oh really? no offense but I think Microsoft is an awesome company and I care much more for them then I do for Google, Apple or Samsung... I've been a daily Windows user for more than 15 years now and it has ALWAYS served me well. I won't say that it's absolute perfect but NONE of them are. Microsoft's platform (together with awesome 3rd party tools) provides me with the things I need to create websites, edit photographs and more and more other things.
I always love it when people give a good well-documented opinion
that's why it's called a discussion. There wouldn't be a discussion if there weren't differences in opinion. That's the entire point of a forum.
Why is everyone so focussed on that entire flagship thing? As if the market would explode if MS would release a flagship phone now? Not going to happen. And you can't blame MS for not having a flagship in 2,5 years. How long was it since they acquired Nokia? Do you have any idea what such a takeover needs/means for a business even like Microsoft? I actually consider my Lumia 930 a flagship if you really want it. Great battery life, awesomes performance, WHAT A CAMERA
I switched from an HTC One m7 to my Lumia 930 and haven't regretted that a single second.
My 2 cents