What pains you most in Windows Phone?

The good news: I have to think hard to remember any real annoyances. :)

Biggest pain point: the random (?) overheating and battery drain. Had it on my 920, 1020, and 1520, and it seems worse since Cortana. And related, the lack of a good task manager (process level) or better power monitor to pinpoint the origin of the overheating. Because it's not evident from the limited battery saver list.

Other than that I could have really used the ability to hook up a bluetooth keyboard a while back.
Battery consumption (seriously it uses too much juice when using minor programs like browsing or music streaming)

Lack of more detailed customization options and mgmt tools (hope this keeps expanding)

Just wish we got the BIG apps, not all but like clash of clans, game dev story and flipboard would be awesome.
IE - not keeping the render of last page so reloading every time (not great if you have slow connection which is most of the time when commuting) - same problem in W8 IE as well.
MUSIC - can't play an album in the right order or load any artwork
Battery - random emptying of charge and running hot (L820)
my 920's
battery life

no true multi tasking
inconsistency like removal of background in photo hub
xbox music

the touch office like on the ipad is nowhere to be seen
no improvement on skype
If you asked this question on an iOS site, you would, probably get responses like:

'the biggest issue is that the iPhone is so perfect that I'm afraid it can't get any better'.

On Android:

'the biggest issue is that not everybody is on Android'.

I agree that many of the issues, here, are valid, bit the majority are just whining.
Windows Phone is just not finished, it doesn't feel complete as the other OS's. I sorta miss Blackberry 10 after fighting with the damn email app on 8.1. It's useless. I'm enjoying this 1020 but boy I should've kept the Z10 for my emails.
I agree that it's just not finished. On my 5 years old Sony Ericsson T700, voicemail notifications showed the contact name of the caller instead of the phone number, whereas on Windows Phone 8.1 these notifications do not even include the option to immediately dial my voicemail, so it feels kinda like the communications device Steven Spielberg's E.T. had been using in the movie.
Some apps don't allow the notification bar to be revealed. O guess it doesn't matter with 8.1 now but Jesus this bugs me.
For playing all video format you have to pay which is free in other os.that pains me.

It's not just the player.
Many games & apps which are paid in WP but free on other OS.

For example WPCentral own app is free on Android which is more informative , functional & better UI than WPCentral(for WP) paid app.

So, WP not just cost you more but also have inferior quality than competing OS.

This pains me most.
Higher price and yet inferior quality than free apps/games in competing OS.
It's not just the player.
Many games & apps which are paid in WP but free on other OS.

For example WPCentral own app is free on Android which is more informative , functional & better UI than WPCentral(for WP) paid app.

So, WP not just cost you more but also have inferior quality than competing OS.

This pains me most.
Higher price and yet inferior quality than free apps/games in competing OS.


And although I understand that most apps are free on google because ad model and more market share, Microsoft could or should at least enforce quality on apps for which users are paying.
Which ones? I have yet to see an app block the bar... even things that should like games.

Games like Rayman don't show the status bar. Beem music and myappfree for instance do not show the status bar. There are others I just forget right now.
Also using the cursor is super glitchy in third party apps. Most likely the fault of the developer buts its annoying.
What pains you most in Windows Phone?

Frankly not much.
One specific carrier feature that is troublesome.

...well the nitpicking gets a bit tiresome ... yet that happens with everything when humans are involved.

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