly to the HOME Page, which means I can not get to the forums unless I follow the method above.
yes there still trouble with the hamburger menu drop down box upper left... when the box opens up after clicking the hamburger menu none of the links work in the square box...
So I tried to log in from the forum main page. Hit the log in button > go to passport page > details filled in > log in button to submit credentials...

The tab shows the loading circle in gray (meaning it is trying to establish a connection) and it just spins and spins. Meanwhile the log in button is grayed out so you can't click it again.

But I'm used to that (and isn't that sad that I just assume having this error is par for the course) so I refresh the page. Try again. Same carp. Try again. Token expired. Back to the forum main page. Click on the Windows Central in the top bar and go to the blog.

Dismiss the nag to turn off ad blocker. (NOPE, you'll have to pry it out of my cold dead hand.)

So I want to log in from the blog main page and I get this.


It still exists and it isn't just IE/Edge because I use Iron which is Chromium based.

So back to the forum main page, fight with the passport page not connecting, get a Bad Gateway error in there somewhere. Finally... after too many attempts for me to remember (and at least 5 minutes steady effort) I get logged in.

How many people just give up and go away I wonder...
Urgh that sucks - I understand you want to run the ad blocker but unfortunately the only way right now to use the burger menu to log in is to turn the ad blocker off and then once logged in you can turn it back on.

We'll look at adding a link elsewhere on the page for logging in where ad blockers cant break it.

We can't develop for Ad Blockers in mind the way the state of the industry is at the moment as that will be all we do. They change the rules constantly so it's a game of whack-a-mole.
For me, hamburger and forums link on the left side of home page don't work (Win 10 Cu and Edge, latest versions). When I eventually get to a forum page, the hamburger menu and the forum link do work. Have to sign-in that way.
Hi! Before the last WC update, one could track the replies to a post after logging in and pressing the upper left button. Do you know if there's a way to do the same on the new layout? (If you don't want to be notified by e-mail)

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