What the hell is wrong with the world...

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Judging a mobile OS upon it's app ecosystem isn't a great idea. I'm a fan of WP because it's simplicity and comparatives to it's desktop counterpart and in terms of apps; it's not great but I'm sticking with it. Many 'large company' developers are becoming very lazy towards WP recently - Kik, Instagram, Vine haven't been updated in a while now and that's whats also pushing people away. It's up to Microsoft to convince developers and publishers to return, or us in huge numbers to personally convince them if Microsoft are not going to take action.

I have to ask: Can you read? I said that there hasn't been a Microsoft/Nokia flagship on AT&T. HTC isn't Microsoft/Nokia. The 930 isn't on AT&T. Why do you keep trying to bring it up?

"if you don't agree with it why are you sharing your opinion?"

The epitome of my complaint: You're basically looking for a bunch of like-minded sheep to come stroke your ego. You don't want a discussion, you want blind agreement.

English is not native language so probably I don't know...give you that one.
I was answering to the post that I quote and not what o wrote on all thread.
Yes I wanna a healthy discussion. I did not insult anyone, but if I did I ask a moderator the delete this thread and basically you are the one insulting anyone. So if you don't like the way I express my self I invite you to the next time not follow any thread that I began.
I am aware that in the US the 930 is called an Icon. Why not just switch to a service provider that sells the Icon? The fact that not every provider stocks it does not mean it is suddenly not a flagship.

Thing is, in the US Windows phones are not what the public want. This will mean fewer service providers carry them, but you can always switch. Also, you can buy an Icon on ebay I'm sure.

I still don't understand why a phone suddenly ceases to be a flagship because one or two service providers don't sell it. Weird logic.

The Lumia Icon is not the same as the 930, its CDMA and I need a GSM phone because I travel. I also don't think it makes sense to have to jump back and forth between carriers. I had a L925 with ATT and their network is superior in my area, and I don't want to go through the hassle of switching providers every year. Who wants to do that?
The Lumia Icon is not the same as the 930, maybe you don't know what CDMA is. I need a GSM phone because I travel. I also would like to use LTE in the US because its not 2011 anymore. Is this too much to ask?

Are you still having problems with 'weird logic' or have you backed yourself into a corner.

The Icon is the same phone as the 930...that was his point. It's just a different variant that just so happens to be named differently (another example of the chaos that is the Lumia line)
The Icon is the same phone as the 930...that was his point. It's just a different variant that just so happens to be named differently (another example of the chaos that is the Lumia line)

He's trying to say that because the 'lumia flagship' is available on 1 out of the 4 major providers in the USA that somehow the onus is upon WP users in the US to switch to Verizon. That is the most ridiculous "solution" to the problem of MS not properly releasing the flagship in the US. So next year will I have to switch to sprint? Or maybe T-mobile?

At least with the iPhone and iPhone 3g you knew that you would have to get ATT, no doubt about it. But apparently if you want the windows phone flagship you have to roll the dice with each release. This is fantastic!
He's trying to say that because the 'lumia flagship' is available on 1 out of the 4 major providers in the USA that somehow the onus is upon WP users in the US to switch to Verizon. That is the most ridiculous "solution" to the problem of MS not properly releasing the flagship in the US. So next year will I have to switch to sprint? Or maybe T-mobile?

At least with the iPhone and iPhone 3g you knew that you would have to get ATT, no doubt about it. But apparently if you want the windows phone flagship you have to roll the dice with each release. This is fantastic!

Oh I totally agree that switching carriers to get a phone is ridiculous...coming from a Verizon user p!ssed off that I could never get a 1020 or 1520, and that we were stuck with the 928.

I was just pointing out that the Icon is still the "same" phone though. And all the crazy different names and variants for essentially the same phone (or even the same phone in the 930/Icon's case) needs to end. Release the same phone, same name, across the board...of course with different network variants. That's how it needs to be done, and that would automatically cut the confusion and simplify their lineup
He's trying to say that because the 'lumia flagship' is available on 1 out of the 4 major providers in the USA that somehow the onus is upon WP users in the US to switch to Verizon. That is the most ridiculous "solution" to the problem of MS not properly releasing the flagship in the US. So next year will I have to switch to sprint? Or maybe T-mobile?

At least with the iPhone and iPhone 3g you knew that you would have to get ATT, no doubt about it. But apparently if you want the windows phone flagship you have to roll the dice with each release. This is fantastic!

that's right there should not be any carrier exclusive
Oh I totally agree that switching carriers to get a phone is ridiculous...coming from a Verizon user p!ssed off that I could never get a 1020 or 1520, and that we were stuck with the 928.

I was just pointing out that the Icon is still the "same" phone though. And all the crazy different names and variants for essentially the same phone (or even the same phone in the 930/Icon's case) needs to end. Release the same phone, same name, across the board...of course with different network variants. That's how it needs to be done, and that would automatically cut the confusion and simplify their lineup

The icon is almost the same phone as the L930. A lot of us see GSM as a feature, and although the icon has an unlocked slot it's the wonkiest sim in the world to get to work with many carriers (not just in the US). If you can get LTE to work then something else wont, like visual voicemail, MMS, intermittent signal, etc. But that isn't surprising, Verizon obviously doesn't want it to be used with any other network, they just can't legally lock the LTE.
Oh I totally agree that switching carriers to get a phone is ridiculous...

Especially considering that carrier coverage varies depending on your location. I still don't understand why these exclusive deals are allowed or even considered.
I have been a faithful WP user for a very long time but recently I almost have up on the platform. I'm not a big app user, but the few I do want (SiriusXM, my bank, my retail stores, etc) are not available. And of the ones that are, they don't get as much attention as their Apple and Android counterparts. I've also had a major problem with not being able to use a Bluetooth keyboard. I'm not too crazy about the on-screen keyboard. I've found that Amazon's Fire tablets have far better on-screen keyboards. The main thing that kept me with WP was what drew me in in the first place -- the home screen and live tiles. There's just nothing like them on any other mobile OS.

For a long time I just dealt with the limitations, but about two weeks ago I decided I'd had enough and began comparing Android phones. But with all the announcements I've decided to stick with Windows until 10 comes out. If my complaints aren't solved, then I may jump to another platform, but I REALLY don't want to.

I do know that I will be picking up a folding keyboard the day they are released :)
It looks like this thread has run its course. If you have ideas about what Windows Phone needs, please post here. If you're switching platforms, please post here.
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