I know it's not directly a 10 Anniversary issue, but Skype needs sorting and sorting fast, I used skype years ago then last spring I decided to use it to keep our family together, and although I have persevered it has to be said it has been bloody hard work, we have Xbox Ones, my wife had a Surface 2 (Now has my SP1), I had a SP1 and now a SP3, we have windows phones and a desktop. My daughters use I phones and Macs
The interface was different on almost ever device, no pictures would show on he Surface 2, then Skype decided to ditch the tablet version so making Skype almost unusable on tablets (you try the desktop version on one, its crap) then they came out with the "New apps", then finally they ditched that idea and announced finally what most users wanted, a universal app, but so many people have given up on Skype and I am having massive trouble keeping my family using it.
The sooner the UA comes out the better, and it really has to work out of the box or I am dropping it and become another dead account that you can't close................