What pains you most in Windows Phone?

Nokia must release a true flagship phone that competes directly with the best Android and Apple devices both on paper and in real life. This means the latest technology, in every aspect. Not because the phone needs it(since Windows tends to be more efficient) but because it impresses the normal man.

That won't do much good until this is accomplished:

Work on polishing the platform to make it look nice and be more functional. Make it faster, make it even more personalized.

In my thinking, this part is infinitely more important than stunning hardware.
Unsupported features. For example, USB On-The-Go. It has received well over 10,000 votes on uservoice by now. What makes this even more painful is the fact it is supported by the hardware. So it feels kind of like having bought a new computer mouse that you especially like, only to find out later that there exists no device driver software for Windows to get it to actually work, while, on top of that, none of the other popular OS choices have been having any such trouble for years.
The fact that most users don't have a clue how to use Windows Phone properly.. That's what pains me the most, as is illustrated by the threads about problems and 'lack of features'. Funny that I've never had a single problem with any WP device I have owned - 5 in total now...
Maybe I'm using the phone wrong....
My bank is not on here(citizens bank) but I'm just connected to mint.com that I really like but still can't deposit a check and Xbox music really sucks right now and I'm subscribed to it for 6 more months. That's about it for me, 8.1 made it alot better.
If not finding any problems means you're using the phones wrong...than you're doing something right, haha. I understand what you mean. I found a guy talking about all of his tiny little problems with Windows Phones. Even quite a few big ones. And every single on was exactly what had been fixed in 8.1. All of them. I had a good laugh at him.
I think that a big issue is that there are no comprehensive parental controls aimed at TEENAGERS and young adults. Yes, kids corner is a great feature for those letting kids play with their phones, but there is no website filtering for teens and young adults who could easily get on to some sketchy websites. Some parents I've spoken to find that this is a deal-breaker, and when I have heard the number of teenagers interested in "those awesome Nokias with Xbox built-in!!" I'm surprised Microsoft is not addressing this key demographic. There are filtered apps available for Windows Phone, but any smart teenager will just ignore them and use Internet Explorer which contains no blocking functionalities whatsoever. I think this is Microsoft's own pride, since they really really want people to use IE only. I'm fine with it, but I'm not the only one who has a Windows Phone. They've got to think about everything to get people who don't have one or are considering one to jump on board.
I know WP is very limited OS, don't care about apps. Been using it since Lumia 710 came out, and the restrictions were/are such a pain, you couldn't send videos on WhatsApp though even now mp3 is not supported (I know mp4 formatting trick) for sending and saving.
So here what I don't like still
-Viber is the worst along with Skype.
-Office never gets update
-blah blah
-and the most important (for me) is I can't move WhatsApp chat history from one device to another (yes I know about SD card but none of my phones, three, have it)
As I am very casual with my smartphone use, the music player is my only strong complaint. I miss the old player, and wish they'd make the new one usable.
The fact that most users don't have a clue how to use Windows Phone properly.. That's what pains me the most, as is illustrated by the threads about problems and 'lack of features'. Funny that I've never had a single problem with any WP device I have owned - 5 in total now...
Maybe I'm using the phone wrong....
You are using the phone wrong.

I am not just talking about hooking up a portable external harddrive via USB. Take a look on Head-Fi forum. Tons of people there are using their phones as a player for High Resolution Audio content on a portable, battery powered USB DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter) with a built-in or separate headphone amplifier. A discussion thread titled 'Enable USB audio on any Android 4.0 smartphone/tablet' on AVS Forum can also be found about this subject. Not everyone wants to listen to mp3 sound with cheap earbuds plugged directly into a phone, and not everyone wants to buy a portable DAP (Digital Audio Player) instead of a portable USB DAC/amp that hooks up to a phone.

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Core OS functionality (access, file browsing, especially restriction on ability to access even user specific data either directly or via API) is restrictive, limiting the ability for users to do what they want with their data.

It's not the number of apps in the market for me, but the glaring lack of feature parity in what's available that frustrates me mostly.
Having to listen to all the people knock my phone because it's windows. I then have to explain to them that I use Andriod, iOS and Windows on a daily basis. And what I use because I simply prefer it the most is Windows. I will say that since it's a 1520 I get a lot of compliments as well.
Having to listen to all the people knock my phone because it's windows. I then have to explain to them that I use Andriod, iOS and Windows on a daily basis. And what I use because I simply prefer it the most is Windows. I will say that since it's a 1520 I get a lot of compliments as well.

usually, if it's a IOS user and they say "you phone sucks! Its a windows and Nokia!" then they know nothing about phones...you can call them out ;-).
It bugs me big time that sky and Virgin media still haven't developed apps on WP 8.1 enabling streaming / catchup tv!! Freakin useless! Wireless printing needs adding to OS! So does USB on the go!
Most Lumias actually have it (52x,625,1320) for example. There are more, but those are just examples. The 620 doesn't because it wouldn't really work due to the way the headphone socket is part of the back case. Instead we got NFC.

You must have mistook the fm radio for fm transmitter. Both are completely different altogether.
It "pains me" when I go back to Androids puzzling complex, with unnecessarily tiny menu options, podcast players and music players, etc. Sorry, but I'm gonna support the no-nonsense Windows Phone user interface. Its' ease of navigation really is a long term asset.

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